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New little amp needed.

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I'm still happy with my Katana...lots of versatility, and mine pretty much lives on the .5 watt setting, which is plenty loud in my room.


I'm happy with mine too, it's a great amp.


That Line 6 I posted above? It sounds harsh, yet thin. I was unable to get a sound out of it that I liked so it's on craigslist, maybe I'll make a few bucks getting rid of it.

Selling my Blackstar idCore 20 Stereo too, I've got a Roland Micro Cube and a Roland Cube 40gx and they just sound better than the two amps I mentioned.


I'm keeping the Rolands and want another Vypyr eventually. It will happen.

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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DBM, did you find the amp you wanted?


I have not looked yet. I am trying to sell off a few items that I have had since the late 80's, old MIDI gear, a little Samson Mixer, that I have had for eons but never used. A MIDI patcher, a guitar, my home recording studio table. an old MIDI keyboard and a Digitech Rp155 modeler.


My wife fell and broke her shoulder bone at work a week or two ago. No need for surgery but a 3 month healing is advised. That means she has no income (which averaged a grand or 2 a week and more in the winter time). So no spending until she can resume work.

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Sorry to hear about your wife, I hope she mends well and quickly!!!!


Selling stuff is good, I am on a rampage to clear out things that need a new home.


And I've chosen my next amp but won't buy it either until I sell some more stuff. Peavey Vypyr X1, the first Vypyr amp series to look like real amps and not some rocket control panel from Lost In Space.


I've got a 10" Scorpion speaker and a new Sanpera 1 pedal waiting for it. Plan is to run that and my Vypyr VIP1 in stereo (dual mono?). The potential for variations is off the charts and both amps have loopers too.

Not playing in a bar band anymore so time to get crazy.

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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My wife fell and broke her shoulder bone at work a week or two ago. No need for surgery but a 3 month healing is advised. That means she has no income (which averaged a grand or 2 a week and more in the winter time). So no spending until she can resume work.


Ouch! Fullest and fastest and easiest, most painless recovery to her!!

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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  • 2 weeks later...
DBM, have you considered one of the Line 6 Spider 15 watters? I know, it's (groan) Line 6, but for a practice amp, you can set it up as no-frills clean as you want or add effects and distortion in a reasonably good sounding way. And, they go cheap for used. On Ebay, the lowest price I saw was around $50. If you get the Spider IV, it even had a port for one of the foot controllers. You'd probably get a lower price on the Spider III, with no such port, but shucks, what fun is that?

Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.





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DBM, have you considered one of the Line 6 Spider 15 watters? I know, it's (groan) Line 6,


I don't mind Line 6, I used a Line 6 Pod XT on the following song https://www.soundclick.com/music/songInfo.cfm?songID=5913545 .I recorded that tune dry of ambient effects and added them in Sonar. That tone both clean and overdrive sound as authentically tube like. I gave the XT to my kiddo long ago. Thanks for the suggestion.

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