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OT: The snow is finally moving out of the area

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While we badly needed the moisture up here, snow is always a pain. But, it's moving off and the stuff on the ground is melting away. Gees, I fertilized the lawn before all the rain/snow moved in and now the grass is so long I think I could lose my daughter in there. :freak: I don't think this would be a good time to mulch. Better get the bagger out.



Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.

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We're forcasted to get possible flurries here late this aftenoon, but we usually get one last dusting of snow before the end of May anyways. Hopefully, that'll be the end of it, and we can get some consistantly warmer temps.




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Originally posted by Tedster:

Leave it to North Dakota to have snow in May. :D


And then, in another month, it'll be in the 90s. :eek:

I've been through Missouri on numerous occasions and I have always been impressed with your "early" springs there. Here, snow in May is not all that common, but it happens. However, spring often does not take a firm hold until mid April. Until then, golfing on the weekends is suspect at best. Being a Rams fan, perhaps I should move to Missouri. Wonder if the wife would go with or help me pack my bags? :D



Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.

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