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Hot summers (US)? Utilities?

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Since it wouldn't make any sense to compare to someone who lives in Maine, if you live in an area with pretty hot summers (such as in the southern states), how much is your power bill and how big a house. This house is probably 1700 sq ft and it's running $200 a month. And the a/c doesn't even keep it very cool.

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Quit your complaining. :) House = 1,600 Sq. Ft. Studio = 1,200 Sq. Ft. Electricity costs = as high as $900 in a single month. :eek: That's the record for us. Usually lower - in the $500 - $600 range in the hottest part of the summer - but it can get expensive. FWIW, we do all the conservation stuff - low wattage lights, run the house swamp cooler instead of the A/C whenever appropriate (ie low humidity days), etc.


Want to trade bills? ;)

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House interior: 4800 sq ft

Last year, my air conditioning bills were over $700 a month, but that was because our windows wouldn't open.


This year, I've had the air on three times, and although the upstair bedrooms are unbearable in the daytime. the first floor is actually comfortable (76-78 deg F w/o air).


Oh, and I'm in Indiana, just outside of Chicago. The temp range from extreme summer to extreme winter here is about 120-130 degrees.

"For instance" is not proof.


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I just moved into a brand new house with all the energy star crap. I just got my power bill for the month, $240.00. I thought it would be much more. The house is a two story, 3200 sq ft,no pool, the ac is running constantly, as is all my studio gear. with no humidity here in vegas, you can keep the thermostat on 78 and be comfortable, sometimes even cold. The last house that I had was an older single story home and 1700 sq ft, no pool, and the bill for the same month last year was $290.00.
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Linwood, you're not stuck paying all the Southern California Edison crap that we are. The sad thing for me is that the people who live about 6 miles from here and who are serviced by the Riverside utilities instead of Edison pay a LOT less. :mad:
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VaBeach, house is about 1600sq ft, (ranch, no basement) summer and winter are the highest, and about equal at $160-$180/mo. (All electric, and we have a hot tub and swimming pool). So, we seem to get off pretty cheap.


Spring and fall are sometimes less than $100/mo.


We could do better in the summer, but my woman and I are always fighting over how low to set the thermostat. I like the heat when it's here, but she's a Newfoundlander, and . . . well. :rolleyes:;)

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