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Historic Studio Closes

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excerpt -


....The two-room facility was used extensively by Malaco artists, Stephenson added, but the last four years saw a sharp decline in outside projects. "When computer and hard-disk recording really got cheap and better at the same time, it just knocked the socks off a lot of studios, (Muscle Shoals) included. It was just a very difficult thing to compete with."

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Damn. I saw they had it for sale last year or the year before. :( Anyone want to go in and buy it?


Too bad we weren't rich enough to buy it and hire Big Bad Brucie...Return to glory days, here we come. Refit it with both perfect vintage and state of the art new stuff. Anyone got a few million I can borrow?


"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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There are a number of studios here in DC which I have been to over the years from time to time. It's got to be tough for them these days since everyone I know practically has some type of project studio in the basement,living room, or even bedroom sometimes. Almost like what happened to the local live band scene here years ago when DJ's started take hold. Most of the small clubs and bars the we used to work in have DJ's now. Actually though I do have a gig tonight at the "18th Street Club" which is one of the few remaining clubs that hires bands but they have a DJ on the second floor also. We will be on the third floor and because of the leakage from below we don't play a lot of ballads.
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Originally posted by Tedster:

Anyone got a few million I can borrow?


Reminds me of an old joke about the state of the jazz business...


How do you make a million playing and recording jazz? Answer; start out with 2 million.




How do you make a million opening up a big studio these days? Start out with 10 miilion. :)

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