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Anyone a RUNNER here?

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I'm making zero progress losing some weight by eating less. Ten years ago, I trained for a marathon and actually ran two of them. 26.2 miles is damn sure a long way.


Thinking I'll start running again and that oughta drop the paunch. I look forward to getting into shape again. I really enjoyed the long runs from 10 to 18 miles. The sunsets around here in summer and early fall are spectacular where I run.


I prefer to run on dirt roads. Well actually, they are gravel roads. And I take off on a tangent through the hills and dales when I find a trail. Which means grass, dirt or sand.


So, anyone have any insight on running shoes for gravel/dirt/sand roads? Anything new in the past ten years in running shoes?


P.S. Running here would also entail running on asphalt roads.

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Originally posted by LiveMusic:

I'm making zero progress losing some weight by eating less. Ten years ago, I trained for a marathon and actually ran two of them. 26.2 miles is damn sure a long way.


Thinking I'll start running again and that oughta drop the paunch. I look forward to getting into shape again. I really enjoyed the long runs from 10 to 18 miles. The sunsets around here in summer and early fall are spectacular where I run.


I prefer to run on dirt roads. Well actually, they are gravel roads. And I take off on a tangent through the hills and dales when I find a trail. Which means grass, dirt or sand.


So, anyone have any insight on running shoes for gravel/dirt/sand roads? Anything new in the past ten years in running shoes?


P.S. Running here would also entail running on asphalt roads.

I run 6 miles a day 3-4 days a week. As far as running shoes go, I usually go with New Balance. I like them and they seem to have a good rep even though I am no expert. And the ones I have are for indoor and outdoor. I think most of them are these day though I could be wrong. Make sure that you run up hills too. It's a damn good workout. If you are trying to lose some weight, the best time to run is in the morning when you first wake up before you eat anything. You burn calories more efficiently. I totally notice a difference in progress if I run in the morning as apposed to mid day or evening. But as you mentioned, it is very cool to run with the sun setting in the background and that cool summer night smell. I love that so much. :D
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Originally posted by Phait:

What about gut flab post fat loss? How would you lose that? Unless you build some mean muscles underneath...

Phait, That's a good questioon. When you lose weight, some of that skin has been stretched and takes a lot longer to tone up. You just gotta keep working the area. Also, your posture has a lot to do with it. But I thought you were a thin guy? Have you been watching "Regis and Kelly" and eating donuts all day...AGAIN????? :D
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Originally posted by LiveMusic:

I'm making zero progress losing some weight by eating less.

Then by definition, you are still eating too much!


Figure out your basal metabolic rate, and the total calories needed to support it.


Then, make sure your daily caloric intake is less than this. If you do so, you will lose weight (even if you never get out of bed).


You may want to adjust that amount upward to account for physical activity, so compute the caloric requirements for your activities, and increase the caloric intake by that amount.


Of course, you can exercise as well...and this will speed things along...but in the end, you need to burn 3500 (additional) calories (per week) to lose a pound of weight (per week)...




...eat 3500 less calories than your basal metabolic rate (per week) to lose a pound (per week).


Sorry LiveMusic, I know you really posted about running, but I just wanted to let you know that eating less WILL work for you...but how much less is the question.


Assuming the proper mix of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, do you think you could handle 1200 calories a day? This is an amount that most anyone will lose weight on, but will not trigger "starvation" mode in the body, and most nutritionists agree that this is a safe amount.


Said nutritionists will also say that the max safe amount to lose per week is ~2.0 - 2.5 pounds per week (and it is damn difficult to do it faster than that anyway without a medically-monitored diet that is well under 1000 calories per day).


In any event, good luck! I have computed out my BMR and adjusted my caloric intake accordingly, and the weight just keeps coming off, and I feel great too!





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Personally, I find running to be a bit jarring on the bones. If you want something a bit more fluid, try biking or swimming.


The New Balance are good, I have a pair now. I'll also nominate Asics for running. But, like anything else, you'll have to pay more for the nice ones.


Cheers and good luck!


"I prefer to beat my opponents the old-fashioned way....BRUTALLY!!!!"
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What about gut flab post fat loss? How would you lose that? Unless you build some mean muscles underneath...
There's something called a "vitamin wrap or body wrap" I don't know the name. Something you find out about when your wife is into all that crazy girl stuff. They wrap your body with a bandage like cloth, which is soaked with vitamins probably Vitamin E is one of them. Then make you run on the treadmill for a while. It supposedly removes impurities from your skin that could prevnet colligen production. It does some weightloss but its mostly for tightening your skin, if you have already lost weight. Apparently it works, alot of women who have just had kids are doing it.

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Originally posted by aeon:

Originally posted by LiveMusic:

I'm making zero progress losing some weight by eating less.

Then by definition, you are still eating too much!


Said nutritionists will also say that the max safe amount to lose per week is ~2.0 - 2.5 pounds per week (and it is damn difficult to do it faster than that anyway without a medically-monitored diet that is well under 1000 calories per day).

About 5 years ago, I weighed in at between 190-195 (I'm only 5'8" :( ) When I started my quest to lose weight, I lost 17 pounds in the first month. I don't think i did any thing wrong or unsafe either. I just ran my ass off and when I wasn't working, sleeping, or eating healthy, I was in the gym. I think the reason I lost so much weight so quickly was because I had always been a very athletic person and my metobolism was always fast before I had gained weight. So my body remembered how it naturally used to be and I have kept it off ever since. (now at 150-155) :D
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2 weeks from tomorrow I'll be running Grandma's Marathon in Duluth...haven't done this since 1997 (I'm 44), this will be approximately my 11th marathon..

Been training since mid February and lost about 25 pounds running every other day (about 35-38 miles a week).

Shoes - I've tried just about everything, had good luck with Asics...wearing Nikes this year but am on 2nd pair as the soles tend to burn away pretty fast on ashpalt...

If I was training on dirt roads or trails I'd probably look at New Balance or maybe even Saucony as they have models that seem pretty solid. For pavement I tend to lean towards more cushion...Your best bet is to try on lots of pairs and go with what is most comfortable (regardless of price)...FWIW


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What I meant was I have had trouble sticking to eating less. My willpower has been weak. I figure if I run regularly, weight will come off. It sure did last time.


I have some old New Balance shoes but the soles are separating. Gonna get out the trusty super glue. I had two pair, the other was Asics and I think I liked them better. Have gel shoes made inroads to the market?


Tedster, you said you tried it, got up to 5k. Did you not like it because you get too tired? Then slow down. I found I was running like I used to run in high school track... you know, RUNNING. A runner told me one time, hey, slow your ass down. No wonder you're pooping out at three miles. I slowed my pace and ran nine miles next day and quit running only because I thought, man, surely, I'm going to hurt myself.


Point being, I found I could run almost effortlessly at 9 minutes/mile. Which is fine for me, I'm not racing. 8:45 to 9 minutes.


My friend was a champion and that sombitch RAN. God, amazing. Running friggin marathons at not much more than a 5 minute pace or something. I tell ya, that's moving. For 26.2 miles. How the hell do you do that? Hell, you can barely keep up for a quarter mile!

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You and I have a lot in common, Ryst.


Although, at 5' 10", When I weighed 150 lbs, I looked kinda sick. It also could've had something to do with all of the stress I was under at the time....


But, I've managed to get the weight back on with 95% of it being muscle. I do have a bit of insulation around ma belly, but cycling is slowly but surely taking care of it. But whatever weight comes of my gut as fat is going onto my legs as muscle - therefore, I'm remaining at 185-187 lbs. And that's fine with me. Aside from a minor set-back caused by some GNC multi-vitamins I was taking (causing me to convert them into fat-storage :mad: ) I figure that I'll have my abs back by the end of summer.


Like you, my metabolism has always been railed mostly because I've been active throughout my existence. And I enjoy the activity. It's nice to just "move".




"I prefer to beat my opponents the old-fashioned way....BRUTALLY!!!!"
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Originally posted by LiveMusic:

What I meant was I have had trouble sticking to eating less. My willpower has been weak. I figure if I run regularly, weight will come off. It sure did last time.

I'm with you here, as soon as I quit running I will gain 10 - 15 pounds almost guaranteed. Even if I keep exercising regularly (tae-bo, yoga, chopping wood etc.), if I'm not "running" I never really lose weight. I'm 178 now, probably should be about 185 but will hover between 195 and 205 if I stop running and assume the SOD (standard american diet ;) ).

BTW I usually run around 8 minute miles up to about 15...after that, not so much :)


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