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"Well? Whaddaya think?"


Doesn't it seem like forever sometimes when you send someone a song or mix for them to listen to and when they get back to you with a response? You'd think that if they liked it they would get back to you right away beaming with compliments, but you'd be amazed how long some people take even when their response is favorable. It's hard not to think the worst when it takes so long. Ok, I'm guilty too. When people send me stuff to listen to I often have so many things going on that I completely forget about it and it takes me a while to respond. I try to give a disclaimer when I'm sent stuff that I might not get back to them right away, but from now on I'm going to try and shorten that gap in the hopes that karma might be kind to me.


Dave Reitzas


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That's really cool that you even have time to listen! I'm just as guilty (bearing in mind, I have no pull or sway whatsoever, but people still give me stuff to listen to...some very good stuff, too)


Well, let's take this a step further, toward "critical listening"...when you listen to either a rough draft of a tune...or a preliminary mix of a finished session, or a final mix, how do you listen to it? What do you listen for? If this sounds silly and elementary, compare my question to the same type of question one would ask a wine connoisseur (1 or 2 n's?) ... "Describe the process by which you taste and interpret a fine wine"


I think perhaps it might be useful to share each others' methods of "critical listening".

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Dave - I just recieved an email from a client who built one of my rooms - it's been over a year!! - I'd given up on him.


seems he did built it, measured it and it works! +/- 4db throughout - I've been worrying about it for a year thinking he hated it and it sounded awful. :D




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I just respect that everyone else has a life except me and are often busy. I sent a mix off to Phil months ago and didn't get any input until I decided to leave the forums, but that was fine actually. :wave:
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I did a soundtrack on spec once. I delivered the stuff while the voice overs were being completed, and was supposed to get a copy of the final cut to add to my "portfolio". The budget was nil. Nobody ever contacted me, and I didn't know the project was ever completed until I saw it on TV!


I download a lot of the stuff folks post on the music threads here, but sometimes don't get to actually listen for weeks (I think it's days, but then I look at the file added date and say :eek:

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