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OT-Our Tainted Food Supply

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I don't feel very funny today because I've been thinking about all the shit that I eat, that I know is bad for me.


There's two ingredients in our food supply that are highly suspect in regard to their nutritional value.


Those two ingredients are High Fructose Corn Syrup, and Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil.


These two ingredients have PERMEATED our food supply, and they ARE bad for you.


I could go off on a rant here about how corporations don't care about your health, but.....it's really up to me and you, to care about our health, and.....I do, care about that, and what they have done is wrong. Dead wrong.


They have co-opted our health, in order to make more money.


IS THAT RIGHT? and if so, on what level is that right?


and here's a question, do you even have a sense of what's right and wrong?


Last week, I read some douchebag on this Forum ragging on people for their lack of computer ethics, and I just want to say....IF, you want to nail someone for ETHICS.....look at the food industry you dumbass!!!!

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Those two ingredients are High Fructose Corn Syrup, and Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil.

My wife and I have been avoiding this stuff for about a year. Its really expensive to do so. There is an organic natural alternative to almost everything you can think of. Its gettin better, but still very expensive.

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Hey Jim, It's just sickening when you start learning about what we're eating. The whole world is being taken for a ride in the name of corporate profits.


People think, well...they're selling that it must be OK to eat. It's not OK, and that is becoming more, and more obvious.

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Mr. Wewus,


As I told you on another thread, I read an article about this after you mentioned doing a search on High Fructose Corn Syrup. Here is that article.


I think you're on to something that we should have recognized - and done something about - a long time ago.


When you're young, you believe that you will live forever and don't think much about it anymore. The older I get, the more concerned about my (good) health I become.


Nursers has also opened my eyes on this topic on quite a few occassions.


I would be interested in seeing additional links to articles that will help to inform us of what is really going on in the realm of good health vs. corporate greed. :rolleyes:


Thanks Steve! :thu:


Is There Gas In The Car? :cool:

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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I don't have any specific links at this moment, but just do a web search on Dangers of High Fructose Corn Syrup, or Dangers of Hydrogentated Vegetable Oil, and the information is right there.


People should know more about what they're eating....shouldn't they?

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There's alot of strange new info in healthy eating circa's these days. Things like margarine isn't necessarily better for you than real butter, which I believe. Unless you get the no transfat no HFCS, smart balance stuff. Sure margarine is lower in fat and cholestrol, but its full of poison which will not naturally breakdown in your body. Real maple syrup is way better for you than Ms Butterworth light, etc. I cringe everytime someone in lunch room starts talking how they eat all healthy and then pull out a frozen box of healthy choice or smart ones.

We've been duped by a ton of misinformation thats still remnant of the seventies. People think because it says healthy on it they can eat as much of it as they want. Instead of eating "REAL" food in its natural state, but in moderation. Instead of being taught healthy eating habits we're taught to consume only the so called "GOOD" shit.

The major thing I need to change yet is where I get my meat from. The meat industry is wacked they put alot crap in the food supply of these animals. As well as brine "sodium" injections. Free range chicken ain't cheap, grass fed beef ain't cheap, I just bought a deep freeze, so I can buy gross to make it affordable. I'm not sure how long the meat will last if its not loaded with perservatives.

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Seems like these corporations want to "cram" as many people into the world as possible, just to profit from them. Are we all just becoming enslaved to corporate run consumerism? Kinda like cattle in a feed lot?


I am trying to avoid fast-food as much as possible from the big corporate-run "restaurants". After getting sick one too many times, I just don't see the point in eating that mass-produced junk anymore. I'm also concerned about the way it is prepared by people who just don't value you're well-being by seeing everyone as just another car going through the drive-up window.


If the corporations are allowed to continue to influence the government against the betterment of the people, I can only guess what this world is going to become in another ten or twenty years from now. No rosy scenario's here that I can think of. :confused:

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That bums me out too Jim. If you want to eat fish it's full of mercury, if you want to eat beef it's full of hormones, etc., etc,.


Commercially available vegetables and fruits are full of pesticides. Our water is full of....who knows what?


It's really depressing, but I think it is a fact.


Our food supply is tainted.

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I try to avoid processed foods and rinse off my fresh vegetables off very well, but all things considered, our species lives a lot longer today (probably due to medicine) than ever before.


I see the prices of 'natural \ organic' vegetables in the super market, and I really can't tell the difference on sight between those and the 'regular' vegetables.


I hope there aren't too many additives in wine and beer ... I'd hate to give them up.

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In general, harmonic complexity is inversely proportional to the ratio between chording and non-chording instruments.


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You can eat anything in moderation. Just mix it up, eat a wide variety, eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies. If it's pre-cooked, prepackaged, or processed, it is probably loaded with stuff you shouldn't eat. But again, a little of anything is okay.


When I buy chicken soup in the can, I am eating processed chicken, unhealthy amounts of sodium, preservatives, and maybe a few bits of overcooked veggies.


When I make my own chicken soup, I limit the salt, use fresh meat, and lots of fresh veggies. It tastes better, too. BUT it takes time to prepare.


On average, people would rather eat unhealthy foods in order to save time and effort.

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That's good advice Sherri. The bad thing about HFCS is that's it's in everything. It's the equivalent of adding sugar to everything you eat.


Bread, breafast cereal, bacon, spaghetti sauce, you name it. The one that kills me is FRUIT DRINKS. People thinks that's healthy, but's it's got as much HFCS added as a Coke.

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I try to avoid processed foods and rinse off my fresh vegetables off very well, but all things considered, our species lives a lot longer today (probably due to medicine) than ever before.


I see the prices of 'natural \ organic' vegetables in the super market, and I really can't tell the difference on sight between those and the 'regular' vegetables.


I hope there aren't too many additives in wine and beer ... I'd hate to give them up.

The main diff with organic veggies is the way they are grown its an environmentally conscious decision rather than a health one for me. Fresh veggies just plain taste better. I hate soggy canned veggies and don't like to eat them. The expensive organic stuff I'm talkin about is all natural juices, crackers, breads, meats, etc. As wewus say almost everything has too much sodium or HFCS or partially hydrogenated somethin in it.


Just don't drink American Beer and you'll be fine.



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I think I saw an interview with Bill Maher and remember hearing this weird conspiracy about corn syrup, how it's in evrything we are fed, the "corn belt", and political donations. Of course, he mentioned a specific political party, but that is not the subject of this thread..... or is it? :eek:


There might be something to it, who knows!

Especially considering the high profits the makers of "corn syrup" sweetener thing are having. If there is money to be made, you can bet someone wants as much of it as they can. And we ALL know what some people will do for profits.


my .02 cents...

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You know what I do. I blindly eat whatever is there. I go to the store, and I say, "hey give me some lard and corn syrup please!"


You know what stinks though. I was walking down the street, when out of nowhere, Ronald McDonald jumps out from behind some bushes, and puts a gun to my head, and drags me into MickeyD's, and forces me to eat 5000 calories of Big Macs and Cokes. Is that legal?


Hey Mr. Wewus, since your are so pissed off at the

evil corporate food folks, maybe you should do something about it, like sign rights to your music to them. That'll show 'em!

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Maybe you're referring to this (I guess I was wrong about signing your music , not sure, you better talk to your evil lawyer). Either way, though, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, right?????????:


The bands and each of their members agree to allow the filming, photographing, and audio and/or audiovisual recording of the competitions.

The performances embodied on the CDs and the information contained on the entry submissions may be used for promotional and

advertising purposes, including postings on websites, and in print, radio and television media, etc. In addition, it is agreed that Renegade

Nation Productions shall have the right to commercially release a compilation recording (audio and/or audiovisual) of any or all the performances

embodied on the CDs and/or the performances rendered as part of or in connection with the contests, competitions and festival

referred to above, as well as the right to use the names, likenesses and biographic materials relating to the band and its members in connection

therewith. In the event of any such commercial release (and unless otherwise mutually agreed), a royalty will be paid to the band

equal to a pro-rata share of one-third (1/3) of all net proceeds received by Renegade Nation Productions with respect to such commercial

release. Band members must supply their social security numbers and other required documentation upon request, and must otherwise

be eligible to receive prizes. Winners of the regional and final competitions will be required to give Dunkin Donuts the unlimited right,

in perpetuity, to utilize their names, likenesses, biography and testimonials in print advertising, radio and on-line advertising and other

promotional material developed by Dunkin Donuts.

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Wewus, I went to Krispy Kreme Donuts for the first time last week. I bet there were plenty of truly hazardous ingredients in that delicious glazed donut. I bet. Probably took a year off my life.


I don't necessarily buy the assertion that our food supply is tainted. You know, as someone else said, moderation and balance might do you more good than trying to stand your diet on its ear. If you're not living on Big Macs and chocolate cake, you're probably doing about as well as you can. That, and you can't go wrong with staying active. There's my free generic advice.

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Krispy Kreme donuts fall under the category "Bad for the body, good for the soul"


My wife and son are diabetic. It is amazing how many products contain crazy amounts of sugar. I gave my son a yogurt, which he loved, then read the container. 37 grams of sugar. About as much as a can of regular coke!


I am one to think that the less heavily processed foods you eat, the better off you are. Anything that comes in a mix or from a box is worse than anything that comes plain. I hate margarine, and have my own little theory about it being chemically closer to Dutch Boy Paint than butter.

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Allright, let's try and solve the problem as much as we can.


I love crunchy stuff, especially crackers and chips. The only thing in that area I can find that isn't partially hydrogenated is pretzels. What else?


We've got a veggy garden so at least through the summer we've got absolutely fresh tomatos, peppers, squash etc.


Can anyone name some more specific products that you can find at Krogers, etc. that don't have the evil ingredients?


Jimbroni, can you name some of the alternate stuff you and yours are buying?


cherri, can you share your recipe for soup?


Thanks everyone!

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Zzzz, are you zzzzzzzzz? Hey man, I don't really think you're a dumb ass, I just like to push people's buttons to see what they'll do sometimes. I'm bad about that. So, take that for an apology if you like, and take all this internet bullshit with a grain of salt. It's not worth getting your panties in a wad. You're a weird guy for sure, but of course so am I, and a almost everybody else here. Zzzz, will you marry me?
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Allright, let's try and solve the problem as much as we can.


I love crunchy stuff, especially crackers and chips. The only thing in that area I can find that isn't partially hydrogenated is pretzels. What else?


We've got a veggy garden so at least through the summer we've got absolutely fresh tomatos, peppers, squash etc.


Can anyone name some more specific products that you can find at Krogers, etc. that don't have the evil ingredients?


Jimbroni, can you name some of the alternate stuff you and yours are buying?


cherri, can you share your recipe for soup?


Thanks everyone!

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Good alternative snacks.


Check out Newmans Own line, by Paul Newman. The Fig newmans rule. Organic alternative to fig newtons.

I don't like the Newman O's an alternative to Oreo cookies. But they're line has all kinda stuff.


TLC - Tasty Little Cracker's are real good no transfat


Kashi Brand is decent for cereal and cereal bars.


Krogers has significantly expanded thier organic line and now have an entire section of the store devoted to it. If this isn't case at your local Krogers, try to find a food COOP just talk to any hippy you can find they'll know :P . You would pay an upfront fee, but you get the food alot cheaper. If you don't pay the fee the food is kinda expensive. Or you could just move to Boulder Colorado, where you can't find anything but over priced organic food. :D

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DC: Happy to share.


It's so easy it's almost a crime.


6 cups water

4 chicken bouillon cubes

medium onion, chopped

2 stalks celery chopped

2 large carrots chopped

2 cups chopped chicken (you can pick up a package of bonesless thighs for about 2 bucks)

1 teaspoon salt (or more to taste)

1/2 teaspoon pepper

1/2 teaspoon parsley

1/4 cup quick cooking barley (optional)

dash thyme, sage, and garlic

1 cup uncooked noodles (can substitute brown rice if you avoiding wheat).


Bring the water, bouillon, onion, and chicken to boil. Lower heat to medium. When chicken is done (about ten minutes), add everything but the noodles. Simmer covered on low for about an hour.


Bring back to a boil, add one cup water and the noodles. Gently boil noodles.


Serve when noodles are tender.


This basic recipe works for beef too. Change the bouillon to beef flavor, and add a cup of chopped tomatoes, and 1/4 cup of barley and/or lentils. And use basil instead of sage.

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A little experiment for youse: Next spring, go to a nursery and buy a half-flat of tomato plants and plant them in your yard. Come early august, harvest a few and compare them side by side to store-bought tomatoes on taste alone.


I've grown tomatoes for many years. Its amazing how bland tomatoes from the store taste! The same holds true for all other fruits and veggies. Of course some people may like the grocery store taste; just pump the garden full of insecticides and herbicides and voila- grocery store taste from your own yard!


I work at a hardware store. Every spring I work on my skills of persuasion so that I can convince my customers that there are better alternatives to caring for their lawn than to pump it full of chemicals; it often works out well. As for my own lawn and garden, it has never looked better than it does this year- without a drop of herbicide, insecticide, or fertilizer. I, in fact, haven't even found the need to water the lawn yet this year.


WHile it is true that shoping for foods that do not contain the aforementioned bad ingredients can be challenging, the cause gets much easier if one cooks from scratch whenever possible. I'll tell ya, nothing much is easier than a simple stir-fry. A little olive oil and whatever veggies suit the palate. If I were to make this for lunch today, the entire meal would be free of meat, sugar, sodium, and partially-hydrogenated anything. It also includes about 3 servings of fruits/veggies.

...think funky thoughts... :freak:
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