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Eric Clapton Refuses to Play Venues Requiring Vaccination

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Frankly, I've given up. People are gonna do what they're gonna do, believe what they want to believe, and that's the end of it. I'm sorry he was one of the unfortunate few who had side effects, but jeez, after all the drugs he's admitting to doing, I doubt that his body is a paragon of health.


At this point, I'm almost past the point of caring. Those who say "give me liberty or give me death" may be able to have both.

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I would refuse to attend a concert that did not require so-called vaccine passports.




PS, when a daredevil tempts the odds and loses, he/she has nobody to blame but himself/herself. IMO refusing the vaccine is a daredevil act.

Bob "Notes" Norton

Owner, Norton Music http://www.nortonmusic.com

Style and Fake disks for Band-in-a-Box

The Sophisticats http://www.s-cats.com >^. .^< >^. .^<

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Frankly, I've given up. People are gonna do what they're gonna do, believe what they want to believe, and that's the end of it. I'm sorry he was one of the unfortunate few who had side effects, but jeez, after all the drugs he's admitting to doing, I doubt that his body is a paragon of health.


At this point, I'm almost past the point of caring. Those who say "give me liberty or give me death" may be able to have both.


Well said and welcome to the club! Last year I said that "Covid 19 will eventually increase the average IQ of the American people" and it slowly appears to be doing exactly that.


Clapton as a guitarist? Early work is 100% an attempt to mimic Freddie King, Albert King and a bit of Muddy Waters and Hubert Sumlin. Nothing wrong with that, Clapton was an above average mimic. But none of that tells me who he is, there are thousands if not hundreds of thousands of guitarists who are fantastic at playing what other people originated. I'm from California, I went to the NAMM show a couple of times and the guitarists in the sales booths were monsters, just smokin'. Clapton?... very over-rated in my opinion.


One night I was in the kitchen washing dishes with the TV on in the living room and I heard one note ring out. I thought "BB King is on TV!" and went in an watched him.

Carlos Santana or Muddy Waters can tell you who they are in an instant as well.

When I hear Mark Knopfler play guitar, I can tell from the sound and the style that it is he.

Jeff Beck, Jimi Hendrix, Wes Montgomery Adrian Belew, there are quite a few guitarists who can quickly and easily be recognized by their tone and their style - George Harrison on slide guitar could only be George etc. Eric Clapton? I was a guitar tech in Fresno, I knew well over a dozen guitarists ins that Po-Dunk town who could get up on stage with Clapton and eat his lunch and a good handful up here in Bellingham. I'd get up there with him and at least hold my own if not show him who I was.


So... foof.

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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He's a bozo.


In 2013 he's diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy, says playing guitar is "hard work". 2014 he says he's "looking at retirement" because he has "odd ailments". In 2016 he said "One thing I had to realize was that this particular condition I"m living with isn"t necessarily going to get better,' ...and now, 2021 he says the vaccine made him unable to play. Ridiculous.



Does this mean he's doing a super-spreader tour? Maybe the vaccine cured him...



Clapton reveals nerve damage that makes playing guitar hard work

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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My all-time favorite tenor sax player is the late Stan Getz. I read that he was really difficult to work with, some calling him nasty names. Buddy Rich was a fantastic big band drummer and reportedly a real jerk.


I separate the art from the personality of the artist.


I won't stop enjoying Clapton's playing, but I definitely don't agree with his political stance.


As a sax player who almost made "the big time" I've had the luxury of playing with a lot of great guitarists. As far as Clapton is concerned, I've played with better, and I've played with worse. Of course, that is a representation of my own personal tastes as well as a technical evaluation.


Right now, I'm still being shy of indoor events, especially if a vaccine passport is not required and enforced.


I'm not a daredevil.




BTW, the best part of being almost a star is that I'll never be a "has-been" :D

Bob "Notes" Norton

Owner, Norton Music http://www.nortonmusic.com

Style and Fake disks for Band-in-a-Box

The Sophisticats http://www.s-cats.com >^. .^< >^. .^<

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Took a minute to realize he's talking about UK venues.


In my area, individual businesses are allowed to require masks but that's it. I doubt a vaccine passport would gain traction here. Even if the current vaccines supposedly protect from the Delta variant, what about Epsilon or the one after that? It'd be a red tape nightmare, having to update such a passport for each variant.

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When you attack the person instead of confronting their position, you have already lost the argument. That's all I'm going to say, to keep it from getting political.


And often, it is true. Sometimes, not so much. Did you read Chip's post - Eric has been complaining about nerve damage well prior to his getting the vaccine. He just changed stories, some of us call that lying.


It could be his genetic inheritance. It could be the years of snorting heroin. It could be the years of drunkeness. It could be all of those things.


I did read Eric's autobiography, he certainly doesn't deny his indulgences. He does "whitewash" the story of him hanging out with George Harrison, screwing his wife and then when George's now ex-wife left him he wrote a song about how sad HE was that true love did not survive. That's Layla, one of his biggest hits.


Sure, it's all about his stance and his statement - until it isn't. And then of course there is this bit - https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/eric-clapton-racist-rant/


The irony of a British guitarist (who became famous because he imitated some of the greatest American blues artists of all time) then using the stage as his podium to lash out at people that are different than he is? That isn't lost on me and it doesn't sit well either.


If you chose to believe his bullshit that's your choice. I don't and I won't and yes, sometimes it does matter who says what, not just the what.

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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When you attack the person instead of confronting their position, you have already lost the argument. That's all I'm going to say, to keep it from getting political.


I disagree here (obviously, having made the first disparaging reply):


In many cases, looking at who is making an argument is quite sufficient to determine its merit.


If, for example, it were Ted Nugent refusing to play venues that allow mixed-race audiences, there really is no need to consider his position, for the sake of an "argument".

It would be perfectly valid to point out that it was Ted Nugent, that he's an idiot, and be done with it. That's not "losing the argument" â that's pointing out that the position isn't one worth arguing with in the first place, not least because of where it's coming from.

"The Angels of Libra are in the European vanguard of the [retro soul] movement" (Bill Buckley, Soul and Jazz and Funk)

The Drawbars | off jazz organ trio

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There is real concern among some that the vaccines may be creating the Delta variant. Just my 2 cents . 45,000 dead and 100's of thousands with side effects. But he is already jabbed so I can't quite figure this one out.


This is not the end of this. There will be many "boosters" coming, and 5 years from now we will see the clearer picture.



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There is real concern among some that the vaccines may be creating the Delta variant. Just my 2 cents . 45,000 dead and 100's of thousands with side effects. But he is already jabbed so I can't quite figure this one out.


This is not the end of this. There will be many "boosters" coming, and 5 years from now we will see the clearer picture.





That 45,000 dead number is the number of people who died after recieving the vaccine world wide. There is zero proof that ALL of those deaths were caused by the vaccine, without a properly vetted medical account of the actual cause of death the number does not mean much. The vaccine takes up to 2 weeks to be fully effective and the first shot is not as effective as the second. We don't know the condition of the people who died prior to and there have been articles recently about the disaster of the Chinese vaccines that are being used in Asia.


It is a "data point" that raises questions but it does not answer them and answers will not be forthcoming since most of those people are long since buried or cremated. Just my 2 cents.


As to the Delta variant, we don't know exactly where that came from but we do know from studying viruses that they are prolific at mutating. Just 2 more cents...

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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If you wanna count that 45,000 that died after receiving a vaccination then you also have to count the untold 25 millions that died but didn"t receive a vaccination that lack of a vaccination caused those deaths, right?


According to the CDC, of the 6700 deaths reported into the VAERS system (which would be .0018 of doses) only 3 of them have been actually attributed to the vaccine itself (blood clots from the J&J)



What we have here is a giant innumeracy problem. People just inherently are terrible with big numbers.

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That 45,000 dead number is the number of people who died after recieving the vaccine world wide. There is zero proof that ALL of those deaths were caused by the vaccine, without a properly vetted medical account of the actual cause of death the number does not mean much.

It works both ways. Many people who died with Covid but not because of Covid are considered to be official Covid fatalities.

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That 45,000 dead number is the number of people who died after recieving the vaccine world wide. There is zero proof that ALL of those deaths were caused by the vaccine, without a properly vetted medical account of the actual cause of death the number does not mean much.

It works both ways. Many people who died with Covid but not because of Covid are considered to be official Covid fatalities.


I have no doubt about that either and much the same situation. There's no going back to diagnose. Worldwide it is likely the fatality rates are much higher than the projections currently in place.

China will never tell us what is going on, even if they knew. India is massively overpopulated and not prepared for an onslaught of disease like they've had recently. There is no way that is going to be accurately documented, the amount of labor to do that is insurmountable.


There are other places, other situations. I imagine quite a few have left our planet huddled up at home, such as it is, because there is nowhere else they can go and nothing that could be done if they did go somewhere.

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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There is real concern among some that the vaccines may be creating the Delta variant.


No, there isn't.


There is FAKE concern being deliberately spread among some who don't know better, but there truly is no real concern over this.

"The Angels of Libra are in the European vanguard of the [retro soul] movement" (Bill Buckley, Soul and Jazz and Funk)

The Drawbars | off jazz organ trio

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There is real concern among some that the vaccines may be creating the Delta variant.


No, there isn't.


There is FAKE concern being deliberately spread among some who don't know better, but there truly is no real concern over this.


Brought to you by the same people who claim that children's vaccinations are causing autism.

This post edited for speling.

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If you get your 'facts' from pundits, politicians, preachers, propagandists, and social media posters instead of from the majority of respected experts in the field of communicable diseases, there is a very high probability that you are both being lied to and manipulated.


If you believe the propagandists, millions of people have tracking chips in them, their DNA has been manipulated, every vaccinated male will become impotent and infertile (I'm here to let you know the impotent is a myth - I've been vasectomized so I'm already infertile), it's not been well tested, female will never have any babies - only miscarriages, more people have died from the vaccine than the virus, the vaccines use fetal tissue, the vaccine will give you COVID, the COVID-19 vaccine being developed by Oxford University and AstraZeneca will turn people into monkeys, COVID-19 vaccines violate the Nuremberg Code, which bans medical experiments from being performed on humans without their consent, COVID-19 vaccines will cause 'pathogenic priming' or 'disease enhancement,' meaning that vaccinated individuals will be more likely to develop severe cases of COVID-19 if they are infected with the COVID-19 virus, mRNA vaccines for COVID-19 do not fit the CDC and FDA"s definitions of a vaccine, Hank Aaron"s death is linked to the COVID-19 vaccine, Tennessee nurse Tiffany Dover died after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine on live TV, COVID-19 vaccines are not halal or kosher because they contain pork products, trials for COVID-19 vaccines were not designed to show the vaccines" effectiveness in preventing severe cases of the disease, boxer Marvin Hagler"s death is linked to the COVID-19 vaccine, mRNA vaccines used to protect against COVID-19 can cause cancer, insurance companies won"t pay out benefits to anyone who dies after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine because the vaccines are considered experimental., COVID-19 vaccines can cause an increase in rare neurodegenerative disorders called prion diseases, being in close proximity to someone who has received a COVID-19 vaccine can cause unvaccinated women to have a miscarriage, the increase in COVID-19 cases and deaths in India between February and May 2021 was caused by COVID-19 vaccinations, the vaccines contain magnetic ingredients, American Red Cross will not accept blood donations from anyone who has received a COVID-19 vaccine because the vaccines wipe out the body"s natural antibodies, SM-102, an ingredient in Moderna"s COVID-19 vaccine, is dangerous and has been listed as not being safe for human or veterinary use by a company that sells the ingredient, and so on, ad infinitum.


These myths have all been debunked by scientists all over the world. Don't believe them.


Believe what you want.

Bob "Notes" Norton

Owner, Norton Music http://www.nortonmusic.com

Style and Fake disks for Band-in-a-Box

The Sophisticats http://www.s-cats.com >^. .^< >^. .^<

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That 45,000 dead number is the number of people who died after recieving the vaccine world wide. There is zero proof that ALL of those deaths were caused by the vaccine, without a properly vetted medical account of the actual cause of death the number does not mean much.

It works both ways. Many people who died with Covid but not because of Covid are considered to be official Covid fatalities.


Which has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand.

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Well this doesn't have anything to do with Eric Clapton, but that stat is just begging for an answer. The graphic clearly shows that this time last year, the peak of the surge was over. This year, the surge is three times higher than a year before, so of course there are going to be more people in hospitals. BUT, it says ICU patients have dropped to the lowest point since mid-November, despite the higher surge there are only a couple dozen more people in hospitals, and there are fewer new cases. Seems to me the point of that graphic is to prove that the vaccines are working.


As to Eric Clapton, he can do whatever he wants. And I can do whatever I want, which is not to hang out with a bunch of unvaccinated people. Yes, I got the vaccine, but the vaccine was never presented as "you won't get sick." It was presented as "at least you won't die or have serious hospital issues." I don't want to get sick at all.

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If you get your 'facts' from pundits, politicians, preachers, propagandists, and social media posters instead of from the majority of respected experts in the field of communicable diseases, there is a very high probability that you are both being lied to and manipulated.

I wouldn't call Fauci a respected expert...he's a career medical politician who has lied repeatedly about several Covid related matters, sometimes changing his mind day to day. He lied on TV and in Congress about the origin of the virus and his role in funding the lab. Yet he is untouchable and no one is allowed to criticize him or investigate him.


I also don't listen to Bill Gates or Clapton's medical opinion, Al Gore or teenager Greta on climate, among many others. Yet those people have been promoted as the voices of reason.


The only medical experts we are allowed to listen to are the ones who agree with the government. I'm skeptical when other experts are denied a voice.

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I wouldn't call Fauci a respected expert...he's a career medical politician


"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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If you get your 'facts' from pundits, politicians, preachers, propagandists, and social media posters instead of from the majority of respected experts in the field of communicable diseases, there is a very high probability that you are both being lied to and manipulated.

I wouldn't call Fauci a respected expert...he's a career medical politician who has lied repeatedly about several Covid related matters, sometimes changing his mind day to day. He lied on TV and in Congress about the origin of the virus and his role in funding the lab. Yet he is untouchable and no one is allowed to criticize him or investigate him.


I also don't listen to Bill Gates or Clapton's medical opinion, Al Gore or teenager Greta on climate, among many others. Yet those people have been promoted as the voices of reason.


The only medical experts we are allowed to listen to are the ones who agree with the government. I'm skeptical when other experts are denied a voice.

I think you should do your own research at the National Institute of Health's PubMed site. It reposts articles issued from scientists from all over the world that are published in peer-reviewed, scientific journals to be tested and either supported or negated by other scientists. If you don't trust the USA, other countries post the same articles.


And I am glad Fauci and others change their mind when new data is revealed. That's how science advances, and that's why these papers are published in scientific journals. It's a learning thing, and when we learn, we can change our approach for the better.


Clapton has a right and enough money to refuse any gig he doesn't want to play, and I have enough self-preservation instincts and the right to avoid any venue I suspect to be a mass-spreading event.



Bob "Notes" Norton

Owner, Norton Music http://www.nortonmusic.com

Style and Fake disks for Band-in-a-Box

The Sophisticats http://www.s-cats.com >^. .^< >^. .^<

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So here we have an instructional lesson in how the virus works! We have a coronavirus thread, but it started looking for more hosts to infect, so it created the Clapton variant. Way to go, virus!


If your comments relate to the coronavirus, post in the original thread. This thread is specifically about coronavirus and concert situations.


And I wish people would dig further. The comment "There is real concern among some that the vaccines may be creating the Delta variant" is a misinterpretation, from a video in French by someone who does have a certain amount of respect (as well as some degree of controversy) in medical circles. He didn't say the vaccines CAUSE the Delta variant. He basically theorized that as more people get vaccinated, the virus will have to mutate to find unvaccinated hosts. Although not stated specifically in the interview, my takeaway (which could be wrong) was that he was saying the piecemeal "some-people-get-it-some-don't" vaccination approach was problematic. Either you have to let the virus rip through the population until there's herd immunity, or you have to vaccinate everyone at once and stamp it out.


But what do I know?


Well, what I do know that I will delete posts in this thread that don't relate to this topic.

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