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Ivory 3 - German D

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I am also an Ivory II owner (have the American Concert D, Grand Pianos and Studio Grands)


What I recommend you is to install the new version player, as it looks and feels more up to date and also the old pianos seem to improve. Just for the looks, which includes a new VST also, it is worth to install it.


About the Ivory 3 German D, I have not decided yet to get it.

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Sigh.  If nobody's going to speak up for this one, I guess I will.  Full disclosure:  I paid full price, so I'm obligated to like it...  😊  For me what matters is not the details but the overall tone, and to me on most days, it's my preferred.  Largely I bought it because I was tired of Garritan and wanted a Steinway-esque sound.  My only Steinway reference is a B that I've had the privilege of playing at an in-law's house.  Other VSTs - more than enough...  To me at least the tone of the German D is consistent.  The bottom end rumbles.  The top tinkles.  On the B mic, it feels close but not too close (ie Grandeur).  It's not too sharp (Production voices) or dull (Noire) or weird (VSL which I still can't get to sound right), and I prefer it over ACD.  I find it adequate for practicing on without jarring distraction or fussing about the tone.  So, now when I boot the system, this is it.  YMMV.

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I can speak for it. I was an Ivory 1 & 2 owner and when this one was released it was a no brainer for me. Ivory has always been my most preferred piano.

I’ve never got on with their Bossenorfer but the Yamaha and mostly the Steinway have been fabulous pianos. I also own the American Grand and the Fazoli and both of these have been appropriate at times but less often.

In Version 3 the German Grand is a clear step forward in playability and sound although it’s getting harder to separate these two areas since one speaks to the other. The nuance and detail in fine control is truly wonderful. My main controller being a Roland A88. Also noteworthy are the multiple mic positions now available in V3 - particularly if you’re mixing music in Atmos. I recently set up 2Ivory instruments in a Atmos mix - one with the side A Mic’s and the other with the MS mics and panned them to somewhat different places in the sound field and it felt like I had my head in the piano sort of. Really beautiful. Dare I say immersive.

I know V3 supports MIDI 2.0 but I’m yet to have a controller that can do it. I hear it’s yet a further step up in playing detail. Might be an argument to upgrade my A88 to the Mk2 one of these days.

Even playing the version 2 pianos inside the version 3 software interface seems to add a little to the playing experience but not close to the actual only new V3 piano - i3 German Grand. Also be warned this new piano inside the V3 software imposes a noticeably bigger CPU resource overhead. So much so that my old Mac Mini Mainstage rig can’t run it live with low latency. My Mac Studio Ultra M1 - my studio machine - has no issue with it even in a crowded session.

I’ll give the final word of my impromptu review to a great musical colleague - a wonderful jazz pianist that I’ve just recently put the final touches on our 6th album together. Fusion style music. He’s done a further 10 albums before we met. All using good quality Yamaha grands at various studios and has a Kawai grand in his own studio. I turned him onto Ivory 2 back on the first record we did and it’s all we’ve used for every record since. It was a tough sell back then but he was immediately convinced once he heard the mixes.  He feels that V3 Ivory is a huge advance. I have to agree. 

Paul Najar

Jaminajar music production


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