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wasting time

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Our society works, goes to the mall, watches tv, goes to restaraunts, goes to bars...bla bla bla. So I know this answer should be different for everyone. What do you consider wasting time? And do you feel guilty about it? Do you think you will regret it later in life? If we waste time on things that don't have anything to do with our goals, is there still enough time left to realize our dreams without regret?
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Pretty much all the things you mentioned in your first sentence can be a waste of time, including work--for me, at least... ;)


Me feeling is, the aim of this life is to find fulfilment in love, creativity, or simply feeling peace, harmony, and/or contentment.


None of which precludes going to the mall--but I doubt like hell you're gonna find it there... :D

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I feel like I'm wasting time everytime I have to go run errands with Jackie....especially if they have nothing to do with me. Artists pay me a great deal of money for my time and expertise - she seems to like squandering it in hellholes like malls. :evil:




"I prefer to beat my opponents the old-fashioned way....BRUTALLY!!!!"
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What is the biggest waste of time for me? What I call "time vampires"...things that suck up available time and screw you up so you can't get things done. Time vampires can be events or people. For example...


My day off. I wake up at 8 am. I'd like to mow the lawn, that's what NEEDS to be done. But, it's raining lightly, should clear up this afternoon. The rain is a time vampire. Yeah, we need rain. Just not today.


Then it stops raining around noon. I get out the lawnmower, to have my wife tell me we have an appointment in an hour and a half. Not enough time to mow the lawn, and I'm one of those guys who likes to, once I get started, just get on with a task. So, both my wife and the appointment become time vampires. Now, mind you, I have to attend the appointment, but, if the appointment had been in the rainy morning, could have killed two birds with one stone.


Time vampires are things or people that split up a good stretch of time and leave you with two or more chunks of useless "waste time", or force you to spend an inordinate amount of time on what should be a simple task. Time vampires are usually just important enough that you have to make time for them...but they're not your main "project du jour".

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Isn't there something else that needs doing? Clean the garage or basement/studio/workshop or closets/drawers? Touch up the paint in the hallway? Pay the bills? Organize that stack of bank statements on the desk? Practice your instrument? Write a song? Give your wife a "morning surprise"? :D One of the keys to life is flexibility, so your morning isn't destroyed by a little rain.

Originally posted by Tedster:

My day off. I wake up at 8 am. I'd like to mow the lawn, that's what NEEDS to be done. But, it's raining lightly, should clear up this afternoon. The rain is a time vampire. Yeah, we need rain. Just not today.

IMO no natural event can be considered a time vampire. That status is reserved for things that, in theory, are at the effect of people's thoughts & actions.

I used to think I was Libertarian. Until I saw their platform; now I know I'm no more Libertarian than I am RepubliCrat or neoCON or Liberal or Socialist.


This ain't no track meet; this is football.

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works. Isn't working (provided you're also getting properly compensated) a worthwile thing?

Goes to the mall. If you need something that you can only get at the mall, this would also not be a waste of time.

Watches tv. Yes there are tons of mind spacing worthless shows, but there are also tons of educational programs, music, arts that can be very rewarding.

Goes to restaraunts. Socializing and business are often conducted over meals. Hey we all got to eat.

Goes to bars. Again tons of business is conducted over a drink, and for many of us this is a networking mecca of potential clients.


While I agree there is a lot of time wasting in your society, everything you mentioned is or is not, depending on the content.

Hope this is helpful.


NP Recording Studios

Analog approach to digital recording.

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What about working at a job where you produce mindless, vapid TV shows? Or posters of Ashlee Simpson to sell to mall rats?

Originally posted by where02190:

works. Isn't working (provided you're also getting properly compensated) a worthwile thing?


everything you mentioned is or is not, depending on the content.

I used to think I was Libertarian. Until I saw their platform; now I know I'm no more Libertarian than I am RepubliCrat or neoCON or Liberal or Socialist.


This ain't no track meet; this is football.

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There is no such thing as wasting time. Time is what it is. You are doing what you are doing at any given moment. Get into each moment and enjoy it while it is here. It is immediately gone. The moments you get are limited. Each breath you take is precious, it matters not what you are doing (not harming the world around you). If you can only be happy when you are "working" or "accomplishing a goal", well, sorry for you. :)



Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.

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Yeah. Wasting time. I hate it. Anything that doesn't contribute constructively to myself, my wife, children and family, the groups I'm involved with - work and friends, society and the welfare of the planet is a waste of time. I'm desperately try not to waste my time.

All the best,


Henry Robinett

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I play video games moderately and have thought about the time-wasting factor before. I've basically came to the conclusion that if you're having fun, you're not wasting time.


I used to do (and still do if I have the time, rare) level design for games as well, this wa s something I thought of even more because I was making content for video games. I was being productive, but in the end - it's just a video game. What could it really amount to but fun for myself and others? Nothing more, really - and that's just my point. Having fun is not wasting time, in my opinion.


A thought my friend came up with was "what if there was no documentation of time?". It's really interesting... no clocks, no calendars... no hours, minutes, seconds, days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries... just being.

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Brooding in some stream of negative energy is a waste of time and energy IMHO.

I try and manage this as best I can.


Also I find most of what's on TV and many movies to be a waste of time.


Being creative rather than consuming what others have created is another way I sometimes look at this. Creataing is generally a better use of time than consuming is. Watching TV is just one instance of this.


On the flip side being "in the zone" where high performace of some sort is occurring is the opposite of wasting time. Its nice to be in the zone every once in a while. This is pure positive energy.


Got to accentuate the positve /eliminate the negative....

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This is about others forcing me to waste my time.


Other musicians are my biggest problem. They don't respond to emails/phone calls when they recieve them and leave others waiting on them. For days at a time. Anything associated with music is what a lot of musicians will only do when they are in the mood. So everyone else has to adjust.


The only people in my life that ever do this to me.

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Originally posted by Spencer Crewe:

I feel like I'm wasting time everytime I have to go run errands with Jackie....especially if they have nothing to do with me.

Hmm... assuming Jackie is your wife, doesn't doing things that make her happy have something to do with you?


I'll grant you that I don't think I could marry somebody who loves hanging out in malls. I think that would indicate that our basic values are way too different. But then too sometimes people say they "need" to run errands or hang out at a mall or buy stuff because they just want you to spend time with them. If you are someone who defines himself by his "productivity" at work, then your spouse might well define your level of caring about her by how much money you're willing to spend on her.


In any case, I don't think time spend with a loved one is ever wasted time. And if you find you're spending a lot of time hanging out with people you don't really care about, I think it's time to look for a different crowd.


I also think that if you're a creative person you will have "peak" periods where you use a lot of creative energy and you work like mad. But then you also need periods of "downtime" to recharge your batteries and do something relatively mindless. So I don't think the mindless activity is necessarily a waste of time. It can be if it keeps you from accomplishing things that you know you'll regret later if you don't get done... but it's a fine line sometimes between listening to your own inner voice and society's endless clamoring for you to be "productive" every minute of the day while at the same time imploring you to spend all your money on "leisure activities" that may be a waste of your time.


So the short answer is: I do think there is such a thing as wasting time, but one person's time waster may be another's whole purpose in life and vice versa. Knowing which is which is usually the tricky part.

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Originally posted by Lee Flier:

Hmm... assuming Jackie is your wife, doesn't doing things that make her happy have something to do with you?

Girlfriend yes. Wife - not yet, anyways.


I should've clarified: running errands = OK. Wandering aimlessly around a department store just to "have a look" = big f*cking waste of my time. I detest this. We have all that we need now. We don't "need" to be at this hopeful window shopping nonsense. I'm all for spending time with her. Since starting here at the university in September, I've had way more time to spend with her and we've grown much closer. But why walk around a freakin mall when St. John's has MILES of beautiful walking trails......It doesn't make any sense to me. I'd rather have multiple power tools hacking away at my cranium than spend a senseless couple of hours in a cesspole that is a mall.


I'm all for keeping her happy, but not at the expense of my complete and total misery - which is how I feel about the matter (and yes, she is aware of my opinion). If it was a minor gripe, I'd grin and bear it. But, it's not.




"I prefer to beat my opponents the old-fashioned way....BRUTALLY!!!!"
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I've used this saying for years.....


"I'd rather do nothing than waste time."


One of the things I have noticed over the years is that REALLY busy people usually have more time for me.


It's all a matter of prioritizing....


That said, sometimes I want to just drink too much, sit on the couch and watch the Simpsons. This is not wasting time... it's therapy

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Originally posted by Spencer Crewe:

Originally posted by Lee Flier:

Hmm... assuming Jackie is your wife, doesn't doing things that make her happy have something to do with you?

Girlfriend yes. Wife - not yet, anyways.


I should've clarified: running errands = OK. Wandering aimlessly around a department store just to "have a look" = big f*cking waste of my time. I detest this. We have all that we need now. We don't "need" to be at this hopeful window shopping nonsense. I'm all for spending time with her. Since starting here at the university in September, I've had way more time to spend with her and we've grown much closer. But why walk around a freakin mall when St. John's has MILES of beautiful walking trails......It doesn't make any sense to me. I'd rather have multiple power tools hacking away at my cranium than spend a senseless couple of hours in a cesspole that is a mall.


I'm all for keeping her happy, but not at the expense of my complete and total misery - which is how I feel about the matter (and yes, she is aware of my opinion). If it was a minor gripe, I'd grin and bear it. But, it's not.






If keeping your girl happy means placing yourself in misery while giving up your individuality to "accommodate" her; she sounds incredibly insecure and perhaps even a bit on the needy side. If she is just "window shopping" she could surely find other women that enjoy doing the same to have afternoon outings with. YOU could use the time she spends out with friends to concentrate on your music and getting things done. However, if you NEVER spend any time with her and you are married to your music; perhaps she's trying to let you know that you don't spend enough time with her. If there is already a powerpull as to how the two of you spend your time together, perhaps you should seek a partner more in tune to YOUR interests and not someone that will strip you of YOU. Not every couple joined was meant to last. If you've got the bad vibes now; don't ignore them.

You can take the man away from his music, but you can't take the music out of the man.


Books by Craig Anderton through Amazon


Sweetwater: Bruce Swedien\'s "Make Mine Music"

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Originally posted by Ani:



If keeping your girl happy means placing yourself in misery while giving up your individuality to "accommodate" her; she sounds incredibly insecure and perhaps even a bit on the needy side. If she is just "window shopping" she could surely find other women that enjoy doing the same to have afternoon outings with. YOU could use the time she spends out with friends to concentrate on your music and getting things done. However, if you NEVER spend any time with her and you are married to your music; perhaps she's trying to let you know that you don't spend enough time with her. If there is already a powerpull as to how the two of you spend your time together, perhaps you should seek a partner more in tune to YOUR interests and not someone that will strip you of YOU. Not every couple joined was meant to last. If you've got the bad vibes now; don't ignore them.

I wouldn't say she's generally insecure - only about her own driving abilities. Some areas of St. John's aren't adequately serviced by Metrobus, so it's much easier to simply drive there. She grew up in a rural community of only about 600 people and only 3.3 kms (I checked one time :) ) of road - which isn't a lot to practice one's driving skills. She's exceptionally nervous about driving in a city of 300,000+ people: about 40% of which drive like complete and total imbeciles. This figure increases dramatically in the Wintertime.


The bad vibes don't come from her. She likes to shop whislt I've always detested it. My hatred for shopping originated long before Jackie and I even met. I despise even having to go buy things like shampoo...it means I have to physically enter a store...wretch!! :D


There isn't a powerpull of any sort. I have a very large degree of freedom to pursue my own interests (and I do) and she is free to do the same. For example - she loves baking. Soon after I discovered this about her, she discovered I love eating!


There's too many way cool facets of my relationship with J to get into here. In a nutshell, I'm happier with Jackie than I ever have been with anyone else. Saving up for a ring that I deem worthy is the next big thing (after I fix my slightly fractured laptop screen....long story).


I appreciate the concern, I really do. But I could see how everyone could've gotten the wrong impressions from my earlier posts.


I just really frelling hate shopping.... :D




"I prefer to beat my opponents the old-fashioned way....BRUTALLY!!!!"
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Originally posted by Bbach, son of Peter:

There is no such thing as wasting time. Time is what it is. You are doing what you are doing at any given moment. Get into each moment and enjoy it while it is here. It is immediately gone. The moments you get are limited. Each breath you take is precious, it matters not what you are doing (not harming the world around you). If you can only be happy when you are "working" or "accomplishing a goal", well, sorry for you. :)

I agree with most of your statement, but respectfully disagree with the first sentence, although I see where you're coming from. Not that I always have to be "working" or "accomplishing something"...but, if I get the slog stuff done, then I might increase the stretch of leisure time available for a given activity.


And, Coyote, I think natural events can be time vampires as well. The snowstorm that delays your flight and causes you to spend hours sitting around an airport. That kind of thing. As for people, I don't think they intend to be time vampires, it just happens.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Speaking of Ashlee....


Question!!! Why is it that Ashlee Simpson looks more like Paris Hilton than she does her own sister Jessica. Paris looks more like Ashlee than she does her own sister.


Where was mama Simpson and daddy Hilton about the time Ashlee was conceived? :D

You can take the man away from his music, but you can't take the music out of the man.


Books by Craig Anderton through Amazon


Sweetwater: Bruce Swedien\'s "Make Mine Music"

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