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I Just Fractured My Elbow !!!

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Am I the first person to have a snow related incident/injury this year???

It just started snowing here in NY, so before it becomes worse I figured i'd take the freakin' trash out. Then BAM!!! Slipped and used my left arm to break my fall. Got up, shook it off, then just minutes after the pain sets in. Couldn't move my arm, my fingers felt numb. I tried to straighten out my elbow, couldn't because of the pain. Felt a little crepitus now and then that's how I knew I fractured it.

So just got back from the ER. Xrays showed a small fracture in my elbow socket. They sent me home in a soft shell cast. Gotta see an orthepedist tomorrow.

Gotta go, the meds starting to kick in!

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Enjoy your "pharmaceutical vacation" as much as you can.


Last year a guy in an adult-ed guitar class I teach slipped on the ice and broke BOTH arms! :eek: Man...so, it could be worse.


Here's to your healing soon!

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Bummer, dude. I feel for ya. :(


The last time I broke a bone was winter '93-94, while an old band of mine was recording our first album. D'oh!


Hit a patch of ice on my snowboard and smacked down hard on my left hand, causing a fairly severe hairline fracture in my radius. Put me out of commission tracking guitar parts for over a month.

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Frankie, you couldn't pick a better time of the year to do that? :P


Seriously though. Take it easy over Christmas. Get better soon. Having had a broken arm (thankfully not an elbow - yeesh!) I know how much it sucks.


All the best!




"I prefer to beat my opponents the old-fashioned way....BRUTALLY!!!!"
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Ouch, bummer...sorry.


However the up sides; no holiday chores, dishes, trash, cleaning, etc!!!!


Gone ar ethe days of the plaster cast, now it's soft casts, lots of velcro. If you gotta suffer a broken bone, it's much easier for sure.


Hope you heal swiftly.

Hope this is helpful.


NP Recording Studios

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Ouch sorry for you... I hate hitting the Earth with my body - it gets harder as you get older


How do we know that he was fine, but the Earth didn't jump up and beat on him? I'm sure that FrankieP doesn't just go around flinging his body at stuff that might get himself injured.


He's got more sense than that!

Dr. Seuss: The Original White Rapper



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Thanks to all for the warm wishes.

The arm still hurts like a bitch but not as bad as the first 2 days. I went to see an orthopedist yesterday and the 2nd xrays showed a small hairline fracture in my radial head. He said its not that bad and it will heal in 4-5 weeks. He even took away the cast and just let me wear a sling. One thing about an elbow fracture is that you shouldn't immobilize it for so long or else you gonna have trouble bending it in the future.

One good thing about this incident is that I get to spend the holidays with the family instead of working my ass off in the hospital. I'll be out on disability for at least 4 weeks.

Originally posted by phaeton:

Felt a little crepitus now and then that's how I knew I fractured it.


crep·i·tus (krp-ts)



1. Crepitation.

2. A noisy discharge of gas from the intestine.



phaeton... crepitus is a word we use in the medical field to describe the feeling of grating of the fractured bone ends. I thought I sustained much worse when I first felt it but it turns out its not that serious.
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One good thing about this incident is that I get to spend the holidays with the family instead of working my ass off in the hospital. I'll be out on disability for at least 4 weeks.


I know some guys that will gladly take a busted elbow for that :D


I sit corrected on the crepitus thing. I had heard it before (my mom is formerly a nurse and now a pharmacist) but i had never heard it used in that context before. I always knew it as forceful expulsion of material from the backside ;)


I'm 2400 miles away from the copy of Gray's Anatomy that i grew up reading :o


Get well soon, and enjoy a Christmas at home!

Dr. Seuss: The Original White Rapper



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