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Biggest leap in traffic congestion....

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Good reason for you to live at your studio, Phil! :thu:


Really, people in Nashville bitch about construction and traffic, but it's nothing to the daily grind anywhere within 50 - 75 miles of Chicago.. and I'm quite sure Chicago hardly compares to LA. :eek:


Traffic in the far northwest Chicago suburbs is a big reason I live in Nashville. We've toyed with the idea of moving back to be near friends and family, but it would take one incredible job with great pay to convince me to move back to the traffic and cold.

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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LA keeps building outwards into the deserts. riverside was not long ago an isolated city 75 miles from downtown. now it's solid city all the way there. san diego to the south is solid city to LA except for a break at camp pendelton. santa clarita valley to the north is 35 miles from downtown. that used to be the northern limits. now they're pushing up cities all the way to frazier park and beyond (50 miles) and these guys commute into west LA.


I live on a busy street in west LA in a Townhouse but I wouldn't trade it for a mansion on the outskirts if it meant doing the commute. 3-4 hours a day is not quality of life. Mercedes or not, it SUCKS

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Originally posted by Cereal:

LA keeps building outwards into the deserts. riverside was not long ago an isolated city 75 miles from downtown. now it's solid city all the way there. san diego to the south is solid city to LA except for a break at camp pendelton. santa clarita valley to the north is 35 miles from downtown. that used to be the northern limits. now they're pushing up cities all the way to frazier park and beyond (50 miles) and these guys commute into west LA.


I live on a busy street in west LA in a Townhouse but I wouldn't trade it for a mansion on the outskirts if it meant doing the commute. 3-4 hours a day is not quality of life. Mercedes or not, it SUCKS

Cereal, I totally agree. L.A. has so many niche neighborhoods that there really is no reason not live close to work. Personally I think commuting is probably more responsible for the green house effect than anything else. We've always lived close to where we work, and in a couple cases have moved closer if the project was a long one.



Rob Hoffman


Los Angeles, CA

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Seattle is really bad, too. I was there a couple years ago, and even then people were building their lives around traffic avoidance.


For example, the guys I was working with out there would go to bed around 7 PM, get up at 2 AM & go to work, just so they could get out around 10 AM to avoid the noon & afternoon rush hour.


Maybe a lot of you are used to such things, but to me, an Iowa cornfield dweller, this seems completely insane....

OTOH, when everybody around you is crazy, people will tend lock up the few sane ones (since they're not normal). :D

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I make a point of only using the 91 if I absolutely have to..with Fastrak, also using the 241 toll rd when possible, and only during mid Sunday mornings ....which I think is the only remaining time you can get through there without taking food and water.


That thing is a disaster. Even when Caltrans eventually blows a hole through the mountain to build a new freeway connecting OC with the desert (er, I mean the new southeast suburbs of Southern Cal), the 91 will still be a mess...it needs to become an eight laner..which seems only possible if it gets double decked.

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Here's a hint that will give you guys at least weeks of temporary relief: bribe everyone you can to get the Olympics to come to your town! The federal moola just rolls in, every highway is rebuilt, its great commuting for about two whole months!

Then, of course, the "lowest bidder" construction practices catch up with you, everything falls apart, and you can look forward to nighttime closedowns as are happening tonight in Salt Lake City, where three interstates all merge into one (called the "spaghetti bowl" here locally). Ah, but it was great while it lasted...


Hey Phil, you just need to smear dead bugs on all the cars driving past your place, that mastadon will attack and eat everyone in their Volvos, problem solved! :idea::thu:


"Eccentric language often is symptomatic of peculiar thinking" - George Will


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I saw the headline, but not the whole report. Did the address ( :eek::eek::eek: ) Boston.


This is the only place I can think of that has engineered a traffic jam (without a semi truck roll over or other act of God) at 6:00 a.m. on a Sunday morning :mad:


They just spent more money than several European nations use in a decade to take the major north/south highway in town and make it a tunnel instead of elevated. Did they make it any bigger, or easier to navigate? Of course not!


Thankfully, I have transit options. I bike to the suburban train station, and ride into town on the rails. I'm Mr. crunchy granola this summer! The bike thing may not be an option come November to February.


Commuting really is a system of lunacy. Catch 22 and all that.

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Originally posted by robmix:

Cereal, I totally agree. L.A. has so many niche neighborhoods that there really is no reason not live close to work. [/QB]

Well, it's freakin' expensive here!!! :D That may be one reason. What's the price of an average house here - $440,000 or something like that? I have a half hour commute. I guess that's okay, but I sure wish it were shorter!!!
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Originally posted by djarrett:


Nashville was in the top 3 worst traffic for mid-size cities in this same report.

I am surprised we were not number one!


I hate driving here.



You have to be joking, Dendy! Traffic ain't the problem in Nashville. The damn drivers are what make it unbearable.


If you have patience to find alternative routes, virtually nowhere in Nashville is unreachable in more than 1/2 hour. But you have to know the back roads. In Chicago, where pretty much everything is done in a checkerboard (except the highways), it's virtually impossible to find a shortcut that isn't already clogged with other "clever" drivers.


I currently drive from Madison to Bellvue and back to the northeast side of downtown Nashville 3 mornings per week. The other two I drive in directly from Madison. The afternoons I pick Lilly up from school it's back and forth to Bellvue. (I have to work another hour and a half after returning to the job.) That's between 3pm and 4pm. (I don't sit at the 65S/40E split because I can use Wedgewood to some backroads, cross 2nd Ave. and end up by the Volvo dealer on Murfreesboro and head up Elm Hill Pike to Fesslers on my way back.) My entire commute today, morning to night was 85 miles and took 2 hours and 15 minutes. But remember, that was in 4 trips (read: automatically more starts at lights, stop signs, etc.), one of which was from Hwy 70 to back roads (always moving. ;) ) to White Bridge to West End to 440 to 65 to 40 to Fessler's lane. Even in an area that doesn't have "short cuts" I find ones. ;)


And I make absolutely certain not to drive in certain areas at certain times. Say... lower Broad at peak times... ;)

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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