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Logic Pro User Exploring Cubase 12

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On 10/5/2022 at 8:03 PM, Anderton said:


Acoustica Mixcraft: The most underrated DAW by far, especially if you do video as well as audio.



On 10/5/2022 at 9:12 PM, LarsHarner2 said:

Hello, I used Acoustic Mixcraft from 2013-around 2019. It worked well for me, I would then master in Ozone elements.



I installed the 14-day trial of Mixcraft 9 Recording Studio last night; within an hour had a mix of software instrument and external MIDI tracks running smoothly.  Also did a very basic audio track test, no problems either.  Planning to do the upgrade to the Pro Studio version today.  Still planning to use Logic Pro X for any 'heavy lifting' while getting up to speed on Mixcraft.  And once my old iMac craps the bed for good, I'll likely update my PC laptop to something a bit more robust.  Planning to keep Logic in use on the teaching space computer.  


Now on to working out drum and rhythm parts on a 'non-Drummer' DAW.  I've never being a super-creative percussion person, so Drummer has been a useful shortcut when tracking ideas.  I did download the Jamstix 4 trial, but so far Cubase, Cakewalk and Mixcraft have not been able to place it correctly in their plug-in chains (Cakewalk actually did locate it, but no audio signal, and I exhausted every possible way of making that happen..).  If Apple accomplished AI drums, it's a slight puzzle why other companies haven't pulled it off yet. The cynic in me suspects that Apple has some copyright stranglehold on the 'special sauce',  but I'm not tech-savvy enough in AI to say that with any certainty.

'Someday, we'll look back on these days and laugh; likely a maniacal laugh from our padded cells, but a laugh nonetheless' - Mr. Boffo.


We need a barfing cat emoticon!








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