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The Brood X Cicadas Are Coming!

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For those not familiar with the topic, every 17 years, Brood X cicadas come out of where they've been hiding in the ground, and make a hellish noise because...well, they don't have dating apps. So they make noise to attract females ("Hey Cicada, why do you make so much noise?" "I'm into it for the chicks, man"!). I've heard that a swarm of cicadas can generate noise that hits 100 SPL.


Apparently they're starting to show up in Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia and Washington, D.C. So I figure at least some of you will be running into these weird little critters soon.


They're legendary in these parts, but haven't shown up yet...seems they might be heading more toward Knoxville.


Should be interesting...

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They're just starting to come out in my neighborhood, but just to get your ears accommodated, here's a recording (MP3 file) of the 2004 brood made from my back porch. I was writing about the Studio Projects LSD-2 stereo mic, set it up outside the back door, and hit Record.


Cicadas 2004

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I don't know how long you've been in Nashville Craig, but you've probably heard dog day cicadas already? They're generally "always there" in the south east; sometimes I notice them if they're feeling particularly randy, volume wise, but growing up here it's just "background nature ambience" with the birds, crickets, frogs, foxes, etc...

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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@Craig - You may be right on the borderline for Brood X? Their range extends into Eastern Tennessee, so you may see them around Nashville.

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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This doesn't look too good. I don't know how we're supposed to get used to eating them. This was constructed from nothing but cicada shells, BTW. Sleep tight!


Absurdity, n. A statement or belief manifestly inconsistent with one's own opinion.
    ~ "The Devil's Dictionary," Ambrose Bierce

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They'll become the new meat at Taco Bell and you'll never notice the difference.


Well, they already use tree pulp to supplement the beef with "fiber". Who knows what insect protein is hidden in the wood when processed.


One of my favorite memes is "You eat chicken McNuggets, but you won't get vaccinated because you don't know what's inside?"

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For all you people out in Cicada Country, how many of you have sampled them and used them in a recording? :cool:


i've tried. My iPhone isn't a good enough recorder and I don't have anything better yet for field recording.


Too much extra noise from planes flying overhead, cars, etc.

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Right on the Northern tip of D.C. they've been out for around 10 days or so. The volume level varies depending on where you are in relation to the oldest and densest tree growth. In and around the park areas, they're incredibly loud; in areas that have been extensively developed, or paved over, in the last 10-15 years, you may not see many at all.


While you can record the sound, it's all but impossible to capture the experience, unless you have a sound system designed for a movie theater.


In my neighborhood, they are everywhere, their buzzing providing the ultimate in surround-sound. No matter which way you turn, angle your head as you will, the sound is everywhere, at or near full volume. Even inside my house - old-school brick-&-block construction - with the AC on, I can hear them as a steady high-pitched vibrating noise that competes with the sound of the AC. Outdoors, you can hear them above traffic noise, even at Rush Hour, and I've heard them over the noise of a Mower-Blower crew at work.


IDK what a fleet of UFO's should sound like, but this is definitely the sound of an alien invasion, harmless though they may be. It's a weird life-form that only visits the surface of this planet once every 17 years, and when they're here, they make their presence felt in a manner that can hardly be ignored. I find them more interesting than annoying, for the short time they're with us . . .

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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Here's an interesting bit of cicada sounds. Rather than the constant roar, the amplitude varies with about a 6 second period. There were two trees in from of the house where I heard this when out walking, so I recorded a bit on my phone. Crude, but you can hear the effect.


Possibilities??? Different breeds settled in the two trees and alternately courted one another? There could be a temperature difference between the trees which changes the velocity of sound, which could change the phase between the sound coming from each tree.


I didn't investigate any closer. I didn't want to get arrested for being a cicada stalker. Here's a link to a short MP3 file:


Cicada Tremolo

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While you can record the sound, it's all but impossible to capture the experience, unless you have a sound system designed for a movie theater.


Quite true. To open the show, George Carlin had the audience all do that finger-pop thing you do with one cheek as a kid. He went "1-2-3-go" and people lost it too soon as the sound tried to ramp up. 2nd try: we held it for a minute and the bizarre, hilarious, charming wave of sound was exactly as you describe. I've never had as startling a (semi)-musical experience as that brief cloud of goofy solidarity. When it died down, he said "That is a unique gift that you gave yourselves, because only by working as a group were we able to make it happen at all. There's a good lesson in there, boys & girls!"


Absurdity, n. A statement or belief manifestly inconsistent with one's own opinion.
    ~ "The Devil's Dictionary," Ambrose Bierce

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