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Steinbergs can of worms?

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I'm sure most of you have seen the discussions regarding their recent controversy on other forums,here's the KVR thread for instance. www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=91771 Since I have no knowledge of coding software I won't make any claims on how software can be coded into protection and it's affect on performance in that regard,but I will say that I decided not to upgrade Nuendo from 1.6 to 2.0 when the USB dongle was introduced and was put off by forum complaints about performance and instability and the moderators advice to upgrade our systems.I almost feel bad about what their probably going through now but at the same time when your priorites as a company are not in your customers best interest and only your own the can of worms will eventually open unfortunately.
"A Robot Playing Trumpet Blows"
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I still have win 98 and Nuendo 1.6

Works great and rock solid.

If it ain't broke, I ain't fixin it.

Of course it's only for the studio DAW, no internet access, email or other programs.

There's 2 other XP workstations for video, internet and work related stuff.

1.6 is one of the best (not buggy) versions.

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That's what I have, a 1.6 version and last night I was pondering wether to add it back in the new machine alongside Samplitude...





Label on the reverb, inside 1973 Ampeg G-212: "Folded Line Reverberation Unit" Manufactured by beautiful girls in Milton WIS. under controlled atmosphere conditions.
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I've been running Nuendo 3 for a couple of months now. My system experienced a few failures in the middle of sessions -- what a pain. But since I updated with the recent PTF's (patches) I haven't had even one failure, and the CPU performance seems to have dropped (it's performing better).


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There have been enough problems over the years with dongles that I have decided to buy no app that is dongle protected until it gets to the point where most of the apps I needuse dongles - then I will buy a separate computer just for the dongled software. But that will be a few years down the road, if ever...
Dasher - don't ask me about those other reindeer, all I can tell you is Comet's in the sink!
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Hmmm..I have been using Steinberg's products for several years now (Cubase and Nuendo).


In my rough estimation, this is probably the 100,001 time I have seen someone complaining about the USB dongle.


My PC has many, many USB ports available. I leave the Steinberg dongle in, and presto--it works!


(never had any problems with the dongle--Nuendo 2.0 itself, now THAT's another story...)


Not to be critical of you, Alndln, but dude--what is your point?

Steve Force,

Durham, North Carolina


My Professional Websites

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Originally posted by forceman:

Not to be critical of you, Alndln, but dude--what is your point?

I think I made it clear the first time.Steinberg's priority is copy protection over performance and stability wether the protection works or not.That simple.
"A Robot Playing Trumpet Blows"
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Originally posted by Alndln:

Originally posted by forceman:

Not to be critical of you, Alndln, but dude--what is your point?

I think I made it clear the first time.Steinberg's priority is copy protection over performance and stability wether the protection works or not.That simple.

Steve Force,

Durham, North Carolina


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Originally posted by forceman:


Really? Wether or not the crackers are correct in stating that over 40-50% of their script is wrapped in protection code resuting in 50% less performance or not,the performance hit is coming from somewhere as proved by Sascha Franck's(creator of Fish Fillet Plugins and plugin programmer at Magix/Samplitude)tests.Another thing that is far from nonesense is the performance hit as soon as the USB dongle was introduced reprted by members of both Cubase and Nuendo forums and begrudgingly aknowledged by moderators of both forums.Even if none of this were true,imposing a dongle for protection when the USB spec was barely reaching 2.0 is not exactly putting the cutomers best interest as a priority to say the least.Nonsense? Hardly.
"A Robot Playing Trumpet Blows"
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You miss my point.


Crackers are trying to steal revenue from Steinberg/Yamaha.


If your issue is performance/stability that is one thing, but larceny is another.


I have legal versions of Steinberg products, and except for my MAJOR issues with Nuendo 2.0, have been satisfied.



Steve Force,

Durham, North Carolina


My Professional Websites

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SX2 over here with the USB dongle and it's as rock solid stable as can be.


Actually, since switching to PC, I haven't had any stability related problems with Cubase at all. Just a FW related issue with the PowerCore and since 1.94PB drivers were installed (and now 1.95), that problem is history as well.


I bought the Music XPC though. One great computer. Les is a genius.

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Current stability isn't really the issue at hand,but resources between versions are,like the difference in CPU/memory etc. between versions before the USB dongles and current versions.And it's not wether using a USB dongle that's at issue here either(as Sacha Frank proved with comparisons to Logic)but wether or not the crackers claims that most the programs recent code(as of 3.0 in both programs) is wrapped in protection resulting in a loss of performance compared to other apps,or wether those claims are false.The real test would be loading the same project in lets say Nuendo 1.6(or even 2.0) and Nuendo 3.0(or SX2-3.0) side by side on identical machines then compare.
"A Robot Playing Trumpet Blows"
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Nuendo 3 has been pretty stable for me. Same as versions 1.6 & 2. Never had a dongle or performance problem at all. Maybe it has to do with my insistence of having my DAW done by the experts (Soundchaser and ADK).
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