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How Many of you play the lottery??

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Powerball. Usually a buck per week, but I miss a lot of weeks.


I figure, despite the rant "You have a better chance of being hit by lightning than winning the lottery," I feel it's worth it to spend less than $52 a year for the chance to win millions. Somebody eventually wins it. Why not me?


But I don't expect to win, either. (I also don't expect my home to be utterly destroyed by fire, etc., but I pay a lot more than $52/year for insurance. ;) )

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Like fantasticsound's post. I play it once in awhile, when I remember to (those times when the prize escalates into "real money" tend to be a good reminder lol). But it's certainly less than $50/year.

I used to think I was Libertarian. Until I saw their platform; now I know I'm no more Libertarian than I am RepubliCrat or neoCON or Liberal or Socialist.


This ain't no track meet; this is football.

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No lottery, but I play Publishers Clearing House all the time. I submit multiple entries per week online.



BTW - I haven't won anything yet, but then again, it hasn't cost me a dime to play. :thu:

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"Work hard. Rock hard. Eat hard. Sleep hard. Grow big. Wear glasses if you need 'em."-The Webb Wilder Credo-

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Went to hear friends play a gig at casino last weekend. Saw some old friends. Husband relates this story.


He and wife aren't gamblers but decided to walk through casino. Decide to try slots for $20. They play awhile, finally quit when they have ten dollars left. Cash the ten dollars.


Can't eat at restaurant yet. Wifey wants to blow the ten dollars. He says okay, go back and play.


After a few minutes, he goes back to get her. Rounds the corner about the time he hears a blood-curdling scream. Before long, the entire section around his wife, who is playing a one dollar progressive slot, erupts. They're all screaming. His wife's slot machine shows...






Why isn't the slot machine making a lot of noise. Why aren't bells and whistles going off? Sirens.


Then the lady beside her damn near faints. Says "Did you just play one dollar instead of three?" Wifey says she only played one dollar.


Winnings? Zero. Nada. Zip.


Casinos shouldn't allow you to play only one dollar on progressives. That sucks. You'd think she'd win one-third or one-tenth. SOMETHING. Zero. Nada. Zip.




Good news is the girl is drop dead gorgeous, one of the most beautiful women I know. So, at least he still has her.

> > > [ Live! ] < < <

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If you've ever doubted that the ONLY business of a casino is separating suckers from their $$$ OR that the fix is in, look no further than this example. That machine knew she bet only a buck; a false proclamation that amounts to "you WOULD HAVE WON $150,000 IF you had not been such a cheapskate" is how they get the suckers to keep coming back and depositing their $$$ in the one-armed bandits (that moniker didn't come from nowhere).


Originally posted by LiveMusic:

After a few minutes, he goes back to get her. Rounds the corner about the time he hears a blood-curdling scream. Before long, the entire section around his wife, who is playing a one dollar progressive slot, erupts. They're all screaming. His wife's slot machine shows...






Why isn't the slot machine making a lot of noise. Why aren't bells and whistles going off? Sirens.


Then the lady beside her damn near faints. Says "Did you just play one dollar instead of three?" Wifey says she only played one dollar.


Winnings? Zero. Nada. Zip.


Casinos shouldn't allow you to play only one dollar on progressives. That sucks. You'd think she'd win one-third or one-tenth. SOMETHING. Zero. Nada. Zip.

I used to think I was Libertarian. Until I saw their platform; now I know I'm no more Libertarian than I am RepubliCrat or neoCON or Liberal or Socialist.


This ain't no track meet; this is football.

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I've always believed that I will never win any amount of fortune. And I never have.


That was until the previous Superbowl. I'm not into football, but my dad got me in the pool and I won $500.


Oh yeah, I spent it, half on a useless Dell PDA, the rest on I-don't-remember.


So, I did win. Will I gamble on anything again? Maybe, but I'm not real inclined to get a lottery routine going.

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If the jackpot is over 10 mil, I'll get a ticket. Any less than that and I don't bother. "Go big or go home" type deal. The most I've ever won was $10. I also don't hold any aspirations of winning "The Big One", either. At least proceeds for the lottery go towards funding school programs and other such things.


Watch. I'll win 22.5 mil on Friday night's Super7...just you wait!




"I prefer to beat my opponents the old-fashioned way....BRUTALLY!!!!"
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In the Texas Lottery there's $52 millions for today....I play ocassionalyy probably 5 times since they started the Texas Lottery....I'm tempted to play this time.......... :(


Jesus Is Coming, Make Music, Get Ready!

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Here in California, the legislators have a nickname for the state Lottery (a tiny, tiny, tiny portion of which goes to state schools -- but most of which is sucked up by "administrative costs," lobbying, dinner parties, lawyers, and more lobbying)...



They call it the Stupidity Tax.

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Originally posted by theblue1:

Here in California, the legislators have a nickname for the state Lottery (a tiny, tiny, tiny portion of which goes to state schools -- but most of which is sucked up by "administrative costs," lobbying, dinner parties, lawyers, and more lobbying)...



They call it the Stupidity Tax.

Why? Don't they play? ;):D


It's only stupid if you waste a sizable portion of money on it, expecting it to definitely pay off someday. Otherwise, it's a simple gamble. I don't harp on people who don't play, completely missing the chance at millions. Why should anyone harp on me for adding a few bucks to a kid's schoarship.


And yes, one advantage, I believe, of Tennessee's religeous right keeping the lottery out for so long is they managed to put a decent portion of the money where it was intended. I come from the Chicago area. When the lottery came to Illinois, they turned it into a substitute for some of the general fund contributions to education, thus nullifying it as an increase to public school funding. Bastards! :mad:

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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What's that slogan?

"Somebody's got to lose, might as well be I&I!"


There's a computable "break" figure at which lotteries can be "bought" by purchasing every number combination. That's yer goal post.

When that number's been reached the odds of at least someone winning are greatly increased...or so logic would suggest.


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Originally posted by fantasticsound:

It's only stupid if you waste a sizable portion of money on it, expecting it to definitely pay off someday. Otherwise, it's a simple gamble. I don't harp on people who don't play, completely missing the chance at millions. Why should anyone harp on me for adding a few bucks to a kid's schoarship.


And yes, one advantage, I believe, of Tennessee's religeous right keeping the lottery out for so long is they managed to put a decent portion of the money where it was intended. I come from the Chicago area. When the lottery came to Illinois, they turned it into a substitute for some of the general fund contributions to education, thus nullifying it as an increase to public school funding. Bastards! :mad:

That's how just about every state runs their numbers racket. "95% goes to education", they crow, but that gets taken right out of what the state budgets for education, so the net result is the lottery proceeds are just enhancing the state's general fund, which means that it is, truly, a stupidity tax...
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Originally posted by fantasticsound:

Originally posted by theblue1:

Here in California, the legislators have a nickname for the state Lottery (a tiny, tiny, tiny portion of which goes to state schools -- but most of which is sucked up by "administrative costs," lobbying, dinner parties, lawyers, and more lobbying)...



They call it the Stupidity Tax.

Why? Don't they play? ;):D


It's only stupid if you waste a sizable portion of money on it, expecting it to definitely pay off someday. Otherwise, it's a simple gamble. I don't harp on people who don't play, completely missing the chance at millions. Why should anyone harp on me for adding a few bucks to a kid's schoarship.


And yes, one advantage, I believe, of Tennessee's religeous right keeping the lottery out for so long is they managed to put a decent portion of the money where it was intended. I come from the Chicago area. When the lottery came to Illinois, they turned it into a substitute for some of the general fund contributions to education, thus nullifying it as an increase to public school funding. Bastards! :mad:

Neil, I'm just passing along the oft-quoted comments of the California legislators who continue to facilitate this "opportunity" for Californians of all walks of life [but who are, in practice, overwhelmingly among the working poor] to gamble with extraordinarily bad odds [and with a number of infamous "anomalies" in its history] with the benefits primarily going to gaming industry [can you say m-o-b?] interests.



You feel like gambling long shots that have a real chance of winning?


Go to a county or state fair with horse racing and bet a few bucks on all the longshot horses.


It's not like betting longshots on the regular circuit, since most of these horses are longshots not because they're on the fast track to the dog food factory but rather because they haven't raced much (or at all) don't have much of a track record.

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I'll buy a ticket, sometimes 5, every once in a blue moon when the rewards are high enough. I rarely think about it until there's a lot of hype for a sizeable jackpot. Thing is, I'll buy a ticket, or a few, and then forget about checking them for two or three months; maybe more. Since you reminded me today, I checked the jackpot amount and it was at $83,000,000 so I bought 5 tickets. If I win the jackpot off of your reminder to buy a ticket; I'll buy you a new full leather outfit online, including the rider boots. ;)

You can take the man away from his music, but you can't take the music out of the man.


Books by Craig Anderton through Amazon


Sweetwater: Bruce Swedien\'s "Make Mine Music"

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I play a $1 quickpick everytime I notice the jackpot going over $80 Million.


A chance for that much oney is worth the occasional dollar expense to me

"this is rock n roll"
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My approach is pretty much like Neil's, although I'm a little more regular with it. I also have a selected set of numbers; I always play those with one quickpick, both state and powerball games.
I've upped my standards; now, up yours.
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That's how just about every state runs their numbers racket. "95% goes to education", they crow, but that gets taken right out of what the state budgets for education, so the net result is the lottery proceeds are just enhancing the state's general fund, which means that it is, truly, a stupidity tax...
BINGO. :thu:
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Originally posted by ViLo:

Evreytime, once in a while? you don't play @ all?



Nope. I don't play it. :rolleyes:



...But if you'll hum a few bars, I'll try to fake it! :D

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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Every once in a while I'll play Powerball. I fully expect to never win, but it's mildly entertaining for about two minutes, and I'm getting to a point where I think I'll never be able to afford the things I want unless I win the lottery. It's only stupid if you play stupidly, such as sink all your money into it. I'd otherwise just spend that dollar on beer anyway, so which one's worse?

"And then you have these thoughts in the back of your mind like 'Why am I doing this? Or is this a figment of my imagination?'"


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We recently voted in the lottery here in ND. We joined several other state powerball deal. Funny thing, I voted for it, but I have only bought a lottery ticket once in the 12 months that it has been operational.

Speaking of lotteries, I'm in Colorado Springs this evening and the powerball is 83 million. Wow.



Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.

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I play once in a blue moon, primarily Powerball when it gets over $100M, but sometimes the lesser won scratch offs (I once spent a summer in VA right out of high school living off of just scratchoff winnings). I might spend $20 a year, maybe $30 if I throw in a few extra bucks in a pool. I never go out of my way to play, either.


People waste way more on things that I don't understand. I waste a dollar a day on stupid snacks out of the vending machine at night, and they don't even hold the promise of satisfying my belly. Casually playing is harmless. Watching old folks tossing $30 a day at it, hoping to get out of their lowly retirements, well that's just plain sad.


If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking 'til you do suck seed!
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I play when the big payoff is greater than the odds.


That means I'll drop a couple bucks when LottoSouth is over $14mil (14mill-to-1 odds) or MegaMillions is over $135mil (135mil-to-1 odds).


Of course, after taxes, the chance of splitting with others, and the opportunity for lesser prizes makes this a tenuous rule of thumb, but, hey, it's all in the fantasy anyway, right?

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Can you hum a few bars?


I don't remember the tune..

Mark G.

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