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OT - 2 Year cell phone contract

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I just found original thread about this Cingular deal: here


So, if anyone has anything more. Back on this question: If the cell phone company tells you the 2-year contract is standard, what do you think? I don't buy it. My bro is the worst negotiator on the planet but he's locking me into this with him and I don't like it. Cingular, $60 a month for two phones, two numbers, 850 shared anytime minutes.


I am pretty sure I saw AT&T has 900 minutes for $35 a month. Two phones, I assume two numbers.


Point is, two years is a LONG time. What if I move? What if I have to use WAY more than 850 minutes beginning six months from now or one year from now? These are the kinds of things I would want to know. Upgrading penalties, stuff like that. He just took the offer like it was necessary to do RIGHT THEN rather than talk about it. He gets all pissed at me when I question how he talks to sales people.


But there is a huge difference between saying "Hey, I was wondering how much it would cost me to change from a 2-yr contract to a 1-yr contract." (That's how he would say it.) Versus me saying "I'm not happy with a 2-yr deal; no, I can't live with that. Let's make it a 1-yr deal." They'll either take it or they won't but you get the picture.


A car salesman would eat him alive. He thinks nobody lies in the world. That they always give you their great deal.


Main thing, do you sign 2-yr contracts?

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I went with Verizon for 2 years and I'm happy as can be with it. I bought a nice phone too. I started with 400 minutes and if that turns out to not be enough I'll upgrade, no biggie.


There are all kinds of sharks out there. The main thing is that you get quality reception. The Verizon has excellent reception here in Austin. If you save $5 a month and your reception is krappy you're gonna very sorry.


Good luck!

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Yup. This weekend I had to get a couple of phones. Buy 1 get 1 free from Verizon. I figured I'd get a phone for me and one for my wife.


$17.00/month per line. That's not too bad.


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I just renewed a 2 year contract with Cingular and this is my third renewal. If you sign the contract you get a better deal plus you get a free phone upgrade with each renewal, so IMO, it's worth it.


Also, you can change plans any time during the contract. In other words you're not locked into the 850 minute plan - you can change to another plan that includes more minutes, or one with less, any time with no penalty. I've done it several times. The only thing the contract won't let you do without penalty is discontinue your service altogether. So, the 2 year deal is no big whoop, so long as you know you're going to want a cell phone.

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EXACTLY. I just did two years with Cingular because I travel so much, and what with the merger with AT&T, their coverage ROCKS.


T-Mobile is better for internet stuff, though. If I was 25 years old and lived in a major metropolitan area, I'd get T-Mobile. But I want COVERAGE, baby, coverage!


Verizon used to be top dog and still gives real good coverage. I almost got it until I found out about the AT&T merger. There are still some places where Verizon is the only carrier that will work.


I've already saved so much $$ by going with the cell plan compared to Bell South that I have no complaints.

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I've been with Verizon for along time. Since they were Airtouch and the phones were analog and pretty damned big. One phone I had was nearly a laptop computer sized box with a hardwired, normal sized handset. O battery life to speak of but it worked pretty darned well.

Thing I've got to look at next renewal is the extra line chages Verizon gets. It's double Cingular's and, I think some of the others.


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I don't want to be locked into a contract for two years just to get cell-phone service. Decent service will keep me as a customer, not a stupid contract. I don't have to sign a contract locking me in to other services, and I don't want to sign one for a cell phone.


I explained my position to a supervisor at the cell phone company, and she agreed to let me get service without signing their silly contract.


It can be done.

Dooby Dooby Doo
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Didn't have to buy a phone!


I explained that I was waiting for their bluetooth model to come out (my cell phone company has yet to bless a blue tooth phone) since I want to be able to connect to the internet on my laptop via a cell phone in my pocket, without having to connect cumbursome cables as I wait in an airport, dripping icing from a Cinabon onto my lap.


Hence: monthly fee, no contract, use existing phone, assured them I would buy their bluetooth model once they get it out the door.

Dooby Dooby Doo
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