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Wrong VS. Right

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I believe there is such thing as absolute evil and also absolute good. To me, absolute evil is self (or group) serving at the expense of others, and, well, I guess I'd have to say absolute good was helping others in need with little thought to one's own safety, just because it was the thing to do.


Thereby, an example of absolute evil (by my definition) would be the serial killer who abducts, tortures, and kills innocent children to serve his own desires. This translates to Hitler as well... If he had only been trying to rebuild Germany, he could have been a saint (or something), but he had to do it at the expense of others (Jews, Poles, Gypsies, those with physical and mental deformities).


An example of absolute good would be the worker who flies off to some country devastated by natural disaster to lend a hand rebuild the country, or deliver needed medical aid or the like, in the face of his own possible death by an oppressive regime, disease, or what have you. Even knowing that he'll experience things he may not want to (the smell of death, seeing those he can't help die)...

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Originally posted by Bbach of Bismarck, son of Peter:

Originally posted by Angelo Clematide:



but if any one strikes you on the RIGHT cheek, turn to him the other also

But when it comes to getting hit, both cheeks are the wrong cheek.
No exactly, i mean you can give him two hit advance before you knock him out with one RIGHT!!! RIGHT???
-Peace, Love, and Potahhhhto
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Originally posted by Tedster:

I believe there is such thing as absolute evil and also absolute good.

Unfortunately, I feel you are right. I hate to believe in absolute evil. I don't like to think it exits. But why kid ourselves. It's out there. How else can you explain some of the things that humans do?



Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.

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I agree with you too. However as crazy as many of us would view the Nazis and their acts, many of them knew they were doing the "right" thing. I only use them as an example because to me that is pure evil.


And just as there is pure evil, there is pure love. So it balances itself out and I know in the end, love conquers all.

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Pure evil, pure love are the extremes. They exist.


But there's a lot in between that, as with any continuum. One mistake that some people make (not necessarily anyone posting in this thread) is not recognizing that and seeing things as polarized instead of nuanced, and not recognizing that things are often far more complex. But this recognition aids in understanding other people's motivations and reasons for doing what they do. This makes it easier to love instead of hate.

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Originally posted by Tedster:

You're right, Angelo. Jesus never said what to do after that last one. Open for interpretation... :D

Cross me once and I'll forgive you

Cross me twice and it gets hard

Cross me three times and just remember I'm no Christ... I'm no Christ

Am I the animal, am I the enemy?


Mike Knott - I Am No Christ




(From the Blonde Vinyl album "Screaming Brittle Siren", which IMO, is one of the most "honest" CCM albums ever released, and which yours truely is quite proud to have been an engineer on. ;) )


Of course, the Bible does address this issue a bit further: Peter asks Jesus how many times he should forgive someone... "Seven times?" and Jesus responds "no - seventy times seven". (MATTHEW 18:21-22) While some might think that after the 490th time, you can clock 'em, I think what Jesus meant was that we should forgive without limitation. :)


But as Mike points out, that's pretty difficult, and it's something that humans tend to struggle with. Hardly the lyrical position of most "Christian" albums, and the fact that he honestly addresses issues of that sort always made Mike a very special artist in his genre to me.

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Originally posted by Philip O'Keefe:

I think what Jesus meant was that we should forgive without limitation.

Of course Philip, i was just joking with the words. I stay away from violent situations, and go around them as soon they appear on the horizont, but that needs the talent to do so.

I meet people who too often become victim of violent situations as a victim, as if they attract it!


I had the feeling this needed a bit more concentation while i was in LA. I remember a situation at a red light. In front of me a pickup truck. He didn't drive when the light turned green, so i horned. Two agreesive punks got out of the car, and came to my car with iron sticks in their hands, and asked: "was that you who horned" i replied "no it was the car behind me" and laughed, they laughed too and left. I have absolutley no need to play Dirty Harry in situations like that.



-Peace, Love, and Potahhhhto
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