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New Cubase SX3

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I wrote a Coming Attraction on it for EQ, and the thing that stuck most in my mind was the ability to handle acidized/time-stretched files. But I don't know how much you'll be able to edit them, or whether they're "read only." With so many poorly acidized files out there, I've found the ability of Sonar and Acid to move markers essential. I assume Cubase will have the same functionality, but won't know the depth of same until I have the program in hand. There are also a lot of other, smaller improvements, as well as a way improved variation of Mixermaps.


BTW I might also add that my main sequencer prior to Sonar was Cubase. The only reasons I switched were the acidization and stability of the video window. I've always thought Cubase was an excellent program, and I do think that their upgrade to V3 is going to keep existing Cubase owners very happy...might also convert some Windows Logic fans, too.


I do see a lot of comments about how the initial versions of Cubase have problems. In general, I agree. But it seems Steinberg is VERY fast with an immediate patch that fixes the glaring problems, then a bit slower with the next patch that ties up the less critical loose ends as it sometimes adds functionality too. I'm inclined to give them slack on this, because Cubase is one of the very few cross-platform apps -- so their bug-testing is by definition twice as heavy-duty as anyone else.


I also MUST say that a lot of the bitching I see on the Cubase forums are due to pilot error or hardware problems. I've seen people complain about things that work just fine for me...not sure what their problem is. I do know some people use cracks and then wonder why things don't work as advertised! Doh.

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Originally posted by forceman:

However, and not to belabor the point, I saw some die-hard Nuendo users absolutely CRYING for some Steiny TLC. Hopefully they got (or are getting) it.


Thanks for your comments, Craig!

I frequent the Nuendo forums and yes there are a lot of whining and crying for some tlc. Imo, it's a case of "me first" syndrome. A lot of people crave for new features and Nuendo users can't seem to understand why SX users get to play with it first. I for one am happy and content with the current version. Yes it has its quirks and bugs but there is always a workaround. I have yet to encounter a showstopper in my current system. I guess I have to thank Scott of ADK for that for building me such a wonderful and stable system. ;)

Anyway, the new features in SX3 sounds good to me. I especially like the Inplace editing feature and the new Midi device Maps and Panels. If Steinberg rings true to its promise that Nuendo will have all Cubase SX features, i'm sure that these will find its way to Nuendo 3 .

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Originally posted by forceman:


The Nuendo forums were full of people complaining (justifibly so) about the product, the lack of Steiny "support" and a host of other issues. It got pretty ugly.



Really? I'm there all the time. There are jsut a few complainers, IMO.


Check out the Digi website. And see how many problems they have, and they're up to Version 6. I especially like the new 'feature" in 6.3, where it just loses (erases) files just recorded, when opening the session again.


Nuendo has way more, better features tahn pro-Tols does, and is Just now coming up to version 3.

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Originally posted by forceman:

Originally posted by Jotown:

Thanks for the input, Craig.....et al.


So I guess the consensus is that Cubase 3 is a worthwhile upgrade if you already use Cubase.


I will be upgrading to it.
Hey Steve, whereabouts in Motown you be from?



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