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GForce Oberheim DMX

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And no iOS!

"You live every day. You only die once."


Where is Major Tom?

- - - - -

PC3, HX3 w. B4D, 61SLMkII, SL73, Prologue 16, KingKORG, Opsix, MPC Key 37, DM12D, Argon8m, EX5R, Toraiz AS-1, IK Uno, Toraiz SP-16, Erica LXR-02, QY-700, SQ64, Beatstep Pro

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2 hours ago, D. Gauss said:

Seems a slight better deal than the gazillion dollars i paid for the real deal back in the 80's. Backup on cassette tape. Oy.


"Oy" isn't enough. The sample of a small nuke is more like it. Cassette dumps are among my earliest "scream like a chicken" moments. FSK (Frequency shift keying) can perform an unnatural act on my privates, heh! Prophets & Korgs & cassettes, oh my, oh ****! Part of my current love for cool libraries stems from how it felt to get that (IIRC) Deep Magic patch set into a Prophet-600. I must have auditioned that until the sun set & rose again. I was trippin' happily through Oz for a long while.

"Well, the 60s were fun, but now I'm payin' for it."
        ~ Stan Lee, "Ant-Man and the Wasp"

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Hmmm...My "favorite"....wonder if they get remotely close regarding the punch, fatness and grit of the original

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

Arthur Schopenhauer

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3 hours ago, analogholic said:

Hmmm...My "favorite"....wonder if they get remotely close regarding the punch, fatness and grit of the original

Yes, PFG is vital.

If you run it through a similar signal chain you can expect very similar results (pre-amp, tape, mixing board, sometimes amplification) All of those stages add punch, fatness and grit.


I run my CR78 emulation through such a chain and it works for me. The sound source is pretty clean. The chain adds the PFG. YMMV

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