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OT: The further decline of western civilization

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I don't want to live in a world where you can dress your kids up like this for Halloween, but I guess I do. Yikes.

"I had to have something, and it wasn't there. I couldn't go down the street and buy it, so I built it."


Les Paul

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That is so disturbing on so many levels the mind truly boggles. I'm not one to stick my nose in other peoples business, but if I saw kids dressed like that I'd go have a serious talk with their parents (oops! their parents are probably gone, dead, or in jail).
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I dunno- that pimp suit is, well, pimpin'! It's styley. Better that than GI Joe Freedom Force or whatever. And the "ho" suit is poorly named, but a classy getup.


There's lots more disturbing stuff being worn around on a regular day to day basis. I'd be more concerned about giving them all them prescription mindfuck stuff.



"There is nothing I regret so much as my good behavior. What demon possessed me that I behaved so well?" -Henry David Thoreau

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Originally posted by Jode:

I don't want to live in a world where you can dress your kids up like this for Halloween, but I guess I do. Yikes.

Well, there are always other options.




Hey, what's wrong with the Pimp costume? It was good enough for Huggy Bear!




And the little "ho" is pretty well-cover, unlike the girls who they those Britney Spears pants with their hips hanging out. I don't see how anyone can complain about a fun little costume when ultra-low-rider jeans have become a daily wardrobe staple.

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The "ho" costume did indeed look like a 1920's flapper outfit. The costume itself wasn't even PG-13 rated. The concept, OTOH, is a different story.


People ought to be distubed by the idea of dressing children in costumes intended to imitate a profession that is, by definition, sexual in nature. Oh, and about selling sex for money, no less. For adults, I think we're way too prudish about the concept, but fer chrissakes, let's let kids be kids for awhile. They've gpt their whole lives to see the hunor in sexual archetypes.


For the record, those child beauty pageants of the sort Jon Benet Ramsey was in give me the creeps as well.

Stephen Fortner

Principal, Fortner Media

Former Editor in Chief, Keyboard Magazine

Digital Piano Consultant, Piano Buyer Magazine


Industry affiliations: Antares, Arturia, Giles Communications, MS Media, Polyverse



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