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I've finally joined the '90's

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Yup. The telephone dude was here today and........I have DSL.


After so many years of the crappiest dial up you've ever seen, they finally brought DSL to my end of the world.


I actually listened to some of your tunes , and watched a video clip and sent a big file to a client. Just like the big boys.



Golly I'm hap hap happy.....


Now if we can just get this for Craig and get him off of dial up.... :eek::D

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Yeah I'm lovin the 4 megabit per second download speed I'm getting with my cable modem, especially since I'm routinely downloading files the size of around 3 GB for work.


Wish the uploads weren't so dang slow though.

Just a pinch between the geek and chum



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Originally posted by jackpine:

Yup. The telephone dude was here today and........I have DSL.


After so many years of the crappiest dial up you've ever seen, they finally brought DSL to my end of the world.


I actually listened to some of your tunes , and watched a video clip and sent a big file to a client. Just like the big boys.



Golly I'm hap hap happy.....


Now if we can just get this for Craig and get him off of dial up.... :eek::D


You can take the man away from his music, but you can't take the music out of the man.


Books by Craig Anderton through Amazon


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Originally posted by jackpine:

Yup. The telephone dude was here today and........I have DSL.


After so many years of the crappiest dial up you've ever seen, they finally brought DSL to my end of the world.


I actually listened to some of your tunes , and watched a video clip and sent a big file to a client. Just like the big boys.



Golly I'm hap hap happy.....


Now if we can just get this for Craig and get him off of dial up.... :eek::D

Welcome to the 90's, Jackpine!!!!!! :wave:

I'm still stuck in the 80's :D

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heh heh. There are still people in my office that have a second phone line for dial up Internet. I try to tell them that it is cheaper to drop the extra line and get DSL but they don't want to give up the email address attached to that dial up account they have used for 5 years.



This post edited for speling.

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jackpine Better late than never. :D



Robert That has to be the lamest excuse I've ever heard.


The only, and I do believe it is the only reason, a person should stay on dialup is if they are seldom, once a day or less, on the internet and are only on to check an email address. Obviously that doesn't hold true if there is no other 'net access option available other than dialup. The mail download times are stupid slow in these days and if there's an attachement a person may as well go out and mow & edge the lawn while it's downloading. There will probably be enough time to dethatch, aerify and fertilize too.

Or, it the lawn is ok, repaint the interior of the house.

You might suggest to them gmail, yahoo or some other net email have them transition to that address, then change over.


Have they never moved their physical address? I doubt that, and it's easier to change the email address than the post office mailing address.


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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Originally posted by 4-Dak Recorder:

The mail download times are stupid slow in these days and if there's an attachement a person may as well go out and mow & edge the lawn while it's downloading. There will probably be enough time to dethatch, aerify and fertilize too.

Or, it the lawn is ok, repaint the interior of the house.

Well, yeah, but I DO have the nicest-looking residence on the block! :D

We still didn't have DSL in our area last time I checked, but it may be worth looking into once more...


"Eccentric language often is symptomatic of peculiar thinking" - George Will


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Actually in some ways, changing your email is NOT easier than moving your physical address, because at least when you do that, the post office will forward your mail for a year. Your old ISP won't do that.


I actually was in the same boat when I switched to cable - I've had my primary email address since 1994 and I was NOT about to give it up... it's a good thing I didn't, too, because my cable company has been bought several times and made everyone change their email address. :rolleyes: So, I continued paying for the old account (they have a plan where it's only $6.95/month to maintain a bare minimum account with limited hours). I'm able to transparently check my email even though I'm connected via a different ISP so it's no big deal. It's worth a few extra bucks to me to keep the same email address.


But anyway... welcome to the 21st century jackpine!

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My first experience with the internet was working for an e-commerce company. We had a T1 line. Then I got internet in my home.... dial up. What a disappointment.


When I switched to cable years ago... it was like coming home.


Dial up, only if you have to.


Even getting new virus definitions is a pain on dial up.

There is no substitute.
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Originally posted by Lee Flier:

Actually in some ways, changing your email is NOT easier than moving your physical address, because at least when you do that, the post office will forward your mail for a year. Your old ISP won't do that.

Point taken with the exception that it's pretty darned easy to bulk mail everyone in your address book via email. Unless you have all your contact's snail mail addresses in a mail merge program it's one hell of alot of writing to notify everyone you've changed addresses, not to mention postage costs.


I actually was in the same boat when I switched to cable - I've had my primary email address since 1994 and I was NOT about to give it up... it's a good thing I didn't, too, because my cable company has been bought several times and made everyone change their email address. :rolleyes: So, I continued paying for the old account (they have a plan where it's only $6.95/month to maintain a bare minimum account with limited hours). I'm able to transparently check my email even though I'm connected via a different ISP so it's no big deal. It's worth a few extra bucks to me to keep the same email address.

I've done the same thing, held a dialup for awhile while the contacts got used to the new email.

I've also been in a situation where the ISP dropped the ball and I had to start over cold turkey. They closed my account in error and couldn't re-instate it so I had to setup a complete new account and because the old email address was attached to the now-defunt account it couldn't be re-used.


But anyway... welcome to the 21st century jackpine!


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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Originally posted by 4-Dak Recorder:

Point taken with the exception that it's pretty darned easy to bulk mail everyone in your address book via email.

Yeah... trouble is a lot of people who contact me out of the blue are not in my address book. I've had people email me to do work for them that I've never heard of... either I gave them a business card years ago or they found me on some old archived mailing list or whatever. It's happened enough times to make it worth hanging onto the old account.
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Yeah, what Lee said.


Congrats, Jackpine! In the coming months, hopefully you'll really get to see how cool the Intarweb truly is! :thu:

Dr. Seuss: The Original White Rapper



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posted by Dak:

The only, and I do believe it is the only reason, a person should stay on dialup is if they are seldom, once a day or less, on the internet and are only on to check an email address.
Yeah, tell that to my wife! She never gets on the internet, and thinks it's a waste of time. I spend most of my online time here on the forum, and I certainly don't consider it a waste of time. Sure, there are some frivilous topics here, but I've learned a hell of a lot and made a lot of new friends, too, even though I may not know them face to face. It would definitely be worth it to spend an extra 20 bucks or so a month to have the increased speed that cable offers, but my wife controls the checkbook, so I'm stuck on dialup. It would be nice to hear or download some of your songs without it taking all day!

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Originally posted by Tedster:

If I only had dialup, I'd still be under 10,000 posts... :eek::D

Yea lots of luck Theodore. May I call you Theodore?



Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.

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Originally posted by Lee Flier:


I actually was in the same boat when I switched to cable - I've had my primary email address since 1994 and I was NOT about to give it up...

This is EXACTLY my current crisis.


I've had my email address since there was a WWW.


I was going to just keep paying my dial up provider so I could use my laptop on the road or at the studio in town....


That's a great suggestion to go to the minimal commitment with them just to check mail.

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So, I wonder if the technology changed so that they could extend the DSL signal over the POTS lines, or whether they install some sort of local repeater in your area?


The latter I suppose.

I really don't know what to put here.
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Originally posted by ryst:

I'm still stuck in the 80's :D

Oooh, 300 baud and ANSI graphics....cool!


I'd rather give up the internet than go back to dial up. <kisses the cable>


I have a friend who just got her first computer about 9 months ago. She's on broadband. She doesn't even know what dial up is. She has no appreciation for at all.

I tried to explain it all to her once, and she just looked at me smiling and said; "what's a cookie?"

Ugh! The horror..... :freak:

Super 8


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Get this guys! My dad still uses dial-up; the same dial-up MSN account that he's used ever since the Internet first came into our house when I was 11!! (I'm 20 now!) He just thinks it's not worth the money I guess. Since I've moved away to college, my room mate and I subscribe to DSL and oh man, it's a dream come true!!! I have gotten so spoiled on it, I don't know what I'll do if I have to move back home.
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when I had dial up, I also had a second phone line to support it, so my family could use the phone if I was on line (and since it took an hour to look at one website, not having a second phone line was NOT an option) DSL access was more than the dial up service, but it doesn't require an extra phone line... so I broke even on the deal, and I don't fall asleep waiting for web pages to load...
Yes, there's bass in the caR-R-R-R-R
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