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Do you hate the music your kids listen to?

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Checking in to see if any of us are visting upon our kids the same dookie our parents dished out on us....contempt for the kid's music.


My kids are 15 and 17. So far the worst has been the boy's Linkin Park phase. I shouldn't complain - at least they're not rap fans. Oh, they were Creed fans, too, which got really tiresome. Mostly the shallow end of their taste runs towards stuff that's a bit lame, like Our Lady Peace. But no Britney or Korn, etc.


Occasionally I catch myself teasing them about some of the music they like, and I regret doing so afterwards. Sigh, my father's face in the mirror.


M Peasley

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Eh. My 13 year old daughter listens to teenangstpoprock like Blink 182, Story of the Year, Avril Lavigne. I don't dislike them per se, but they all sound alike. I had to ask her to turn off a CD one day. We were outside painting her dresser, and she was listening to some poprock band. Four songs into the CD, I realized that EVERY SONG had the same four chords, in the same order, in the same KEY, the drumming was the same in each song, and all the lyrics had to do with 'miss you.'. It was horrid.


Then again, she says my blues CDs all sound alike, too.

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Sometimes we have common ground...


My son gave me S&M by Metallica for my birthday a couple years ago, and I found the the symphonic arrangement actually made their music sound good! Or at least quite a bit less monotonous....


I guess I'm getting too old for that Angst-music, the "I'm pissed at everything because I can't control my testosterone levels and everything sucks" that permeates so much of the tunage coming out: Chad Kroeger, Pantera, Korn, everybody sounds so pissed off! It's just tiresome...


This music is like having a friend who does nothing but bitch about everything: You try to keep an open mind to what they're saying, but you get fatigued just by being around them; their negative energy tends pull you in & sap your strength.


Thank God for headphones....

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My daughter is only 5, but for the most part we listen to the same stuff. We taught her well. ;)


For instance, we don't listen to Barney. Instead, over the years we've listened to Bear In The Big Blue House (which has well written, kid-centered songs), Trout Fishing In America, and beyond that, she listens to Buddy Holly, John Denver, James Taylor, The Beatles, Blues (as in John Lee Hooker, Howlin' Wolf, and others), and Jazz. (Mostly, Louis Jordan.) I don't know that she's big on my hard rock collection.


Then there are the country songs we all like. Johnny Cash, Collin Raye, Randy Travis and many more. Her one guilty pleasure that I endure.. Shania Twain. Outside of You're Still The One and No-one Needs To Know I have little use for Shania's music. ;)

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I don't have kids, but the music that many of you are describing is really not that bad. What I am saying is that it sounds like you got off easy compared to what they *could* be listening to!!
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My two stepdaughters are 26 and 21, and both of them have very good musical taste. The eldest is in a band ( http://www.allshewrotemusic.com/main.html , and is quite a talented singer and writer. One of her favorite singers is Ella, so she's definitely got some taste. :) They youngest has got an amazing set of ears and very good taste too. Both of them have been exposed to various types of music, live performances and the studio world for all of their lives - first via their mother (a former RCA artist and world class singer) and for the past 11 years or so, from me. :o The youngest dated the lead singer from Alien Ant Farm for nearly five years, so she has had plenty of opportunity to travel and see that side of things too. And while I don't like everything that they like, in general, they both have great taste, and I'm always willing to check out whatever they're "into", because it's usually good stuff.
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My 13 year old daughter likes Fountains of Wayne and Barenaked Ladies. Actually, our whole family listens to BnL.


She heard The Clash and The Ramones at a friend's house and liked them. I heard her singing "Hey! Ho! Let's Go!" and asked her where she picked that up!


She's asking me to get her the Black Eyes Peas album and I like what little I've heard from them.


So, there's hope.

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My son is 20. He's a good guitar player. He grew up listening and learning from Led Zep, Hendrix, Beatles, Moody Blues, Pink Floyd. He has said to me, "why doesn't someone find some songs from the 60s -70s that were never hits and release them". It got me thinking... there must be some great songs/recordings that didn't make it and were placed in the vaults due to some tasteless A&R idiot. It would be fun to resurrect some of those hidden gems.



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Me and my 8 year old girl, Tyler, get in the car and she says, "Stacey's Mom CD"! She likes Mexican Wine the best (song, not the beverage). She likes Shania's UP! CD, so I get to check out Mutt's work while trying to tune out the auto tune. I'd say the main area of disagreement would be CD's "that don't have words". This would include Miles, The Crystal Method, and Debbusy. Other than that though... Tyler Rae rocks! She loves Aviral... I can hang with that, though I'm starting to miss Kind of Blue.
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i know my parents are really thankful that i dont listen to rap, but instead, i listen to stuff they grew up with

i think i just took some kind of wrong turn that me and my parents both seem to enjoy

It's not like they come home and here eminem blasting in my room or anything, it's more like cream or zeppelin :cool:

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My cat would lie around listening to "smooth jazz" all day long if you let him. As soon as I get home I put on some Coltrane.


But at least we both like bossa nova and the Getz/Gilberto axis. So that's something.

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A couple weeks ago I took my daughter on a long drive to see a doctor. We had the radio on, and I asked her to rate each song on a scale of 1 to 10. We actually liked pretty much the same things.


We've had several cool musical moments in the car. Once No Doubt's "It's My Life" came on and without thinking, I cranked the volume. My daughter looked at me and said "I love that song too!!!"


She does like Kimberly Locke, but I don't care; she sings along with the song, and sings the hell out of it. That's cool regardless of who would be singing. Besides, she likes my music, so I'm gonna give her a lot of slack!

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My boys are 4 and 7, so I haven't experienced any pain yet - they listen to what my wife and I listen to. I'm sure that my older boy, Sam, was the only kid in his pre-school class who knew all the words to Springsteen's "Thunder Road" and "Lonesome Day", AC/DC's "Dirty Deeds (Done Dirt Cheap)", and Deep Purple's "Smoke on the Water" (which is still his favorite song)! However, I'm sure that, even at this moment, A&R weasels in the music industry are conspiring to manufacture some god-awful crap to inflict on me that I'll find even more unlistenable than rap (although I don't know how they could), which the boys will absolutely love when they're teenagers.
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A few years ago, I caught one of my older sons playing "Smoke on the Water" at max volume. However, I'm not into the vibrate the windows heavy bass that goes with rap, so my other two sons and I disagree on our musical tastes. My elven year old daughter is a fan of performers like Shania Twain. The only comment I've heard from her lately on my music is "gee dad, everything you listen to has so much lead guitar". Yea, I spose.



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My daughter is 2 and, I never thought I'd say this two-and-a-half years ago, but I can't get a lot of the songs from her shows out of my head. Sesame Street (the best of the bunch), Barney, Blue's Clues, Dora the Explorer, Shana's Show, Maggie and the Ferocious Beast, etc. And my girl's got good taste ... she prefers Bach to Mozart!! These are some catchy tunes, like it or not. And the Sesame Street songs are, often, flat out well-written, entertainingly performed songs that I could hum all day (e.g., Elmo's Tap Dance Song, "Five" and "Imagination" ... for those with young-ins).
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Originally posted by Phil B:

My daughter is 2 and, I never thought I'd say this two-and-a-half years ago, but I can't get a lot of the songs from her shows out of my head. Sesame Street (the best of the bunch), Barney, Blue's Clues, Dora the Explorer, Shana's Show, Maggie and the Ferocious Beast, etc. And my girl's got good taste ... she prefers Bach to Mozart!! These are some catchy tunes, like it or not. And the Sesame Street songs are, often, flat out well-written, entertainingly performed songs that I could hum all day (e.g., Elmo's Tap Dance Song, "Five" and "Imagination" ... for those with young-ins).

Oh Phil, you just gotta spend time singing the Barney song with our daughter!! It's the best gig ever.



Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.

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Every member of my family has a totally different preferred genre. My mom is all about the flower children and Woodstock, and my dad is a hardcore contemporary jazz fan. I always had a preference for rock, metal, hard rock, stoner rock, etc. - drove my parents nuts with it.


I helped to raise my sisters, and I have to say, I'm rather disapointed in what they eventually chose to listen to. One digs Ska and Emo (although she is starting to lean towards old school punk, so there's hope for her yet), while the other is totally into rap and modern day "R&B" (if you can call it that). Do you think maybe my parents and I confused them a little?

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I want to think that the music that I listened too was not as contrived as today's. The whole "nobody loves me- my life is a vaccum of sorrow" stuff seems a bit over-wrought.


Yeah, Van Halen was a pop rock group in it's time, so was the Cure in another way, but their music did not seem SOOO "focus grouped".


I just repeat my mantra, "this music is not meant for me."

There is no substitute.
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My family suffered with a big-time generation gap in the 60s and 70s. Dad was a WWII vet, America Love It Or Leave It bumper sticker, straight ticket Republican, career oil business straight-arrow who was profoundly unhappy. Mom was willing to listen to some Beatles and Herman's Hermits, but Dad, sheesh.


So the music was in part, a flag of protest against my parent's values (and the lack of happiness all their values seemed to produce).


Seems to me that the generations since then have not been as deeply alienated from each other. So it would follow that the musical differences would not be like enemy lines like they were for us way back when.


My son's current musical obsessions are Jeff Beck, Meat Beat Manifesto, and Led Zeppelin. The daughter's are Patty Griffin, Patty Griffin, and Patty Griffin.


I like this. Not having the painful gap in generations I mean.


M Peasley

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Until each of my children were 13 they listened to and enjoyed my music choices. At 13, they started changing the radio to hip-hop/rap stations. That's pretty much the CD's they buy.
There are two theories about arguing with a woman. Neither one works.
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My son, who is somewhere between the age of 10 and 30, is an excellent musician. His first instrument is Cello, but he also plays guitar.


What pisses me off is he doesn't seem to have a lot of passion for it, so I don't know if he is a real musician, but that aside, we like a lot more of the same things, than we dislike.


We both like Green Day, Nirvana, The Beatles, The Doors, Bonnie Raitt, Hank Williams, Ray Charles, etc., etc, Yeah, he was exposed to a LOT of really good music at a very young age, and he knows the difference between what's good and what's not.


I'm sorry......what was the question?

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My 2 daughters 18 and 16 listen to crap, shite like rap and this new hip hop copy stuff thats storming the UK at the moment like Dizzy Rascal, Blazing Squad...its all crap.

My son, 19, likes Indie stuff from Coldplay to the Streets and my 2 youngest, 10 and 14, both play guitar and bass and listen to raw funk and Jazz Funk, like me and their dad :D They even go to rehearsals with me and love every minute of it!

Tell you what i cant stand is listening to the stuff the girls listen to over and over again, it really is getting to me and driving me mad! :mad:

I cant stand all that gangster rap stuff and so domeaning!

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My oldest daughter, 31, listens to both the newer shred music as well as the older Hendrix/Led Zeppelin type fare. Some of it's pretty good, I guess. Just glad she's too old for the Backsync Boys and the rest. And she told me once that SHE'S glad about that, too. The younger daughter doesn't get into music as deeply and devotedly as me and her sister, but WILL say she's a Prince fan. She's 28.



I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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