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SECLUSION!! PLEASE PLEASE change your avatar

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No one can see it unless you host it somewhere outside of MSN. It just prompts everyone else with a login/password dialog box everytime we look at a thread where we posted. It's really getting annoying.

"For instance" is not proof.


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Originally posted by zeronyne:

No one can see it unless you host it somewhere outside of MSN. It just prompts everyone else with a login/password dialog box everytime we look at a thread where we posted. It's really getting annoying.

Is THAT what's been doingit?????


That's been driving me freek'n nuts!


Why does it do that?

Super 8


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Originally posted by daklander:

I don't see an avatar either but I've not had any other related issues.



I suspect you can't see much of anything with your hand over your eyes :D

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Perhaps seclusion's avatar is a picture of something that our brains aren't programmed to see - like it was with those cats that were raised in a lab without any vertical elements . Later on, they bumped into the legs of tables because their brains couldn't perceive vertical reality.


(Okay, I admit it. I just saw What the #$*! Do We (k)now!? :D )





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I didn't really get why you'd have a log on screen.. Anywho, it was a avatar picture of my dobberman/black lab dog Sadie running... I'll figure it out later... I could see it from my wife's laptop, the studio one and from work... Interesting today I can't see any of yours either.. Wonder if it has anything to do with windoze firewall... I just went to SP2...

Does anyone have a place they could host a 29kb pic??? I'm working on my local one.

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