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guitar forum for losers..may be this forum is better 4 guitar

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Virtuoso Bralalalala demands answers in court documents from wanna be players who make their name by signing bands that don't make their guitar playing look too crap!

Bralalalala v. LA music Awards


Requests for admission

3-Did you ask Bralalalala to be a speaking host to an audience of celebrities at the LA music awards 2000?

4-Were you ever the agent of a celebrity used limosine service?

5-Did see the plaintiff for the first time in "women's" clothing on the cd cover, Bralalalala "Well Come to the Galaxy?"

6--Do you consider any band in the world to have a chance at winning an LA music award?

7- Are personal relationships business contracts?

8-Did you ever discuss your wife's act of murder with the plaintiff?

9-Did you ever discuss politics in your home with the plaintiff?

10-Did you ever applaud the explosion of an LAPD car by protesters on television in the course of discussing business with the plaintiff?

11-Did you initiate sexual conversation with the plaintiff?

12-Did you show plaintiff a copy of Playboy magazine in your home?

13-Did you ever talk to the plaintiff about (her) clothing?

14-Did you ever tell plaintiff to wear pants only?

15-At the moment the contract was signed 6/19/2000 was the plaintiff wearing a dress?

16-Did you ever make derogatory comments to the plaintiff because (she) is a transvestite?

17-Did you ever say in the press the plaintiff said (she) likes to be called a "freak" because (she) wears dresses?

18-Did you ever differentiate between the plaintiff Bralalalala and already licensed products in the music business on the radio station KCLA stating "androgynous" musicians are a "great selling point?"

19-Did you ever state on KCLA that Bralalalala's finished album, "Well come to the Galaxy,"is a "gold album as is with the right promotion behind it?"

20-Did you say Bralalalala is some one Bach and Beethoven would hang out with if they were alive today?

21-Do you believe your sponsors offer a better chance of promoting the artists on your event program than other entities?

22-Did gold or platinum selling music celebrities participate in the LA music awards event in 2000?

23-Did you ever ask plaintiff to move in across the street from your self professed home?

24-Did you sing on two separate occassions at your self professed home in to a microphone "who are you going to blow to go to the show" in the presence of the plaintiff?

25-Did you ever talk to a federal agent about having the plaintiff arrested?

26-Did you ever sit down the plaintiff with a Heidi Fleiss call girl at the Rainbow Bar and Grill?

27-Did you ever say it was no big deal a Heidi Fleiss call girl threatened to have the plaintiff raped?

28-Did you ever say it was no big deal a Heidi Fleiss call girl threatened to have the plaintiff killed?

29-Did you ever initiate a conversation about a threesome with a Heidi Fleiss call girl, the plaintiff and the plaintiff's wife?

30-Did you ever sit your hopeful girlfriend Mitzy Varadi down at the Rainbow bar and Grill with the plaintiff?

31- Did you make sexual remarks about Mitzy Varadi's sexual feelings for the plainiff?

32-Did you solicit Bralalalala to the ABC television program "Moral Court," in the thinking it was a great promotional idea for the artist?

33-Did you ever talk about the importance of money, in various installment amounts, which would make the plaintiff famous?

34-Did you state on a radio program for KCLA fm media people would "embrace" the plaintiff?

35-Did you ever say you would locate the physical wherebaouts of the plaintiff in an effort to have (her) involuntarily detained?

36-Did you ever send e mails to the P.E.T. (psychiatric evaluation team) regarding the plaintiff?

37-Did you contact attorney Roderick Limbolm about suing the plaintiff before the LA music awards event in 2000?

38-Did you assist the band Beyond Control in opening live concerts for major label acts, including Judas Priest?

39-Was your relationship to the plaintiff advancement of career for the plaintiff?

40-Was your relationship to the plaintiff name recognition within the music industry press?

41-Have you ever sold an LA music award?

42-Is it true that award winners at the LA music awards are more likely than not to meet celebrities in person?

43-Is it true that award winners in 2000 for the LA music awards were seen before a national audience?

44-Is it true that major label a&r executives attended the LA music awards in 2000?

45-Is it true that various licensing agencies attended the LA music awards in 2000?

46--Did you ever wish to date Mitzy Varadi, who you had appear on "Moral Court" harassing Bralalalala over wearing a dress?

47-Did you interact with celebrities on at least a weekly basis typically in 2000?

48-Did you ever differentiate between the plaintiff Bralalalala and already licensed products in the music business on the radio station KCLA stating Bralalalala is different because (she) is not just a stage act of "androgyny?"

49-Are you involved in arranging live concerts for bands?

50-Are you an a&r executive?

51-Did you ever tell plaintiff Mark Berry is a friend after all?

52-Did you ever say that half the people in the city of Los Angeles are fraudulent?

53-Did you ever say fraud is not something to be conerned about legally?

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But, how do we know it's really Bralalala? I mean, anyone could assimilate the name...anyone who knew which name to use...who took the time to dig through the archives, and post as Bralalala.
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Originally posted by frethead:

Originally posted by Super 8:

I just don't know why I should care...

the greed of a few could destroy us all..pay attention to the post..things out there more important than sex and money..things like the sound of music
The most productive way you can improve the sound of music would be to cease and desist your efforts to make music.


And yes, I've heard your music. Only competes with your posts for the noise I least enjoy hearing.


Sorry guys. Just couldn't leave that one alone. It was just too easy and too true... ;)


(Going back to not feeding the troll now. :D )

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Originally posted by fantasticsound:

Originally posted by frethead:

Originally posted by Super 8:

I just don't know why I should care...

the greed of a few could destroy us all..pay attention to the post..things out there more important than sex and money..things like the sound of music
The most productive way you can improve the sound of music would be to cease and desist your efforts to make music.


And yes, I've heard your music. Only competes with your posts for the noise I least enjoy hearing.


Sorry guys. Just couldn't leave that one alone. It was just too easy and too true... ;)


(Going back to not feeding the troll now. :D )

check the web..bralalalala world reknowed guitarist
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Wrenches! I thought you said wenches. I love a plumber's wrench, a very useful tool. You can use it as a hammer in a pinch.


Here's a picture on ebay that they call a pipe wrench, http://i4.ebayimg.com/03/i/02/44/3c/1d_2.JPG, but isn't that also called a plumber's wrench?

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Originally posted by frethead:

Originally posted by fantasticsound:

Originally posted by frethead:


Originally posted by Super 8:

I just don't know why I should care...
the greed of a few could destroy us all..pay attention to the post..things out there more important than sex and money..things like the sound of music
The most productive way you can improve the sound of music would be to cease and desist your efforts to make music.


And yes, I've heard your music. Only competes with your posts for the noise I least enjoy hearing.


Sorry guys. Just couldn't leave that one alone. It was just too easy and too true...


(Going back to not feeding the troll now.
check the web..bralalalala world reknowed guitarist

If by world reknowned you mean, "despised by people over the world thanks to the internet", then I agree.


William Hung is world reknowned. I wouldn't say he's reknowned for anything of any worth. :rolleyes:


Sorry guys, I'll post my wrench photos tomorrow. I have some neat old plumber's wrenches, Steve-a-Wewus I've collected several from estate sales.


But me, I like a good set of racheting wrenches. That and the old faithful, Crescent wrench. I'm a sound guy, but enjoyed hanging lighting in my local crew days. I was naked without my Crescent, a Leatherman/Gerber multi-tool and Mag-lite. :thu:

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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hey bralalala , your post has like 10,000,000 words in it :( man, i can't be bothered to sort through all that dookie... :mad:


I was going to ask if you could sort of condense it for me, but apparently you are not very popular around these parts, so never mind :o:mad:


I learned my lesson in that "P120dUde" debacle :mad:


If the musicplayer peops are showing you their dark side today, they must have damn good reason to do so :o


So don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out :mad:

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Originally posted by Christopher Kemp:

Y'know, maybe s/he's right - the Guitar Forum does seem to attract losers. I mean, Bralalalaless keeps gravitating back there...

I am an idealist at heart..now go do your google search on Bralalalala. Bralalala and Bralalalalala and see 3 stars in 1.
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Originally posted by Ani:

I'm a sound guy, but enjoyed hanging lighting in my local crew days. I was naked without my Crescent, a Leatherman/Gerber multi-tool and Mag-lite.
Did you say you were hanging naked??? :D:D:D
I distinctly stated I was wearing a Crescent wrench, a Leatherman/Gerber multi-tool and a Mag-lite! ;)


(There's a picture you won't rid yourself of for the rest of the day. :D )

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Originally posted by fantasticsound:

Originally posted by Ani:

I'm a sound guy, but enjoyed hanging lighting in my local crew days. I was naked without my Crescent, a Leatherman/Gerber multi-tool and Mag-lite.
Did you say you were hanging naked??? :D:D:D
I distinctly stated I was wearing a Crescent wrench, a Leatherman/Gerber multi-tool and a Mag-lite! ;)


(There's a picture you won't rid yourself of for the rest of the day. :D )

Hmmm, now I'm going to vision you as a naked technician running around in the buff with only a leather tool belt strapped around your waist with a Crescent wrench, a Leatherman/Gerber multi-tool and a Mag-lite! hanging out the pockets of it and (ahem) a TOOL pertruding from below the belt. :D:eek:;)
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