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Saturday July 6

to be opened at 3pm by Dr. Thelwall Jones


procession at 2pm !

Liverpool Police Dogs Display

Fancy Dress Parade

Sideshows Refreshments

Band of The Cheshire Yeomanry

The Quarry Men Skiffle Group

adults 6d./children 3d./or by programme



at 8pm in the Church Hall





tickets 2/-

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I think it happened in uhhh...'56? I'm guessing.


Hey, John, if some left-handed kid walks up bragging that he can play "20 flight rock" don't listen to him. He's a poser.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Must have been 1957. The year I was born.


Dak, "The Quarrymen" was John Lennon's skiffle band. That picnic at Woolton is where he met Paul McCartney. Coming up on a 50th anniversary of that event in a couple of years. Unfathomable...I'll be 50 too.



"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Yes, indeed, 'twas a blast from the past (not "future games", as Audio M wondered)...not quite 50 years though, that's coming---get yer shoes on!!


After all the festivities (Police Dog Parade! Whoo-Hoo!) this not-quite-14 year-old kid wanders up, watching me & m'mates rocking out on "Come, little baby, come & go with me" (my revamped lyrics "...down to the penitentiary"....hey, couldn't get the vocals off the beat-up second-hand single & all those American songs are blues, right? Gotta work some jail references in!).

He does look like he's posing, peeping out the sides of his eyes to see who's noticing him.


We take a break for a couple pints Colin smuggled into the Church Hall & he asks to see my guitar.

Ok, kid, have at it!


Uh-oh...he can actually play it!

Plus he knows how to tune it (all I knew was some banjo chords from my Mum, so my guitar was in an open G).


I hone in, leaning over his shoulder & slur, "Thass pre''y goo'...play some more..." (hey, I'm only a teenager, too, the ale's quite effective!).


That was a good thing...but soon he's draggin' his pip-squeek pal---even younger &, truth, not nearly as good as Paulie yet---over to our practice sessions...I put up with it because besides our commaraderie, Mac's got the only drums around (wotta a thief!) &, though he's younger, he's really quite crafty & ambitious (years later he tells our first manager---right in front of the rest of us& after pretending disinterest---"Whether or not you take us lot on, Mr Epstein, I want a manager, cause I'm gonna be a star."


Yada-yada; Wot a world!

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