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Why Do People Say They Hate Facebook?

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I can understand complaints about superficiality, siloing, etc. But when people get all righteous about having everything they do being tracked... they're getting this for free, right? Would people pay $20 to have a Facebook that didn't track you? I don't know.


And it does look like Google wants to push you into buying more storage, because since June 1, your photo storage counts against your Google-wide 15 MB allocation - quite different from the unlimited free tier prior to that date. I think we're going to see more things that used to be "free" being not so free any more.


Now Instagram is trying to get people to do videos, because TikTok and YouTube are making a big dent in their market share. Isn't creating a new market the way to gain market share? Just ask Ableton, they figured it out. Instagram needs to be the next Instagram, not another TikTok.


I really don't know where this is all heading, but overall, social media strikes me as a double-edge sword. And I'm not always sure the sides are equally divided.

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Whenever people complain about ad tracking, I remember what Keith Richards said about an upcoming Stones tour being sponsored by Budweiser or some other big company and the Stones being accused of selling out.


"It's the Americans who complain the most about it, and it's their bloody system!"


I've seen people complain about ads because they aren't relevant, and now people are complaining because they are. Face it, people just don't like ads. :D


I do have a love/hate thing with social media, but it's not because of ads. I love that it lets me stay in touch with people and know what's going on with them that I wouldn't have been able to do so easily in the olden times. (One of us would have to call the other, or send letters.) I've made new friends, and I've made friends with people who I met at events and was able to stay in touch with and remember their names afterwards. But social media wants to suck the time out of my life, and sometimes it gets to be a very dark place, either superficially when all I see is crap, or for the really bad stuff (lies, misinformation, etc.) that's spread on there.


These companies are just going to get better and better at "engagement" or they're going to go away. That's our bloody system.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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I've had 3 or 4 attempts at being on Facebook. A couple of them lasted for quite a while - months if not years.


I will note that "moderation" is very poorly done on Facebook if it is done at all. Watching people you know and like get into knock down drag out disagreements about politics or religion is just plain stupid. Moderators here quell such behavior and I am thankful for that.


I've always felt a huge sense of relief every time I've hosed my account and left. At this point, it feels like the last time is the last time.

People are not themselves on there, if you are or want to be in the workforce then you must mind your Ps and Qs.


It is impossible to "get to know" somebody on Facebook, all you know is what they choose to present, be it good, bad or indifferent.

Tracking? It happens anyway but I don't need to know that Billy was in the same parking lot as a Starbucks and Susie bought groceries at The Grocery Place, etc.

That becomes a barrage of pointless timesuck, even if al you do is avoid it and unfollow that person.


When I realized that I had unfollowed all but 3 people who posted in my Facebook World, I bagged it and went back to life in the real world, it's not worth another minute of my time. I am much happier having real interactions with real people live and in person. Or chatting on here about things that are interesting to me with others who have valuable experiences to share.

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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This is why I quit Facebook:


I learned that the FB 'robot' was

  • Logging every post you clicked on
  • Logging every like/unlike and what you liked or unliked
  • 'Reading' your posts, looking for your bias on all subjects
  • 'Reading' your private messages too
  • Gathering this and all the information about you that they can to put in a dossier to be fed through Cambridge Analytica (and others)

After analyzing your information, they decided what fraudulent news feed to send you in order to throw a US Presidential Election (I don't call it fake because that diminishes the intent).


Now I don't care if they were doing it for the candidate I wanted to vote for or the candidate I didn't want to vote for, sending out lies and perpetrating fraud to throw what should be the most sacred thing in our "democracy" is against everything I stand for as a patriot.


I decided that if I were to stay on Facebook and let them profit by my information (by selling it to advertisers) I would also be aiding and abetting, in other words, I'd be an accomplice to the crime of rigging a US election.


So I found out how to delete all my data, I deleted it, and I quit Facebook.


I know that I am missing advertising opportunities for both my duo and my Band-in-a-Box aftermarket business, along with seeing what my extended family is up to, but my conscience would not let me be a part of that. Sometimes you just have to take the high road.




As far as tracking to advertisers is concerned, I use a VPN, I have tracker blockers on my browser, and I use StartPage to search instead of google.


I know there is no privacy on the internet, I just want to keep it to a minimum.


Here is what prompted me.


I bought some active ear plugs from etymotic. They attenuate the music when we are playing, and then become transparent (no attenuation) between songs so that I could her what audience members wanted to tell me.


They require hearing aid batteries to work, so I did a google search to see where I could buy hearing aid batteries for less money than they charge in the drug stores.


Immediately after that I not only got ads for hearing aids, but all kinds of geriatric supplies like walkers, donut cushions, adult diapers, and so forth.


I decided to get some better ads so I did searches for saxophones, guitars, and other music related items, but I guess they don't by the ads from google, because I didn't get music spam.


That's when I started using StartPage, although it was called IXQuick back then.


They pay google to get the same search results as google, minus the google ads (they place their own ads, clearly marked AD). They don't record your ISP or any other information about you and run under the strict European Union privacy rules.




Here is a poem I wrote about Facebook, before I deleted my account.




Oh Facebook how are you today?

I visit you most every day


And everything I do or say

you put into my dossier


Where was I born? what was my school?

Enter your job, be very cool


You even know my family

and everything that's dear to me


My information's gold to you

it sells to stores and spammers too


If I click "like" or I repost

your clients will dig me the most


I click an ad merely to look?

the ad man pulls to set the hook


It'll be in my e-mail today

and web page ads, day after day


And It'll waste, my precious time

and you'll receive another dime


I wouldn't mind the money you make

if a commission, I could take


I'd like to get twenty percent

but you don't offer one red cent


So Facebook please let's make a deal

just cut me in, no need to steal


I'll finish my profile if you do

and we will profit, both me and you


© Bob Norton (as if anyone would

want to steal this )




Insights and incites by Notes

Bob "Notes" Norton

Owner, Norton Music http://www.nortonmusic.com

Style and Fake disks for Band-in-a-Box

The Sophisticats http://www.s-cats.com >^. .^< >^. .^<

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<...snip...> I am much happier having real interactions with real people live and in person. Or chatting on here about things that are interesting to me with others who have valuable experiences to share.


Exactly. ^^^


Facebook was a habit like smoking cigarettes for me. I had withdrawal when I quit it, and then realized that without it my life is much happier and more stress-free.


Moderated forums like this one where I can have topic related and off-topic fun with people who share my passions and profession with me is all the social media I am interested in now.



Bob "Notes" Norton

Owner, Norton Music http://www.nortonmusic.com

Style and Fake disks for Band-in-a-Box

The Sophisticats http://www.s-cats.com >^. .^< >^. .^<

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I love that it lets me stay in touch with people and know what's going on with them that I wouldn't have been able to do so easily in the olden times.


That's all it really amounts to for me anymore. I long ago quit engaging in discussions with folks I don't know, care anything about or deem worthy and it's very easy to snooze, unfollow, block or unfriend any that annoy or distract me. It's also been a great place for our ABATE (and other) motorcyclist rights group networks as well as for band scheduling, booking and promotion. So I pop on it for a few minutes here and there and then move on to other things.

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I feel like I say the same thing every time. I get the data mining, the poor business practices, and poor "moderation" (almost non-existent by humans).


But the other criticisms about newsfeeds and stuff....YOU control that. If you have friends that argue all the time or are dreadfully dull, well, that's on YOU. And I GET that I would rather interact in person. But if you live far away from me or I can't see you all the time, it's pretty great. And if you are arguing that you want to see people in person, well, quite frankly....what the hell are you doing HERE? :D


Furthermore, YOU control the newsfeed. And if Facebook doesn't offer enough control, you could even use FB Purity.


And if you're not using Facebook Groups, well, you're probably missing one of the best things about it. I've learned a ton of fantastic things, met great friends, and gotten book and magazine opportunities as well as employment opportunities through that.


And I've also made contact with a lot of people that I could not have otherwise. So my experience has generally been extremely positive. Without FB, I can almost assuredly say that I would not have a book publishing deal or be writing for Photofocus or several other things that I cannot think of. And that's really the LEAST of it. The main benefit for me is that I've made friends and learned a lot.

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I don't care about tracking at this point, it's impossible to get away from unless one doesn't own a phone.


What I *do* care about is being manipulated.


Facebook uses a.i. to keep you engaged, and it works differently for different people/accounts, depending. For some people it's putting posts in front of them that are related to flowers. Or talking about college football.


For me, it's - surprise - politics. Being "left wing" in a MAGA centric town, 99% of my 1,000+ "friends" don't have anything in common with me politically or philosophically. While I'd like to know what's going on with people I know, as Facebook once did longggg ago, what it does with me is put posts the algorithm *knows* will get under my skin in front of me.


People don't realize that *what you see on Facebook is customized for YOU*. It's not a level playing field. You're not going to automatically see the latest post from the friend from high school, that just wrote something innocuous about cars a minute ago. Instead, you're going to see what a person you may have only met once, years ago, wrote YESTERDAY about a political debate that the algorithm KNOWS you have a very strong opinion on.


It's doing that over, and over, and over. It knows how to get certain neuro chemical responses to happen. You are being manipulated on Facebook.


I have some friends that are in my Venn diagram. If I go on Facebook, I have to literally hunt them down to see anything from them. And vice-versa, they never see my posts; I've watched with them on their accounts, and I'm shadow banned. Sometimes my posts *can't be found*.


I'm always in a bad mood after going on Facebook because of that. For people that live on Facebook, literally, the algorithm has learned a happy medium for them that keeps them hooked. I can't go on without having 20 things in a row that make me tense.


So I absolutely hate it, but I have to because for some people "the internet" is *literally* "Facebook": they want to talk to me about guitar lessons there, they want to send messages there instead of in email, on and on... ahgh.

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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I feel like I say the same thing every time. I get the data mining, the poor business practices, and poor "moderation" (almost non-existent by humans).


But the other criticisms about newsfeeds and stuff....YOU control that. If you have friends that argue all the time or are dreadfully dull, well, that's on YOU. And I GET that I would rather interact in person. But if you live far away from me or I can't see you all the time, it's pretty great. And if you are arguing that you want to see people in person, well, quite frankly....what the hell are you doing HERE? :D


Furthermore, YOU control the newsfeed. And if Facebook doesn't offer enough control, you could even use FB Purity.


I DID control it. Once I controlled everything I didn't like about Facebook, which was more of less EVERYTHING, I left. So, I have nothing to complain about regarding Facebook but Craig did ask "Why do people say they hate Facebook?", not "Why are you still on Facebook if you hate it?". In that context, I said what I hated about Facebook. I am much happier now in my Facebook-Free universe.


If it has done good things for you that's awesome. :) I'm not disputing it, just spending my time elsewhere.

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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But the other criticisms about newsfeeds and stuff....YOU control that. If you have friends that argue all the time or are dreadfully dull, well, that's on YOU.


No it's not. If I have a friend from high school, that makes 20 posts every day but the only one Fb puts in front of me is a political opinion, *that was Facebook's doing*, not me.


And I GET that I would rather interact in person


Actually no, if Fb has a redeeming feature it's that I *don't* have to interact with all of these people. It's a comfortable distance, actually.



Furthermore, YOU control the newsfeed. And if Facebook doesn't offer enough control, you could even use FB Purity.


I've had my browser set up so that I haven't seen ads in... maybe forever, but *you can't control what it puts in front of you*, you can only try to edit it out. I'm not going to the trouble, because again, Fb wins; what's left over is *still not going to be reality*.


And if you're not using Facebook Groups, well, you're probably missing one of the best things about it. I've learned a ton of fantastic things, met great friends, and gotten book and magazine opportunities as well as employment opportunities through that.

Without FB, I can almost assuredly say that I would not have a book publishing deal or be writing for Photofocus or several other things that I cannot think of. And that's really the LEAST of it. The main benefit for me is that I've made friends and learned a lot.



It's worked *for you*, and I can see a photography centric person could get something from it if you have the time. I've conversed with my literally my favorite photographer, gotten photo press passes for political events and other events, gotten some freelance photo work via little effort on Twitter - and I'm just a hack peasant photography nerd. I'm pretty sure none of that would have happened on Fb.

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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"Social media" is a contradiction in terms. Hating Facebook is like yelling at a tree. Twitter in particular is where you go if you're looking for a face to punch. Even hearing reports on the latest blowup drain me of energy better applied elsewhere. The older I get, the more my computer becomes a musical instrument above anything else. Hey, I'm fine with that.

"Well, the 60s were fun, but now I'm payin' for it."
        ~ Stan Lee, "Ant-Man and the Wasp"

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There's another aspect which I haven't seen discussed. In theory, these are social media, along the lines Ken describes. But, social media is also about advertising and promotion. It's downright schizophrenic.


I have a presence on Twitter (although it's mostly a public service feed), Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook. The "social media" I enjoy the most is (surprise!) Sound, Studio, and Stage, because I'm interacting with real people who have real opinions, not a bot trying to get me to buy some thing that will clean my rain gutters faster or whatever.


But the reality is that if you want to promote yourself, you HAVE to do it via social media, whether you're some dude in Nashville who's written new books, or some Asian teenage jailbait doing pop tunes on TikTok. I steadfastly refuse to spend money to promote my stuff ("Your latest post is doing 95% better than your recent posts! Open you wallet and bend over!") because I'm stupid enough to think that if I do cool stuff, people will let others know. But frankly, that's not the case. People will write me and say "Wow, your book is a game-changer, my mixes have never sounded so good" but they won't tell their friends about it, link to it in their posts, or with rare exceptions, review it online. My YouTube channel does keep getting subscribers for the music, but I think I kind of sabotage it by a) posting albums instead of singles, and b) not having a "sound." Every year I'm a different person, so every year my music is different. You might LOVE what I did in 2017, but hate what I'll be doing in 2021.


So we have this weird intersection of commercializing social interaction. I don't have a problem with that per se. But it does seem, shall we say, odd.

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No it's not. If I have a friend from high school, that makes 20 posts every day but the only one Fb puts in front of me is a political opinion, *that was Facebook's doing*, not me.


Well, okay. I control my newsfeed. I do it by several means, including blocking, unfollowing, applying filters/categorizations, changing how the algorithms react to my favor by "liking" or interacting primarily with things that interest me, hiding posts that I don't like and using FB Purity. So you may not be able to do it, but I can.



I've had my browser set up so that I haven't seen ads in... maybe forever, but *you can't control what it puts in front of you*, you can only try to edit it out. I'm not going to the trouble, because again, Fb wins; what's left over is *still not going to be reality*.




Or no....apparently, you don't want to, so you're basically admitting that you CAN control your newsfeed but choose not to.





But the other criticisms about newsfeeds and stuff....YOU control that. If you have friends that argue all the time or are dreadfully dull, well, that's on YOU.


No it's not. If I have a friend from high school, that makes 20 posts every day but the only one Fb puts in front of me is a political opinion, *that was Facebook's doing*, not me.


And I GET that I would rather interact in person


Actually no, if Fb has a redeeming feature it's that I *don't* have to interact with all of these people. It's a comfortable distance, actually.



Furthermore, YOU control the newsfeed. And if Facebook doesn't offer enough control, you could even use FB Purity.


I've had my browser set up so that I haven't seen ads in... maybe forever, but *you can't control what it puts in front of you*, you can only try to edit it out. I'm not going to the trouble, because again, Fb wins; what's left over is *still not going to be reality*.


And if you're not using Facebook Groups, well, you're probably missing one of the best things about it. I've learned a ton of fantastic things, met great friends, and gotten book and magazine opportunities as well as employment opportunities through that.

Without FB, I can almost assuredly say that I would not have a book publishing deal or be writing for Photofocus or several other things that I cannot think of. And that's really the LEAST of it. The main benefit for me is that I've made friends and learned a lot.


It's worked *for you*, and I can see a photography centric person could get something from it if you have the time. I've conversed with my literally my favorite photographer, gotten photo press passes for political events and other events, gotten some freelance photo work via little effort on Twitter - and I'm just a hack peasant photography nerd. I'm pretty sure none of that would have happened on Fb.

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So we have this weird intersection of commercializing social interaction. I don't have a problem with that per se. But it does seem, shall we say, odd.


That much is certain.

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That last number I saw is FB has THREE BILLION USERS! That's about a third of the planet. You wonder why there's no in person moderation going on? LIke everything else in life FB has good points and bad points. My friend pointed out to me he has set up a private FB friends network. It's completely closed to anybody he hasn't accepted into his group. Some of you may want to try that. I can easily ask him how to do it if anybody needs that info. As for me, I barely use it because I'm such a nerd I've only ever had like 3 or 4 friends at any one time, don't need FB to stay in touch with them and as for my immediate family we call fairly often and yes, I will visit their FB pages too.


If I was much younger and was trying to build up my tax business I would be all over FB and Linkedin too. I'm catching a whiff of ignorance and condescension about all this in this thread and that's wrong imho. There are plenty of articles and videos explaining how best to set it all up but at this stage of my life I don't need it so I don't pay much attention to it. But, I'm hip enough to know it's an important part of marketing yourself so if someone needs that or they have an interest in certain things then they should educate themselves about it.


This is just one, a Google search finds every major university in the country has this. Some of you should ask yourselves this question: Why does it take a full semester to learn about social media?





Hammond SK1, Mojo 61, Kurzweil PC3, Korg Pa3x, Roland FA06, Band in a Box, Real Band, Studio One, too much stuff...
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That last number I saw is FB has THREE BILLION USERS! That's about a third of the planet. You wonder why there's no in person moderation going on? LIke everything else in life FB has good points and bad points. My friend pointed out to me he has set up a private FB friends network. It's completely closed to anybody he hasn't accepted into his group. Some of you may want to try that. I can easily ask him how to do it if anybody needs that info. As for me, I barely use it because I'm such a nerd I've only ever had like 3 or 4 friends at any one time, don't need FB to stay in touch with them and as for my immediate family we call fairly often and yes, I will visit their FB pages too.


If I was much younger and was trying to build up my tax business I would be all over FB and Linkedin too. I'm catching a whiff of ignorance and condescension about all this in this thread and that's wrong imho. There are plenty of articles and videos explaining how best to set it all up but at this stage of my life I don't need it so I don't pay much attention to it. But, I'm hip enough to know it's an important part of marketing yourself so if someone needs that or they have an interest in certain things then they should educate themselves about it.


This is just one, a Google search finds every major university in the country has this. Some of you should ask yourselves this question: Why does it take a full semester to learn about social media?






The number of people who have a Facebook account is probably much higher than the number of active users. It's easy to find "deactivate" for your account but you are still counted as a member. I had to google "Delete Facebook" to find out how to make it go away because I wanted it to be gone.


The younger people I know don't use Facebook anymore. They are into Tik Tok and YouTube mostly. Trends change, remember MySpace?


I'm 66, if I were promoting myself as an artist (and I still might), I'd make weird cartoons with music and post them on YouTube or Tik Tok and I'd be ready to shift gears if the wind changed.

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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I have friends who refuse to ever get on Facebook because of the tracking. It is sad because they are missing out on a lot. We have family groups, work retiree groups, and school groups. It is very enjoyable to have connection to my high school friends again. My rule, don't say anything that you don't want tracked. Don't click on anything that you don't want tracked. Don't do anything that you don't want tracked. I find it ironic that some of those people who refuse to use Facebook will use Google and Gmail. Now I do draw the line at Tiktoc and will never have an account there.

This post edited for speling.

My Sweetwater Gear Exchange Page

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Basically the only thing I use Facebook for is to announce when one of my bands has a gig. For that it's convenient and the friends that I do have on there forward gig information to other people so by making just one post I'm able to advise a couple hundred people about an upcoming gig. Announcing gigs is the ONLY reason that I have an account.


I have no personal information, make no comments (not even happy birthday), and never react to other people's comments on the rare occasion that I'm there.

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Basically the only thing I use Facebook for is to announce when one of my bands has a gig. For that it's convenient and the friends that I do have on there forward gig information to other people so by making just one post I'm able to advise a couple hundred people about an upcoming gig. Announcing gigs is the ONLY reason that I have an account.


I have no personal information, make no comments (not even happy birthday), and never react to other people's comments on the rare occasion that I'm there.


That's exactly what I mean about the commercial aspect of social media. It just seems odd to me that the same medium that's used for touch-feely keeping in contact with friends is also a commercial necessity for promotion. I guess it's just me...

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I have friends who refuse to ever get on Facebook because of the tracking.


Well, they are getting it for free. I still wonder if people would pay for a Facebook-type experience that didn't keep track of you.


I must admit I like screwing with the algorithm sometimes. I click on weather reports for cities I never visit, and products I'll never buy, just to see what shows up. If I click on a bunch of liberal-type articles in a row, I click on a bunch of conservative-type ones immediately thereafter so that I continue to get exposed to all sides. Before I started doing that, it became obvious to me how people get sucked into echo chambers that support their beliefs, and never present anything that might question those beliefs.

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I had a friend who put BS info on his profile, like his location as some middle-eastern country, and then he'd go, "I'm getting ads for dating women in [that country]! Can you believe that??"


Why yes, I can. Duh. :snax:

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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Honestly, I think the Amazon tracking bothers me more. I hate looking something up for a family member or co-worker, then having that item pushed on me for months. My dad died 12 years ago and Kroger still sends me coupons for items I bought for him and have not purchased since.

This post edited for speling.

My Sweetwater Gear Exchange Page

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If people knew how much they are tracked by simply owning a smartphone, they might not be so upset about social media or Amazon or LinkedIn tracking. The amount of data that is collected from you just simply owning a smartphone is horrific. Yes, even from an iPhone.
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If people knew how much they are tracked by simply owning a smartphone, they might not be so upset about social media or Amazon or LinkedIn tracking. The amount of data that is collected from you just simply owning a smartphone is horrific. Yes, even from an iPhone.



Everybody thinks I am insane because I've shut off every possible Google app, never go on the internet, etc. on my Android.

I use it to make phone calls and text. If it got hacked, that's what's on there. No passwords and no location tracking, at least none that prompts advertising.


They probably know all sorts of incredibly boring and uninteresting things about me though...


I remember texting a friend and mentioning a product. He started getting ads in his email, buttloads of ads.

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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Facebook deserves to be able to make a profit from the free service.


I would like to have a Facebook which I pay for and which doesn't track me all over the internet. With a subscription model, I would know the cost. With the current surveillance model, the cost is still being computed. We just don't know what the cost of privacy is, individually or as a society. The monetization options have not been fully mined yet.


The nice thing for Facebook's "surveillance through relationships" model is that relationships are stickier than devices. I can buy another burner phone, but I don't have friendships to burn. (Jimmy Webb reference intended.)


A paid social media platform with adequate privacy functions can only be created by one of the tech giants. A start up would be snuffed out or bought by Zuckerberg et al. So it may be awhile until such options appear in this oligopolistic/monopolistic marketplace.


Do I hate Facebook? No. But I am a bit skittish about it.

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  • 8 months later...
2 hours ago, hoytspar said:

It is imperative to represent your business on social media.


It does seem to be that way, doesn't it? I don't do a lot of online publicity, and I doubt whether it moves the needle at all. Then again, I wrote books for Sweetwater and PreSonus, and they use social media to get the word out...and they have a much bigger reach than I ever will. So I guess my "business" is being represented on social media by proxy.

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13 hours ago, hoytspar said:

It is imperative to represent your business on social media.

I have two businesses:

  • Aftermarket styles for Band-in-a-Box. I am a member of the BiaB forum, and the unofficial e-mail list. I interact with the members as I do here, participating in conversations, and offering help when someone posts a problem that I can help with. This targets my market directly, plus I get the advantage of getting help when I need it from other generous members.
  • A local band (duo). I keep my website up to date, and I run an e-mail newsletter list to over 500 of our best fans. I include the 'in public' places and times when they can visit us, and include a lame joke just for the fun of it.

I also keep real websites. The advantage of having a website instead of a FB  or other social media site is that anyone on-line can access it without a password.


I suppose I'm missing some business by not being on FB, but as I explained in my first post on this thread, being on FB makes me guilty of aiding and abetting what I see as immoral, anti-democratic and criminal activity.


Insights and incites by Notes ♫


  • Like 2

Bob "Notes" Norton

Owner, Norton Music http://www.nortonmusic.com

Style and Fake disks for Band-in-a-Box

The Sophisticats http://www.s-cats.com >^. .^< >^. .^<

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If you hate facebook then I can say that now there are many other social networks that are different from facebook. For example, I am a spammer, and I use spammersridiots.com. the bestest most wonderful spam site forever, it is goodness of maximum amount. By posting this here I got paid 0.000001 cents, and was also given a picture of Pamela Anderson when she was on Baywatch. Is Craig Anderton related to Pam Anderson? Maybe he could hook me up if he just joined spammersridiots.com?


Here on this site you will find a services that will help promote your account, then you will definitely be in everyone's recommendations of all time, and prime candidate for word salad spam posting. So just give it a try! May you all have happy happy online experience and posting of word salad posts as if spoken by maybe a dog! 

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