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OT= Should I Worry About This?

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Originally posted by boosh:

Nuh,...think this was a special occasion ;)

Gus drinking Amstel Beer instead of Corona ,bet he fell asleep in the plane after that :)

Of course, that was a VERY special occasion! Being with my friend of the Netherlands deserves a good beer :freak::D

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Originally posted by phaeton:

I often wonder just how different European brands taste in Europe vs. the U.S., and vice versa...


Anyone who's had beer on both sides of the atlantic able to comment?

Yep. Budweiser is better here than it is in the US. It seems thicker, fuller and stronger here.


Here's one to kill a myth - Guinness is not actually any different in Ireland. By the time it reaches the drinker it is, but that's due to how it's looked after; how it's poured and how often it's poured. The transportation factor doesn't help either. If everything was equal Guinness would be the same in San Francisco as it in Dublin.


Bass English Ale is hardly sold at all over here where as in the US you're given the impression it's a big deal here. Same with drinks like Killian's Irish Red, which is not Irish at all. Irish style maybe, but no Irishmen over here have ever heard of it.


Lager over here has more of a kick to it. You'll get drunk quicker in Scotland than in America.

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Thanks flyscots... that's enlightening...


Actually, i didn't expect american beers such as coors or budweiser to make it to Europe, but it would only make sense for them to `calibrate' it for local tastes..


When you were here in the U.S., did you try any microbrews and/or `botique' beers such as Sam Adams, leinenkugel, or Sierra Nevada?


I know you say that you'll get drunk quicker in Scotland, but can you comment on the taste? :D


As far as Killian's and Bass English, it's all about the American fixation on the U.K. :wave:


Although I work with a guy that swears by English Bitter, the type you can only get in a pub in England.


And pubs bring up another topic- In the U.K., pubs are a completely different experience than an American Bar, no?

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Yeah phaet, you clearly know what you're talking about!


First, this is another shocker, the three most American beers you'll find anywhere in the UK are Budweiser, Coors & Miller! Miller especially being hugely popular, although personally I can't see why.


When I was in the US the second time round, a lot of my touring involved tasting various microbrews! I would always try the local beers wherever I went. Most of them I can't remember the names of, but that's not as bad as it sounds, I had a lot going on at that time and there were so many of them!


If Dylan PDX chimes in here, he'll tell you what I had in Portland - I liked them a lot. I also remember a few good ones in Seattle. I liked Boulevard in Kansas City and Anchor Steam in San Francisco.


I loved Sam Adams. I really wish they'd come over here! I especially enjoyed their 'Oktoberfest' seasonal brew - possibly my favorite. Oh what I'd do for a crate or two just now! Another one of my favorites was one of the first I tried in the US - Yuengling in Pennsylvania. Rolling Rock sells over here now but that's not as good. I actually did like Killian's by the way.


You get drunk quicker in Scotland because the beer has more 'kick' to it. The ABV may be the same but it hits you harder. Because of this, some Scottish beers and lagers can be harder to drink at first. The American beers go down easier and have more variety in flavor. I think on average, I might prefer the pints in Scottish bars, but if they're selling the right beers, I'd rather drink in America. Well, I'd rather be in America so that kinda tilts the balance a little bit! The biggies in Scotland are Tennents, McEwans & John Smiths, but I mostly drink European beers like Grolsch, Staropramen & Kronenbourg.


You're right about the British pub vs American bar experience - totally different! It's one of those things, though, that is so hard to describe, you have to see it for yourself. Far more people go to the pubs here for a start. It really is a social gathering place. The pub:church ration in Scotland is the opposite of what it is in America! In the town I'm in, there is about 3000 people, 1 church and 7 pubs!


That'll do for now! :)


John Scotsman

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