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Are these books any good?

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I'm probably gonna end up droppin' a load of money on books and found this place that sells tons of them... or if you have any suggestions. I'm basically looking for alot, if theres a fat book that covers stuff like waveforms, mixing, midi, signal processing (compressor, reverb, etc, eq, etc), FFT (wth is that?)... etc etc.


Sound Advice Package $50



Logic 6 Power! $30



What's MIDI, Second Edition $7



Acoustics and Psychoacoustics, Second Edition $50



Analog & Digital Signal Processing $40



Behind The Glass $25



What's A Signal Processor $7



What's a Mixer ? $7


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I wasn't so wild about the Logic 6 Power book. For a more clearly written reference, look for for the one written by Dave Bellingham. He's a moderator over at Sonikmatter, and I used his book to learn Logic in the first place.

"For instance" is not proof.


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Originally posted by Doug Osborne:

Behind the Glass is great, but I don't have experience with any of the others.


Of course, anything by Craig is great!


Bobby Owsinski's books on mixing and mastering are great. Bob Katz' book MASTERING AUDIO: THE ART AND THE SCIENCE is a must-have.

Ditto what Doug said. :thu:
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What is your OBJECTIVE in reading them?


FFT = Fast Fourier (pronounced: FOUR-ee-ay) Transform, a mathematical technique for analyzing periodic phenomena (known to musicians as "waveforms") quickly and efficiently. It's used in audio processing, optics, electronics, communications, circuit design, and many other branches of physics and engineering.


FFT Tutorial


Info on how Fourier Transforms are made "fast," i.e. fewer calculations needed to solve them.

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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The best way to buy audio related books is to go directly to the publisher.


Focal Press publishs a vast amount of audio and tech. books. If you buy direct from them and sign up for their newsletter you get 30% off your order. That's 30% of the street price that Amazon charges!




Valkyrie Sound:




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I usually get all my books at buy.com...occasionally at amazon or booksamillion.com. They all discount and usually give free shipping on orders over $25.


The Katz book seems to be straight retail everwhere but "Behind the Glass" is $16.97 at Amazon and $16.59 at Buy.com. Search by title, author or ISBN number is usually easiest.


Hope this helps...



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I go to Borders and Barnes and Nobles and sit down with books and mags for a bit with a nice Mocha then pick.


I like 'Behind the Glass', Mastering Audio (Katz), Mixing/Mastering Engineers Handbook (Owsinski) I think there's overlap in those 2, Craigs stuff, EQ magazine, Mix magazine, SOS magazine, TapeOp magazine, Future music magazine, Computer Music magazine, Recording magazine, Electronic Musician magazine, Forums Forums Forums..., talking to engineers and salespeople at Guitar Center up the street, talking to FOH guys at concerts and local niteclubs.


These are a few of my favorite things, hehe... :wave:

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