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Thoughts at large 3

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...or the ramblings of an idle mind...


...I was listening to an "oldies" station playing "Spinning Wheel", and started wondering whatever became of Steve Katz. Katz was once the driving force behind the fine Blues Project, and a founding member of Blood, Sweat and Tears. And a fine guitarist to boot!


...Today I had a good laugh when I saw "Beanie Babies" for sale in a thrift shop for a buck a piece! Man, somebody REALLY saw America coming with THAT scene. I know of some twits that paid more than $200 a piece for some of those.


...I was in a supermarket the other day, and saw a woman paying for her groceries with food stamps while at the same time gabbing to somebody on her cell phone! Am I the only one who sees something wrong with this picture?


...It tickles me that one of my pet Shi-Tzus can bravely charge the back fence after a passing, actual threat like a truck, and bark like it scares it, but lets an intangible and harmless thing like thunder run her to hide under the couch!


...It never fails. Wink at any kid under three years old, and they'll BLINK back at you.


...What's up with boys and clothes lately? My 10 year old nephew fusses over his "wardrobe" more than my daughters ever did in their teens! Time was when boys that age couldn't give a shit. And it's not just my nephew. He's just a handy case study.


...Alright, guys! You've run out of ways to wear those dumb looking caps. Frontways, backwards, backwards to the side a bit, frontways to the side a bit. If I were you, I'd slap the bitch who lied and said it all actually makes you look good.


...Dick Cheney's daughter is lesbian? Now, THAT makes the political race interesting!


...Oops! It's thundering outside now. Time to dig my dog out from under the sofa...



I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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Steve Katz became a producer and A&R guy for Columbia. He was kind of a non-entity as a guitarist IMO.


The other stuff makes as little sense to me as to you.


Luckily, my 10 year old son couldn't care less what he wears. My wife, who was a professional stylist in N.Y., dresses him up for special occasions though and he seems to enjoy looking cool.

Mac Bowne

G-Clef Acoustics Ltd.

Osaka, Japan

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I was in a supermarket the other day, and saw a woman paying for her groceries with food stamps while at the same time gabbing to somebody on her cell phone! Am I the only one who sees something wrong with this picture?
Except for her rudeness to the store clerk, I can't assume she's working the system. Perhaps she can't afford a land phone, and one of her relatives is helping her out with a cell. She could be a single mother, waiting for a call-back on a job interview and borrowed her mom's phone. She could be doing without new clothes to pay for her cell phone on her part time job income. The phone might be given to her by her employer, in case they need to call her in. There's tons of possible explanations.


I've been on the receiving end of dirty looks at the grocery store. It's hard enough getting by on public assistance without judgemental people assuming the worst.


Adding to the ramblings.... did you know you can't have manslaughter without laughter?

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Originally posted by cherri:

I was in a supermarket the other day, and saw a woman paying for her groceries with food stamps while at the same time gabbing to somebody on her cell phone! Am I the only one who sees something wrong with this picture?
Except for her rudeness to the store clerk, I can't assume she's working the system. Perhaps she can't afford a land phone, and one of her relatives is helping her out with a cell. She could be a single mother, waiting for a call-back on a job interview and borrowed her mom's phone. She could be doing without new clothes to pay for her cell phone on her part time job income. The phone might be given to her by her employer, in case they need to call her in. There's tons of possible explanations.


I've been on the receiving end of dirty looks at the grocery store. It's hard enough getting by on public assistance without judgemental people assuming the worst.


Adding to the ramblings.... did you know you can't have manslaughter without laughter?

Yeah, that one looked a bit out of place, I see your point but I know over here you can keep a cell phone (sounds better than mobile OK, I'll give you guys that one, but football is still football (kidding) :D ) very cheaply, so she could have just owned one for emergencies and someone called her on it....


I enjoyed the rest of them tho and they should all be bundled up into an e-mail and forwarded around the world as thoughts of the day...


Or something?! :)

Fa Fa FA Fa fa fa fa fa FA fa FA FA
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...What's up with boys and clothes lately?
It's more than that. Ben Stein has complained that his teenage sons go orgasmic over the idea of going shopping. Have you bought this month's men's magazine so you know what shit to shop for? And have you had your chest waxed yet this week? We certainly wouldn't want you to look like a man, now, would we?? Remember, I'd rather look good than feel good!


Now get out there, and consume, consume, consume!!



"If more of us valued food, cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world." - J. R. R. Tolkien
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Originally posted by Tedster:

Has Andy Rooney retired yet? When his job comes open, make sure you apply for it, Fang... :D

Might be a cool gig, Ted. just as long as I don't have to let my eyebrows get like his. :P


Good points about the cell phone. I'll digress. But I can't let go of a similar case concerning my neice. She just somehow managed to find financing for a new Equinox, in spite of her Blazer getting repo'd, and the roof of her house in severe disrepair. I just know she's not the only person pulling this kind of crap.



I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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