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Finally running Linux

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Well I've had it with bugs and worms ! I'm finally running with SUSE Linux 8.0. My friend gave me the entire 7 CD set because I was struggling to get the "free" version of 9.1 running. So now I think that I have a dependable internet appliance !


The SUSE 8.0 Pro version was painless to install.





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I really wish i were more `local' to a lot of the folks here that have tried (with differing levels of success) to install linux on one or more of their computers. It's often easier to help or solve something when it's right in front of you, versus remotely.


I know i haven't been very helpful to many of you (often time, resource and communications related. It's not at all snobbery!), and I apologize.


Good job Dan! Hopefully this will continue on and the Internet will be fun again. :D

Dr. Seuss: The Original White Rapper



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Have you tried that new Linux-based open source DAW program?

I'm pretty interested to see what it can do.


I'll try it as soon as I get my soundcard running on this machine. I have a *tar file for the drivers but I need to learn how to install them !!!





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We just put Xandros (Linux) on this laptop. Anyone have any knowledge of this?


Anyone know an easy to use multi-track program I could use on here? 256mb RAM. Pentium something. (Dell Inspiron 7500)

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I just got done putting Fedora core on a 2nd machine. I am impressed with the general stuff for now. Nothing DAW wise yet, but soon.


Any of you who are curisou, pick up the book Linux for non-geeks. The guy wrote it for his 72 year old grandmother to use, and it includes a Fedora Core CD set for under $40.00

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Originally posted by deanmass:

I just got done putting Fedora core on a 2nd machine. I am impressed with the general stuff for now.

This is a great build for Linux, FWIW! I bet that within about 3-4 years that Dell or another big PC manufacturer starts *advertising* home desktop systems with an easy to use Linux build like Fedora.
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Originally posted by Dylan PDX:

Originally posted by deanmass:

I just got done putting Fedora core on a 2nd machine. I am impressed with the general stuff for now.

This is a great build for Linux, FWIW! I bet that within about 3-4 years that Dell or another big PC manufacturer starts *advertising* home desktop systems with an easy to use Linux build like Fedora.
Frys is already putting out computers with Linux as the OS. So far it's been Lindows, now Linspire.

Under $200.00 with a 40GB HD, onboard sound, video, cdrom, modem and ethernet. The only downside is the stock memory at 128MB.


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"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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  • 1 month later...

I finally got a soundcard in here that works. When I put the Soundblaster Live card in today, SUSE Linux recognized it immediately and automatically installed the drivers after I clicked on the "YES" button. This is only version 8 SUSE (over 1 year old) and I'm surprised how much more like Windows this is becoming with Plug'n Play and ALL !


Now it is time to download and install some of those interesting sound programs that everyone has been talking about!





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Phaeton, you mac bashing bastard...(grins)...What Linux do you use??




Not the most mainstream, not trying to make a huge market splash, just trying to focus on a mature, stable, user-friendly(*) system. Not the easiest distro to install or maintain, or the easiest distro to install or maintain. It all depends on what you're after, i suppose. It seemed to be just the step up from Slackware that i needed.


Stuff like Suse, Fedora and Mandrake are a little too automated and/or "marketed", for lack of a beter term, for me. This isn't to say there is anything wrong with these, though. It's just my personal prefs... usually when someone asks me which one to start with i'll point them at Fedora.


Glad to see so many of y'all having a ball with it :wave:

Dr. Seuss: The Original White Rapper



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Yesterday, NPR did a segment on the new Linux box that Wal Mart just started selling for less than $300. Yes, the Wal Martians have invaded. It's the end of the world as we know it...



He not busy being born

Is busy dyin'.


...Bob Dylan

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I'm so used to it that I've been a chicken to change.


Then do what I'm doing. I have a HOT SWAPABLE drive bay in this computer. Now I'm running Windows, but if I want to run Linux again I just turn the key and SWAP the drive for the other with Linux on it.


That way , if you get stuck, just switch. I'm switching less and less now. Today I needed to use a graphics program and I don't like GIMP so I'm back on Windows!





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Originally posted by techristian:

I'm so used to it that I've been a chicken to change.


Then do what I'm doing. I have a HOT SWAPABLE drive bay in this computer. Now I'm running Windows, but if I want to run Linux again I just turn the key and SWAP the drive for the other with Linux on it.


That way , if you get stuck, just switch. I'm switching less and less now. Today I needed to use a graphics program and I don't like GIMP so I'm back on Windows!





I have been investigating Linux, but I use a lot of software that is supported by the Windows OS and I'm going to have to do a lot of "playing" with Linux to see if I'm going to like it. I'm thinking I'll install it on my second hard drive and see if I get to liking it. I don't like the idea of having to use two or more OS systems on a little home computer. For that reason alone, I stay with a system I don't like.



Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.

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Bob, do that. Locate, download and burn to cd, and install the Fedora Core 2. I think you'll like it very well. Mandrake was a pretty good distribution too but I liked Fedora better. Both were a breeze to install. Do realize that there's going to be another learning curve for getting around in Linux as well as program installation procedures.

There are a couple of Linux distros that run off the cd so you can try them out to see if you like them. One is Knoppix and another is Morphix. Morphix has three variations, each with different programs included in the distribution. If nothing else, download one of those and burn to cd so you can try them without installing on the hard drive.


Open Office is a full office suite that will handle Microsoft formats as well as others, both opening and saving in those formats. I've un-installed Microsoft Office completely on this computer because Open Office does all I need.


I'm on Windows more than Linux so far on this box because I'm still doing some recording on it and I'm not familiar enough with Linux to do a complete change yet so I run dual boot systems. I'm nearly finished with my dedicated DAW and when that's done I'll start migrating my email stuff over to the linux side and work more and more with it on this box.


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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Originally posted by daklander:

Bob, do that. Locate, download and burn to cd, and install the Fedora Core 2. I think you'll like it very well. Mandrake was a pretty good distribution too but I liked Fedora better. Both were a breeze to install. Do realize that there's going to be another learning curve for getting around in Linux as well as program installation procedures.

There are a couple of Linux distros that run off the cd so you can try them out to see if you like them. One is Knoppix and another is Morphix. Morphix has three variations, each with different programs included in the distribution. If nothing else, download one of those and burn to cd so you can try them without installing on the hard drive.


Open Office is a full office suite that will handle Microsoft formats as well as others, both opening and saving in those formats. I've un-installed Microsoft Office completely on this computer because Open Office does all I need.


I'm on Windows more than Linux so far on this box because I'm still doing some recording on it and I'm not familiar enough with Linux to do a complete change yet so I run dual boot systems. I'm nearly finished with my dedicated DAW and when that's done I'll start migrating my email stuff over to the linux side and work more and more with it on this box.

From what I'd read, I kind of thought the Fedora distribution was the way to go. Glad you have seconded that. The last OS that I played around with besides DOS and Windows was on an old Franklin Computer running some early Apple OS. I wrote a very basic payroll program on it for a small start up company here in Bismarck. I remember how easy the OS was to get around in and "trash" can you could drag and drop files into to delete. This was before Windows. Then it was DOS and Windows 3.1, then Win95-98-2000-XP. I think I still have my Windows 98 CD somewhere.



Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.

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  • 1 month later...

Well I wanted to update to a newer version, so I also updated to FC2. I miss my SUSE GRAPHICAL RPM interface. Yes I can still extract/intall from an RPM but now I must go to the TERMINAL SHELL and type RPM -iv [filespec] It took me a few days to figure that out.


My bible program "the Sword" won't run at all under FC2 either. The main reason for the upgrade to FC2 was that I wanted to run WindowsMedia BUT VIDEOLAN is still missing some DEPENDENCIES.


My main beef about FC2 is that it runs 2X slower than SUSE 8.0 on my 400mhz AMD machine AND THE HARD DRIVE SEEMS TO RUN CONTINUOUSLY !





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Lemme through in another plug for the Knopper CD:




It's a bootable LIVECD with linux on it. Stick it in your computer, boot it off the cd, and it will run from there (albeit with reduced performance).


When you're done playing around, remove it, restart your computer and it's just as it was. Knoppix makes no actual changes to your system.




There is also a LIVECD here, though it is still in early stages, and it's a little more involved.


Also to note, DragonflyBSD is a fork from FreeBSD- it's not linux. FWIW i find that the *BSDs are typically much more refined and logical than most Linux distros.


They're all good, though.

Dr. Seuss: The Original White Rapper



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Originally posted by phaeton:


FWIW i find that the *BSDs are typically much more refined and logical than most Linux distros.


They're all good, though.

yes... yes... perhaps soon you will hear the sirens' call to the that other BSD . It is refined, and easy on the eyes.
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yes... yes... perhaps soon you will hear the sirens' call to the that other BSD . It is refined, and easy on the eyes.


We've got a lot of Macs where i work. I've used OSX, but honestly i don't like it. True it has some unixy bits hidden underneath, but there is a lot of stuff that's not there, a lot of stuff that's there which shouldn't be, and a lot of cardinal rules of UNIX that are not observed in its implementation. It just doesn't seem that UNIX is there in spirit at all, and that's specifically what i like in UNIX-like OSes.


I'm not saying OSX is crap, or that it's inept or any of the usual rants. I'm just saying that i've tried it but it doesn't work for me. It is designed for a different type of user than myself or for different purposes than what I need it to do.


I realise i could go through and configure a lot of it, add and subtract stuff to my liking, but it would never be 100% and by that point it wouldn't be recognizeable as MacOS anymore.


Hey deanmass! I'm talking about Apple without being a troll! Mark this day on the calendar! :D

Dr. Seuss: The Original White Rapper



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But I don't speak German! I'll need to call my mother-in-law over to read that page !


There are flags along the top of the page for different languages.


Klickensie Das Link!


(remember, Amerikaner und Englischer flag also means Kanadiener)



Dr. Seuss: The Original White Rapper



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