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Well, I've only just got this Fedora core going and I gotta tell you. It's the second easiest install I've tried. The only other one that was close was Icepack, now off line. Icepack wouldn't pickup the sound card I had but the install was simple, like this one.

Another thing I noticed right away is the speed of this is at least as fast, or faster than running Windows 2000 Pro. Certainly hands down faster than any other Linux distro I've tried.

This looks like a keeper. I'll be checking it out pretty well over the next couple of days but it looks as though I'll be putting this on my dedicated audio work station I'm nearly finished with. I'll have to search out that open source pro tools like program and give it a whirl too.


Anyway, so far so good.

Thanks so much, Darkon and Deanmass. :thu:


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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Go here http://www.linuxiso.org/distro.php?distro=64 and d/l the i386 versions. Yarrow is just the code name for the RC1 and Tettnang is the code name for RC2. I'm running RC 2 and it's very stable.


If you want to use this http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/software/


it works well with RC1 and the author has had success with RC2 though it is more experimental.


Just d/l and burn the ISO's and then create the boot floppy from CD 1...if you need help let me know...good luck!


Darkon the Incandescent





Hail Vibrania!

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Dak ( not Oak...sorry bout that one b4)...


Check out the book 'Linux for non-geeks' It comes with a ice Fedora Core install CD set for Under $30.00. I have been loading it on systems for a couple weeks now, and it seems very nice, complete and stable. The installs have all gone without a hitch, except for an IBM Thinkpad I cannot get to boot to the CDROM all of a sudden, which is prolly hardware related.

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