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OT - G4 Geomagnetic Storm arriving tonight through tomorrow

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So that's what's been making the back of my neck tingle. Time to pull out the Faraday cage and hunker down. If Western Civ gets taken down by a mega flare rather than its own crapulent devices, I'll laugh as I fry. The irony will be savory. :puff:

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"Well, the 60s were fun, but now I'm payin' for it."
        ~ Stan Lee, "Ant-Man and the Wasp"

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1 hour ago, David Emm said:

If Western Civ gets taken down by a mega flare rather than its own crapulent devices, I'll laugh as I fry. The irony will be savory. :puff:

Yep, bad guys will find out who is their real boss. :roll:

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1 hour ago, wd8dky said:

If you're a ham radio operator, you'd be lucky to talk to your neighbor. It causes weird reflections and absorption of the radio waves at different frequencies, goofing everything up in certain frequency ranges. Worthless trivia for all. :)


Yes --   The bands are essentially shut down today.  Last night I worked 5 countries including Australia barefoot from Iowa (both of us).   Amazing the effect!  I did make a 900 mi QSO into Georgia tonight on FT8 -- most seem to be NA and NA-SA.




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J  a  z  z   P i a n o 8 8


Yamaha C7D

Montage M8x | CP300 | CP4 | SK1-73 | OB6 | Seven

K8.2 | 3300 | CPSv.3

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As I learned from last nght, even rural areas can be thwarted by the spectacular views if even within ten miles of city lights.

A couple people I know are going to go travel to the outer reaches of nowhere and hopefully bring back some cool images.

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21 hours ago, K K said:

Hopefully, it will just cause a great northern lights show.   :wave:



Awwwww. Wish I had seen this post last night. Got up this morning and so many people in my area were talking about seeing the Northern Lights. I missed it, and it is on my bucket list. That is what I get for never watching the news, peace of mind and missed opportunities.


Anyway, it is really rare for it to be viewable all the way down into southeast Kentucky but some friends got really nice pictures.


Edit: Just searched the web. There is a chance of seeing it again Saturday night.

This post edited for speling.

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I hope it is back tonight.


Last night, I went out after band practice; I drove an hour west of here to get away from the city lights and of course as soon as it started to get good and dark a band of clouds rolled in and eventually it even rained a little.  I have a go-to location I use for night-sky photos and I sat there in the car until after midnight and there was no break in the clouds.  I finally threw in the towel and headed home, arriving there at close to 2 AM.  Of course, when I got up this morning the sky was totally clear.


Weather looks more promising tonight.

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It was on my bucket list, too. Saw the Northern Lights at roughly 11 to 11:30pm outside Everett, WA (north of Seattle). Impressive as heck and left me in awe. A reminder that we live on a rock protected by a magnetic field. It's a miracle anything is living on this planet...


There was a steady of stream of traffic heading away from city lights as we were heading back home. 🤩


Good luck! -- pj


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Despite aurora forecasts, we didn't see anything here last night... Too bad, but I am personally quite happy nothing horrible happened. G5 geomagnetic storms have the potential to destroy electronics everywhere and entire electrical grids. We were all very lucky that the 2012 G5 storm didn't hit Earth directly as it might have brought us back to near medieval technology for decades. Aaaah... The wonders of the universe - they can be both incredibly beautiful and incredibly destructive.  :guinness:

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