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If by any chance you do use Outlook, which tends to be a widely used program, I'll try to walk you through...


It sounds like you may to need to reconfigure your email client to be congenial with your server.

You can take the man away from his music, but you can't take the music out of the man.


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Sweetwater: Bruce Swedien\'s "Make Mine Music"

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Anifa asks--------->Bruce, What email client do you use??? Do you use Outlook or Outlook Express, or do you have a Mac version of an email client?


Brucie tries to answer--------->Anifa - Please forgive my ignorance. What is an email client?


Bruce Swedien



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See, e-mail is digital. It's a message from the gods that you should use analog mail. :D


Seriously, if you can send and receive, the alert triangle message is a leftover from your previous problem, and should be gone the next time you power up after you sign out and power down.

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Billster sez--------->See, e-mail is digital. It's a message from the gods that you should use analog mail.


Brucie sez------>I love mail that you can just stick stamps on!!!!


Billster sez--------->Seriously, if you can send and receive, the alert triangle message is a leftover from your previous problem, and should be gone the next time you power up after you sign out and power down.


Brucie sez------>I can send and recieve email from my Web mail Page on earhtlink just fine. Except for the fact that it is a real pain-in-the-ass!!!


However, I have powered up and down several times and that G--D--- disgusting little triangle is still there and my Explorer email does not work.


Thanks for your help....


Bruce Swedien

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I noticed Bruce, your last email to me, it used to say "From Bruce Swedien" and now it simply says your email address.


On email, you can either use e-links web email or you can use a "pop server" for your email like mozilla, outlook, outlook express, etc.


I rather suspect that you need to give your service a call and have them walk you through the "accounts set-up" routine. They could have changed the address of the "pop mail" and screwed up a bunch of folks.


In an email client, you can have several "accounts" that are possible to set up. My service gives me 7 different accounts. A call to customer service may be the next logical step. the last time mine fouled up is when my service changed from .com to .net


I had to be walked through the process. My local office (where I pay my cable bill) walked me right through it.


The course of action would be to tell them "my pop mail account is screwed up, could you walk me through the set-up procedure, and I use a Mac.

Bill Roberts Precision Mastering

-----------Since 1975-----------

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An email client is the program that opens up your email content and allows your to read it.



Step 1. Open your Outlook email client

Step 2. On the first line of your toolbar locate at the top of the page; click on "tools"

Step 3. In the drop down menu from "tools" click on "E-mail Accounts"

Step 4. In the pop up window, under the heading of "E-mail" select "view or change existing email accounts"

Step 5. Select "Change"

Step 6. Make sure that all of the information listed is correct. (And be SURE to spell out your entire email address in the "USER" box under "Logon Information"... this has caused me the same problem as what you are having... the same triangle box with !)


If you do not know your Server Information, you will need to find this out from both your Host (if you use as specialized domain like I do) and your ISP provider. If you just use Earthlink for both the incoming and outgoing mails, you'll probably only need to make one phone call. These settings have to be exact or the service will malfunction.



Step 7. Once you have ensured the information is correct in all the boxes, then click the "Test Account Settings" button. This will ping the server and give you a report as to whether the settings were accepted. I will give you a green check mark and say "complete" if the test passed all necessary inputs; if not, the test results will come back with a red X and say "failed."

You can take the man away from his music, but you can't take the music out of the man.


Books by Craig Anderton through Amazon


Sweetwater: Bruce Swedien\'s "Make Mine Music"

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My suggeston, if you're using Outlook or Outlook Express (is that crap available for mac too?) is to download, install and use Thunderbird for MAC

You won't regret the move and it's easy to learn and use.


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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The general consensus is that I need to move to Florida and get a job as IT specialist for Bruce. :D


Just think....I can make good money helping Bruce check his email and do some interning on the side! :D


I probably do the work for free...just because I love the smell of tape in the morning.

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Originally posted by Bruce Swedien:

Brucie sez------>I can send and recieve email from my Web mail Page on earhtlink just fine. Except for the fact that it is a real pain-in-the-ass!!!


However, I have powered up and down several times and that G--D--- disgusting little triangle is still there and my Explorer email does not work.


Thanks for your help....


Bruce Swedien

Bill sez "oh."


So like others have said, look into your account profiles and make sure the pop and smtp server addresses are correct, as well as the user names and passwords. Passwords are case sensitive, so watch out for that CAPS LOCK key.


Then, like Dak suggested, get a better mail program. That Outlook will bite you at some point, "when" not "if".

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The general consensus around here is that Outlook sucks. As part of the secret cabal that runs the forum, I say it's true, therefore you must agree! :D


But seriously, Bruce... if you're still having trouble send me an email from your web based email thingy, and I may be able to help you out.

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The general consensus around here is that Outlook sucks. As part of the secret cabal that runs the forum, I say it's true, therefore you must agree! :D


I have to agree anyway, seeing how we share a brain and all. :D


Outlook Sux. Big time. Bruce, get something - ANYTHING else!

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I concur - don't use Outlook, use something else. Thunderbird is what I use on my Windows machines, although there are also Eudora (both free & paid versions) and Pegasus, which is pretty good too.


BTW - in case you didn't know, this is what Earthlink sez your email settings should be (I made up the email address, just use your real one! :D )


Email Settings


Your Email Settings


* Email Address: brucie@earthlink.net

* Incoming mail server (POP): pop.earthlink.net

* Outgoing mail server (SMTP): smtpauth.earthlink.net


If you're still getting an error, and can connect to the internet OK, then it's probably something on your PC. Send Lee that email she mentioned, & I'll bet she can help you get right! :thu:
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Originally posted by Spencer Crewe:

"We are Musicplayer. Resistance is futile."






Ah, but yes, Bruce is indeed a man of his own mind and a Free Thinker :D


I love his statement here...


What happened to Free Thought on this our beloved Music Player Forum. Dont you old-ass, nasty, so-called professionals, realize that there may be aspiring young folks here just dying for a crumb of wisdom?


Then followed by this quote...


I quote my old pal- Bertrand Russell,


"The Value of Free Thought" -


What makes a Free Thinker is not his beliefs, but the way in which he holds them. If he holds them because his elders told him they were true when he was young, or if he holds them because if he did not he would be unhappy, his thought is not free; but if he holds them because, after careful thought, he finds a balance of evidence in their favor, then his thought is free, however odd his conclusions may seem.'

These words are priceless :thu:


If indeed he IS on Outlook, I'm sure he will give his decision careful thought. However, one thing I will mention.... REGARDLESS of which email client one would have been using; if the ISP changed their pop-server information for any reason.... it would have affected any and ALL email clients. ;) Not just Outlook. I can already (dare I say) "assume" that Bruce wants his mail delivered to his inbox so that he doesn't have to go fetch it. That's exactly what he's having to do right now by logging on to his server remotely and he wants the convenience back. :P There are certainly more options out there, but he does like the email link on his IE tool bar, that's obvious.

You can take the man away from his music, but you can't take the music out of the man.


Books by Craig Anderton through Amazon


Sweetwater: Bruce Swedien\'s "Make Mine Music"

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I would assume, however, that if Earthlink changed their email server information (which I highly doubt, considering that they would break ALL their users' email that way) then the information I posted - which was taken directly from Earthlink's support pages - should have reflected that. ;)
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Outlook and Outlook Express are two of the most widely used email clients on the web probably because they're the standard service that comes equipped with new computers running a Windows based platform. I "will" agree with the others about the vulnerability to attacks on either; Outlook Express is probably the more vulnerable of the two. Unless you constantly run Windows updates on a routine basis, you become suseptible to threats running rampant on the web; the same goes for Internet Explorer. I personally use both myself because of the ease of use and familiarity.


However, I have my email directed first to my server where I host my web site and they have intense and sophisticated firewalls that usually will trap spam and viruses before allowing them to travel on in to my personal connection. I don't get that many spams or virus threats on my personal computer; but I keep my Windows, my Anti-Virus, and my Firewalls updated daily to avoid attacks from hackers and viruses anyway. My server will usually inform me if items trapped by their firewals that include spams or viruses become overloaded to let me know I need to delete them off of the server. It allows me to review if there are any of the items they trapped as spam that are actually legit emails I want to keep. I can pick and choose which ones I want to release before deleting the whole lot.


I've tried Netscape and some of the other browsers (equivalent to IE) and was not nearly as satisfied as what I have been with IE; same goes for their email clients. I've got a few web based email accounts that I use for registering at sites that require registration for entry outside of my professional account that I use for business.


Right now, I've been using the g-mail account that Bill Roberts recommended and I haven't had any spams on it yet. I'll use it as a secondary account because I like keeping an email account affiliated with my domain name for conducting business. I still have a yahoo account that is bombarded with spam, so when I register somewhere... I know where to send the junk mail. :D


If you do choose Outlook or Outlook Express as your email client, then you HAVE to be faithful to maintaining the Windows Updates; same with Internet Explorer. You can access the Windows Update through the "Tools" tab at the top of your IE browser. Use it regularly and you'l avoid many of the problems that folks are talking about.

You can take the man away from his music, but you can't take the music out of the man.


Books by Craig Anderton through Amazon


Sweetwater: Bruce Swedien\'s "Make Mine Music"

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I am on Internet Explorer I guess.


I sent earthlink a request for support and when i got a reply, the remedy that was suggested didn't look like my IE.


They suggested that I open Internet Explorer. Which i did. Then they suggested that I click on Tools. Which i did. Then they suggested that I open Internet options. There is no such thing on my IE under tools. I probably have an out-of-date version.


They say I probably have some ca-ca cookies. (Corrupt cookies!)


What to do now? Thanks very much for all your help.


Brucie the Viking!!!!!



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I did not know Macintosh (Apple) computers used internet explorer or outlook. I don't know diddle poo about Macs...but..


One thing is certain:


You have Bruce, what is called a POP3 Mail application that has had a property change. This change has to do with your incoming mail server properties and outgoing mail properties.


Here, is the link on how it is to be configured..if you have outlook or outlook express:




Now this link should walk you through it.


Check that page out and see if this gets things rolling again!


Here are the notes on MacIntosh computers:




If this don't get you going, something is very Phucked.

Bill Roberts Precision Mastering

-----------Since 1975-----------

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It sounds to me like Earthlink is giving you the standard doo-doo of a run around. I'm with Time-Warner's Road Runner and those guys don't hang up the phone until the user is up and operating. If it can't be resolved over the phone, they have sent technicians out to remedy the problem. They have only had to send out a tech one time and I was not charged for a service call. People question why I pay $49.95 a month for cable internet, but the service I get from Road Runner is absolutely outstanding.


I'll begin typing the IE instructions in my next post...

You can take the man away from his music, but you can't take the music out of the man.


Books by Craig Anderton through Amazon


Sweetwater: Bruce Swedien\'s "Make Mine Music"

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Step 1) click on "Help" at the top of your browser.


Step 2) click on "About Internet Explorer"


This will tell you which version of IE you are using. The most up to date version of IE is 6.0 with a service pak 2. (I believe)

You can take the man away from his music, but you can't take the music out of the man.


Books by Craig Anderton through Amazon


Sweetwater: Bruce Swedien\'s "Make Mine Music"

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I checked Microsoft's Internet Explorer options and they referred me to the Apple site for special set up instructions pertaining to IE. Since I am not actually on a Macintosh computer, I can't physically veiw each step of the process as I can with my PC.


Here is Apple's Support Guide for Getting Online...




This is Mac's instructions specific to setting up Outlook Express... notice that this article was released 5/19/2005 which is very recent news...




Here's another recent article on Apple's site pertaining to email...





A link on Apple's web site that leads back to Microsoft for Internet Explorer brings you back to here for updates to IE; scroll down the page until you reach Internet Explorer.




It looks like the latest release for Mac is the IE 5.2.3 version. For PC users, it's IE 6.0 SP2 with IE 7.0 on the horizon and soon to be released.


The newer models of Mac are coming with Safari installed as the default browser.


I hope you will be able to find something useful in these links.

You can take the man away from his music, but you can't take the music out of the man.


Books by Craig Anderton through Amazon


Sweetwater: Bruce Swedien\'s "Make Mine Music"

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Bruce - if you're on a Mac, I assume you're using OS X? (Unless it's a very old Mac...) If so, you should forget about Outlook & Explorer, & just use Mail and Safari. Both very capable programs, already installed on your machine (they come with OS X).
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I see that you were not present in the initial thread when Bruce posted his system specs... Here is what Bruce is working with and a more detailed description of the problem he is experiencing. Since you're a Mac user, you would probably be more inclined to get him through this mess than I because you have hands on experience with the Macs. If Bruce is using the IE 5.2 browser, chances are he's using Outlook Express as his email client.


I am on a Macintosh G4. System 10 point something or other....


I use Internet Explorer 5.2 for Mac. My email works. But the little stamp on my dock doesn't get my new email anymore. And the inbox displays a triangle with an exclamation mark in it.


When I click on that it gives me an error message:There may be a problem with the mail server or network.


The server error encountered was: The server pop.earthlink.net cannot be contacted on port 110.


What to do??????



If Internet Explorer is not updated routinely for Apple users (version 5.2.3) of the platform like it is for the PC users (version 6.0 SP2 with 7.0 on its' way) then I would highly recommend a switch of browsers.... I've never used Safari, but have heard good things about it.

You can take the man away from his music, but you can't take the music out of the man.


Books by Craig Anderton through Amazon


Sweetwater: Bruce Swedien\'s "Make Mine Music"

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