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Need help finding my exotic keyboard stand

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Hi gang, long time! I hope you’ve been creating at a steady clip.


This is going to sound silly, but a few years back I bought a very cool German – I think – keyboard stand. Ultra lightweight, aluminum. While I love the adjustability of the second keyboard tier that I added, and the light weight, it has been very problematic. Let’s just say that it’s not sturdy and it sheds screws and nuts and bolts like an Irish setter in the summertime.


The kicker is that I can’t find any identification to remind me who the manufacturer was. I’ve searched the Internet and I’m striking out. I’m going to try to post a photo here and hopefully one of you can tell me where to look for the manual so I can buy replacement screws. Many thanks!


Doug Robinson


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I have one, and I hate it. 

The screws of the crisscross bars will always jam when you’re unfolding it, and as the aluminium is pretty soft, they’ll create little dinks in the rail that make each subsequent opening ever more annoying and wonky. 

once it’s adjusted, it’s pretty solid. And it’s very light.

But it’s super fiddly, and I don’t recommend it for gigging. 

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I've gigged with mine for years and love it.  I have the second tier arms which I use sometimes depending on the demands of the gig. Every couple of months I just tighten up all of the bolts and it's fine.  Very light. sets up instantly, small footprint, great foot room. I highly recommend the 18880.

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Doug and Anaolgika, I think yours are the first posts I've seen from 18880 owners who weren't happy with them. 


11 hours ago, Doug Robinson said:

it’s not sturdy and it sheds screws and nuts and bolts like an Irish setter in the summertime.


Looking at your picture, it looks like you have not attached the crosspiece that should be linking the two sides of the very top of the silver section. I find it's not essential (as, apparently, do you ;-) ), but it definitely does add some stability, and it might make the difference you're looking for to get a more "solid" pleasurable experience out of it.


You shouldn't be losing nuts and bolts because, well, if they are on securely, the whole point is, they shouldn't be able to fall off. ;-) The important thing to remember is that locking the positioning bolts into place, while an obvious stability necessity when setting it up, is ALSO necessary after you collapse it. Why? To stop them from falling off and getting lost. ;-) Am I guessing correctly that, after you collapse it at the end of the gig, you don't think to re-righten those same knobs that you tighten when setting it up? Because really, that should prevent the losses. If you just make sure everything is as tight for transport as it is when in use, I think you'll probably be fine.


3 hours ago, analogika said:

The screws of the crisscross bars will always jam when you’re unfolding it


I never experienced that. I can't even really envision it. I'll have to pay attention next time I set one up and see if I can figure out what might be happening.

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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