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Drum Machine for iPhone recommendations (2021 edition)?

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Hello all,


I'm looking for a simple drum machine app for iPhone. I know this topic has been raised over the years, but searching through old threads reveals apps that are no longer available, not available in my country, or just aren't suitable.


My requirements are basically "Alesis SR16 or Boss Dr Rhythm in an app". So:

- Simple preset rhythms suitable for a wide range of situations. Many apps have presets that are far too busy and specific - I'm looking for preset 00 to be hi-hat 8s, kick on 1+3, snare on 2+4. It should be easy to find a basic blues shuffle.

- Ideally an easy way to trigger fills

- Sound is basically that of an acoustic kit. No analog(ue)-retro, no modern bit-crushed FX etc.

- Programmability optional

- Load samples optional.

If anyone has any suggestions please let me know.


Cheers, Mike.

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Thanks Groove. The Lumbeat apps are much too specific (Jazz drummer, Soft drummer, Indian drummer - where's the Straight-Ahead drummer?). I'll check out your other suggestions.


Chers, Mike.


There is also Rock Drummer! And Soft Drummer also has "straight ahead" beats..Maybe a little more investigation perhaps?

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Thanks Groove. The Lumbeat apps are much too specific (Jazz drummer, Soft drummer, Indian drummer - where's the Straight-Ahead drummer?). I'll check out your other suggestions.


Chers, Mike.


There is also Rock Drummer! And Soft Drummer also has "straight ahead" beats..Maybe a little more investigation perhaps?


I haven"t had the need to do this myself, but you can also edit down the stock beats or make your own from scratch, and save them.


Here for the gear.

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- Simple preset rhythms suitable for a wide range of situations. Many apps have presets that are far too busy and specific - I'm looking for preset 00 to be hi-hat 8s, kick on 1+3, snare on 2+4. It should be easy to find a basic blues shuffle.

I think the presets in iReal Pro are close to what you're looking for, they are as simple as it gets; (please note, the Blues shuffle rhythms are an in-app purchase). You cannot edit sounds in iReal Pro, but you can export the rhythms as a MIDI and load it into another app with better sounds (e.g. GarageBand).

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Hey Mike, depending on what you're looking to do with the drum beats (simple song practice, performances, recording, etc.), you may want to simply search on youtube for a specific drum beat and BPM, then use as-is, or even download/convert to MP3's. There's a ton of stuff out there, and it may save you some time if you're just looking for something simple to practice with. You may not even need to download/save, simply bookmark the URLs of the beats you like in a browser and access them in real time when needed.



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Also, I'd point out that the audiobus forum (forum.audiob.us) will offer you lots of recommendations -- if you're specific about what you're looking for.

^^^ This :2thu:

There is no luck - luck is simply the confluence of circumstance and co-incidence...


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I'm kind of excited about the Lumbeats apps .... saw a few tutorials and it looks easy to use and pretty powerful.


With that said, I have been searching for something that I have trouble describing. Don't know if it exists. I want an app that plays background percussion sounds, maybe stuff you would hear in a movie soundtrack, could call it like "ethnic" percussion, soft with bongo's or other sounds like that. I want this because I like playing atmospheric and improvisational stuff on my Kronos with pads and such.


Any ideas from the genius pool????


Kronos 88, Korg CX-3, Motion Sound KBR-3D



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