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What The ? / Lee Flier Rock The Joint!

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I got back from seeing Lee Flier's band, What the ?, play a really fun set at The Joint in Los Angeles as part of International Pop Overthrow. Good music!


I wish I could make Phil's BBQ, but I hope that everyone has a good time!

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Pissed me off that I had to miss the show. Damned lawn sprinkler problem. Someone ran over some head & they were spraying water all over the place so they had to be repaired.

Damn! Damn! Damn!


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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Originally posted by daklander:

Pissed me off that I had to miss the show. Damned lawn sprinkler problem. Someone ran over some head & they were spraying water all over the place so they had to be repaired.

Damn! Damn! Damn!

Ømigod, that is exactly the same reason I couldn't make it!!
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Originally posted by Ken/Eleven Shadows:

I got back from seeing Lee Flier's band, What the ?, play a really fun set at The Joint in Los Angeles as part of International Pop Overthrow. Good music!


I wish I could make Phil's BBQ, but I hope that everyone has a good time!

Hey - you must've been that tall guy everybody was callin Ken ! hehe catch ya next time :wave:
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Lee, I woulda so been at your gig tonight if I didn't have one to play myself, It was a good gig and all, but I'd rather have seen you, given so little opportunity to do so. Rock on. :thu:

Stephen Fortner

Principal, Fortner Media

Former Editor in Chief, Keyboard Magazine

Digital Piano Consultant, Piano Buyer Magazine


Industry affiliations: Antares, Arturia, Giles Communications, MS Media, Polyverse



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Originally posted by Sunny.:

Originally posted by daklander:

Pissed me off that I had to miss the show. Damned lawn sprinkler problem. Someone ran over some head & they were spraying water all over the place so they had to be repaired.

Damn! Damn! Damn!

Ømigod, that is exactly the same reason I couldn't make it!!
Liar, you're too far away. :D


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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Originally posted by Super 8:

Pics please...








And don't tell me you don't have any, Ken... I know you're a little shutterbug!

hehe I videotaped Ken11 takin pics :D

I thought I heard someone hummin' 'Circles' as he walked by...


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Believe it or not, no pics!!! I should have brought a digital camera. There were a number of people taking pics, though.
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If Lee ever decides to come through Kansas City or nearby, I'll make sure to take a digital video of her band; along with some still shots.


I had a nice digi video of Ted's band playing during his Halloween gig last year, but he didn't like the song on which I captured the video. I put up some of the still pictures of him on the forum, but out of respect I didn't put the video up. I'm not sure what happened to the video, but it's not in the obvious location on my hard drive. I hope I didn't lose it altogether because "I" thought it was good.

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I live ten minutes from The Joint and had to miss the show due to another commitment. I am not happy because that commitment was just about a complete waste of time.


I am curious about International Pop Overthrow, in that:


1) A friend explains that it's a "real mixed bag"




2) It inspired Lee and her mates to travel cross-country to play for half-an-hour?


There seem to be so damn many bands packed into such a tight schedule, is the exposure significant?


Just wondering.



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Originally posted by Deef:

I live ten minutes from The Joint and had to miss the show due to another commitment. I am not happy because that commitment was just about a complete waste of time.


I am curious about International Pop Overthrow, in that:


1) A friend explains that it's a "real mixed bag"




2) It inspired Lee and her mates to travel cross-country to play for half-an-hour?


There seem to be so damn many bands packed into such a tight schedule, is the exposure significant?


Just wondering.



Like an idiot, I forgot. DOH!


I'm sure that the festival itself is a draw for the bands, but let's be honest...we know why they're really coming to Cali.


It's for the In 'n Out Burgers.


Lee, I was there in spirit. Sorry...



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I too missed her performace. She, on the other hand was kind enough to come see my band Four Eyes play the night before at Molly Malone's, also for the IPO. Thanks for coming Lee, sorry I missed your show, I was called back to San Diego on some suprise business. It was great to meet you. I hope your set went well and you had a good time. Cheers.
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Originally posted by Ani:

I hope I didn't lose it altogether because "I" thought it was good.

Thanks...(sheepish shrug)...


Dang, I wish I'd have been there. But I was off listening to PBBPaul pick, and yammering to Phaeton and his lovely ladyfriend, and sampling Green Bay's "Hinterlands" and "Leinenkuegel" :thu::D


Maybe I can make the southeastern gathering... I hope no one thinks I'm allergic to the west coast. I'm not, I used to live on the west coast, as a matter of fact. The northwest coast, wayyy up yonder in Alaska, though.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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