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annoying things cats do

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1. walk just ahead of you like they are so important you would never dream of stepping on them in a million years... :rolleyes: (the trust is flattering, but cats need to realize we humans ain't always that coordinated)


2. raise their tails in the air and show you their

anuses as a matter of everyday protocol :mad:


3. use their teeth to show affection you when you pet them too ardently :mad: sorry, I just don't trust my cat that much :(


That's enough for starters. Feel free to add to this list. ;)

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The "hey look at my anus" thing is always annoying, My ex's cat use to do that all the time. Then there is the 'sharpening of the claws' on your leg...ouch. Meowing in the middle of the night for whatever reason, I don't know. I still yet to understand the whole 'running across the house' at full speed schtick.


Take it away Weasel...

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Icurrently have a friend living here temporarily, and her 2 cats are here. I actually kind of like them, though the cat hair is a drag.




1) Use the Monty Python Ministry of Silly Walks technique. This will annoy and confuse the cat, causing them to just watch you walk by, thus solving that problem.


2) Rubber Bands. Carefully Aimed Rubber Bands, and a small squirtgun filled with rubbing alchohol.


3) A pinky down the throat causes them to open and react backwards.


And, remember, Your dog thinks you are god, your cat thinks he/she is god.

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Zig-zagging in front of me while I'm walking, with the intent of slowing me down.


Attack my feet from underneath the bathroom door while I'm trying to take a shit.


Jump up on my lap while I'm sitting at my desk, and landing on my genitals.

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Well, I apologize in advance, 'cuz I know there are a number of catophiles here.


But I find almost EVERYTHING cats do annoying.


But they're great for target practice . . . :P

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music, lessons, gig schedules at dennyf.com


STURGEON'S LAW --98% of everything is bullshit.


My Unitarian Jihad Name is: The Jackhammer of Love and Mercy.

Get yours.

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Originally posted by Dennyf:

Well, I apologize in advance, 'cuz I know there are a number of catophiles here.


But I find almost EVERYTHING cats do annoying.


But they're great for target practice . . . :P




Kcbass :)

 "Let It Be!"

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Run around your feet rubbing up against your legs and behind the toilet when you're trying to take a leak. I really don't want to miss and hit the cat. I don't mind them rubbing up against my leg otherwise.


There are more things. The worst is, until they're trained not to, trying to get up on the eating tables. We have a rule. The cats can get up on anything they want...EXCEPT the tables for eating. We squirt 'em with a water bottle to get 'em off the table. They don't like that at all...

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Originally posted by felix.:

They like to lay on the newspaper while you're reading it.

Stupid, loveable cats! :)


I don't have any pets at the moment, I would really like to have a dog or two cats.


What do we want? Procrastination!

When do we want it? Later!

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using furniture for a scrathcing post.


taking the best sunny spot near the window on a cold day


mewling at the door. It's 3 am in the morning.


creeping up on ya when you're sleeping, then doing that low lion growl right in your face.




and the most heatbreaking thing they do is...



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Originally posted by deanmass:




1) Use the Monty Python Ministry of Silly Walks technique. This will annoy and confuse the cat, causing them to just watch you walk by,

Or if that doesn't work, enroll them in the (Python approved) Royal Academy of Feline Aquatics.


Our cats express their opinion of the cuisine we offer them by puking on the carpet. Yum.



He not busy being born

Is busy dyin'.


...Bob Dylan

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Haha, I love my three cats. Simon is the most outgoing. But, they can all get fiesty sometimes when you start to play with them. They think it's all fun and games until you get your arm half way scratched to mince meat. Lol.
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I can relate to the walking underfoot issue. We never had much of a problem with our 5 cats in this regard. Then in comes #6, Oliver, and damned if that cat isn't purposely trying to trip me. Either that or he is completely clueless how to advance in front of me! :freak:


But no one has mentioned the obvious...


Decide, for reasons unbeknownst to man or beast, to pee or poop on the carpet. :mad:


Oh, and hock everywhere. My cats don't get hairballs hardly at all. But I'm certain my eldest cat, Simon, is bulemic. Only he doesn't take the time to hide his regurgitation of food from us, unfortunately! :freak:

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Originally posted by deanmass:

Icurrently have a friend living here temporarily, and her 2 cats are here. I actually kind of like them, though the cat hair is a drag.




1) Use the Monty Python Ministry of Silly Walks technique. This will annoy and confuse the cat, causing them to just watch you walk by, thus solving that problem.


2) Rubber Bands. Carefully Aimed Rubber Bands, and a small squirtgun filled with rubbing alchohol.


3) A pinky down the throat causes them to open and react backwards.


And, remember, Your dog thinks you are god, your cat thinks he/she is god.

I'm a big believer in reserved use of a squirtgun to inhibit really unwanted behavior -- but I don't think the escalation to rubbing alcohol is really necessary in most cases. Cats hate being wet, especially suddenly. But you can actually overdo it and make them winky and paranoid. Even if you don't like the cat as it is, this will just make the cat that much harder to live with. There is a happy medium where the cat doesn't do what you don't want but isn't turned into this skittish thing flitting around in back of furniture or sneaking into the kitchen in the middle of the night to take his food.


(And please be careful aiming those rubber bands, you could hurt the little furball's eye and end up with a half blind cat... which is, you guessed it, even more trouble. And you will likely feel so guilty you'll go to extra efforts to pamper and baby it from there on.)

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Originally posted by fantasticsound:

Oh, and hock everywhere. My cats don't get hairballs hardly at all. But I'm certain my eldest cat, Simon, is bulemic. Only he doesn't take the time to hide his regurgitation of food from us, unfortunately! :freak:

Oh god! I hate that. My cats puke all over the place. It must be hairballs. I give them medication and they still puke. Well, at least only two out of three puke. Thankfully not all three of them! :D
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Used to do that, but it only worked for one. The other loves water - he's been known to jump in the shower with me lol

Originally posted by Tedster:

We squirt 'em with a water bottle to get 'em off the table. They don't like that at all...

I used to think I was Libertarian. Until I saw their platform; now I know I'm no more Libertarian than I am RepubliCrat or neoCON or Liberal or Socialist.


This ain't no track meet; this is football.

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Crapping in the house.


The whole idea of storing (even temporarily) the most rancid, toxic feces ever encountered by man in an open container *in my living space* is simply beyong my comprehension.


I like outdoor cats.

One of these days I'm gonna change my evil ways...

one of these days...


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