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Vote For Lee!

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I can only view the tracking at the times when I am allowed to vote. It would be nice to see how the race is going otherwise; I'm sure a lot of forumites are pitching in here... but as close as the race has been, It'd be nice to see if we all need to tap into other computers to help out.


Just a question, this is probably elementary to experienced IT professionals, but would using a different browser have any effect on the IP address. I was under the impression that if my IP address was a static one with my server, the changing of a browser would have no effect on the outcome. However, I attempted to log on to Musicplayer.com with my Netscape browser rather than my default and it prompted me to register. I have multiple email accounts that I can use... if it works and it becomes a PUSH COME TO SHOVE contest.

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Ani, after you've voted, if you go to the voting page again later that day, there's a link near the top of the voting page - it's small and kind of hard to see, but you can click on it at any time and check the current status of the vote totals. The link is in the word "here" in the sentence that reads...


"You have already voted today. Click here to see the current results."

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posted by zzzzzzzz:

True. I suppose Clear Channel and the record companies could say the same thing.

I don't see anything analagous about Clear Channel monopolizing radio in this country, and some bands in a little internet contest, and what you suppose anyone could, or would, say is complete conjecture. Your honor I petition the court to remove this man from the courtroom!
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Well... here's the latest. You're not gonna believe this one.


As I mentioned, Friday night we heard from the judges that the sponsor had promised to fix the latest security hole on Tuesday (yesterday). Then we got an email yesterday from the sponsor saying they'd re-set the totals too! Great news, or so we thought. Turns out they 1) obviously have NOT actually fixed the multiple-vote problem. And 2) the email that we received yesterday was actually the notification that was supposed to have been sent out LAST time they re-set the totals. :rolleyes:


These people are just mind numbingly incompetent. Our whole purpose in wanting to run the scripts and everything, was to skew the numbers so bad that they'd HAVE to do something about it. Like Fee Foe Five did last time. And at this point, we've made our point. If they don't re-set the totals at this point the whole thing is a joke, and not anything we want to be involved in, seriously.


So... you're welcome to turn off your scripts. We have. Either they'll do something about it or they won't.

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Of course, if we wanted to really hammer it in that their system doesn't work, we could tell them that we will now raise the numbers for the lowest-vote-grabbing group, and then turn our scripts in that direction.


However, if truth be told (and if were being honest, I'm probably not alone in this), I'm less interested in showing them that their system is broken -- my guess is they know it and don't care -- than in exploiting the broken system to have our cat win.



Dooby Dooby Doo
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I appreciate that Duddits (and yes, "know but don't care" would probably be the most accurate description), but I'm totally serious: we don't want to win that way or even give the impression at this point that we're trying to. This thing has just come way too far from its original intention. OUR motivation behind doing the whole contest in the first place was to impress the Little Steven folks, which we did, and at this point what we want to do is focus on building a better relationship with them for the future, outside of this contest. If they really did think we're all that (and I think they did) then we'll have other opportunities with them that are legitimate.


I've discussed this with the band and that's their feeling too. So please... let it go guys. It's OK. And thanks so much for all of the support, it means a TON to us.

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Originally posted by TheWewus:

Not sure who you think you're talking to here bud, but I'd like to say on behalf of everyone here Bite us!

Clear Channel and the Bush administration and the fast food industry could say the same thing.
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I would like to thank zzzzzzzzz for his point of view throughout this Rockin' Garage voting escapade. While I think he's made a few tenuous stretches in comparing a small group of internet users with major corporations whose policies affect our lives daily, I appreciate a skeptic.


As the author of part of the code that Lee published for the purpose of demonstrating (along with a couple other bands) that the voting method was so flawed that the results could never honor the best music, I have to say that I did it for the fun of it. The voting system was such a half-assed job of coding that, frankly, it begged to be messed with.


Regardless of whether an online vote is the best way to choose a wild card band for this contest, there are hundreds of web sites with voting systems that are secure and fair. Its not hard to do. I think the sponsors showed a disregard for the bands competing for the wild card slot. The auto-voting was an effort by several bands, in plain sight, and my own integrity is not injured by contributing to the exposing of a shortcoming on the sponsors part. Unions strike, consumers boycott, bands auto-vote. Viva la revolution.


Others got involved with supporting What The in the hopes of an auto-voted victory, but I expected at any time that the sponsors would pull the voting down once more to fix it or abandon it.


If they do or dont, it doesnt matter anymore. This is Lees gig and at her suggestion I have taken down my auto-voter. I encourage others to follow suit. She feels the point is made and it is now up to the sponors to respond.



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Originally posted by Philip O'Keefe:

Ani, after you've voted, if you go to the voting page again later that day, there's a link near the top of the voting page - it's small and kind of hard to see, but you can click on it at any time and check the current status of the vote totals. The link is in the word "here" in the sentence that reads...


"You have already voted today. Click here to see the current results."

Thanks Phil.
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I would like to thank zzzzzzzzz for his point of view throughout this Rockin' Garage voting escapade. While I think he's made a few tenuous stretches in comparing a small group of internet users with major corporations whose policies affect our lives daily, I appreciate a skeptic.
Btw, your welcome! :)


I don't think it's a tenuous stretch at all. Big community, small community. If your one of the 23 bands getting screwed because you're playing fairly and others are cheating to win then it would affect you more than whatever the fuck Clear Channel does at this point of the game. And this excuse of cheating to just prove the voting system is hastily put together?! Come on! That is so weak. There was no other way to make your case? Again, why not vote over-the-top with your computer code for a band other than yourself to prove these good intentions. Man what a load!! You guys crack me up.


I would bet all the money in the world that if this were other people, no matter how big or small a community, you guys would be the FIRST to cry "bullshit!!".


But keep up the rationalizing, it's pretty funny.

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Originally posted by Deef:

Originally posted by zzzzzzzzz:

Hey Deef, why didn't you auto vote for one of the other bands to make your point?!? :confused:

What makes you think I didn't?



Did you? Which band? From what I've seen, most everyone here has been scripting up a storm shouting "go Lee!". Show me where someone said, "hey, let's vote for a different band so as to prove we're not selfishly just wanting to win".


You guys should work for Clear Channel because you've got the bullshit and the spin down.

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Originally posted by Deef:

Well, for What The...? to eat up the substantial lead, it will take many sore, repetitive fingers.


Or some automation.


Since Lee's page now contains all the code necessary to submit a vote from outside the Rockin' Garage server, it can hardly be difficult to create a page that auto votes every n seconds. A copy of the page could be hosted and run by everyone with a website.


If ethics are to be damned, I could post such code.


Let me know. ;)



If ethics are to be damned, if ethics are to be damned, if ethics are to be damned...



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You don't get outside your own head much, do you z? :rolleyes:


Apart from occasional valid points in your musings, your comments are rife with assumptions and attitude. Your days must be long with everyone endlessly not getting you.


BTW, Triple Thick. I ran up their score for about an hour over the weekend as a test. I guess it could have been fun to bump up everyone's score, but that would have taken a lot of computers, and I also had other things to do. It seemed obvious that Lee's following here would help generate an unignorable tally that would be more impactful.


As for the daming of ethics, see ;) that punctuates the message, and acquire a lighter heart to perceive it. Not every comment is a manifesto.



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Originally posted by Deef:

You don't get outside your own head much, do you z? :rolleyes:


Apart from occasional valid points in your musings, your comments are rife with assumptions and attitude. Your days must be long with everyone endlessly not getting you.


That's it, huh? You and Wewus always come through with some great reasoning so as to prove whatever it is you're trying to prove.


What don't you get about what I'm saying, I'll try to speak real slow for you.


Attitude and assumptions, huh? Gee, no one ever does that around here when knocking the big boys or people they just don't like, do they? Where were you when Lee was knocking all the shit she doesn't like?

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Originally posted by Deef:


BTW, Triple Thick. I ran up their score for about an hour over the weekend as a test. I guess it could have been fun to bump up everyone's score, but that would have taken a lot of computers, and I also had other things to do. It seemed obvious that Lee's following here would help generate an unignorable tally that would be more impactful.


Gee, how generous and what a statement. That'll show the old sponsers how lousy the system is.


No other way, huh? All that compuer savvy, and that's the only solution?

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I think it's important to note that if you go back far enough in this twisted story, Lee's band -- as well as others in the competition -- got treated unfairly from the gitgo, not just with this wild card voting thang. In other words, it was already a farce before it got to this point and became a mega-farce.


I think that if there was a perception that the whole thing was being run fairly, then no one here would have wanted to run scripts and such. The real issue, at least to me, was NOT so much about wanting Lee to win, but to at least make an attempt to right several of the wrongs that happened along the way.


Ethics? Well, yes, but here's the deal. I'm a peaceful person and I would never start a fight. But if someone started attacking my daughter, you bet I would do everything within my power to incapacitate them. I would certainly be willing to let my principles of non-violence slide in that case. Call it hypocrisy, because it is. I know that. But I also know my daughter's welfare trumps my principles. I also don't steal. But if I couldn't earn any money and she was starving, you can bet I'd shoplift food.


What's happening with Lee isn't as dramatic, but we're her friends, and we're not going to sit by and watch her get figuratively beat up by people who do script and cheat or whatever. I agree that it's wrong, and two wrongs don't make a right. But in this case, at least two wrongs got the judges' attention.

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One other thing: Lee, correct me if I'm wrong, but I understood that the wild card thing was put together specifically as an antidote to some other BS that went down. So for it to degenerate into a farce made the whole situation even more unfortunate.
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Do you like LEE or her music? Give a vote... or as many as you wish.


You don't like her? Please move on. This is LEE's thread.




We want our friend to win. You don't? vote for the others and create their own threads. Fair enough?

Músico, Productor, Ingeniero, Tecnólogo

Senior Product Manager, América Latina y Caribe - PreSonus

at Fender Musical Instruments Company


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posted by Anderton:

I'm a peaceful person and I would never start a fight. But if someone started attacking my daughter, you bet I would do everything within my power to incapacitate them. I would certainly be willing to let my principles of non-violence slide in that case. Call it hypocrisy, because it is. I know that. But I also know my daughter's welfare trumps my principles. I also don't steal. But if I couldn't earn any money and she was starving, you can bet I'd shoplift food.



If Lee needs a gig in NYC, there are a number of us who could easily pull that off, including myself.


This epic is bordering on somewhere between the rediculous and the pathetic.


There is a Darwinian supply/demand economy at work in this industry. It goes as follows:

a) You get the gig, or

b) You don't get the gig.


If you have to enlist an army of anonymous internet posters to run scripts to get you the gig, you have to wonder why you didn't just get the gig without all that.


Hopefully, Lee is meditating on that question right now.

Eric Vincent (ASCAP)


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Originally posted by Anderton:


What's happening with Lee isn't as dramatic, but we're her friends, and we're not going to sit by and watch her get figuratively beat up by people who do script and cheat or whatever. I agree that it's wrong, and two wrongs don't make a right. But in this case, at least two wrongs got the judges' attention.

At least you admit that it's wrong. I believe you and Duddits are the only ones who are willing to admit it.


So there was no other recourse? Writing letters, emailing the sponsers? All avenues were completely exhausted before resorting to cheating for Lee's band just to let the sponsers know the voting system isn't very good?

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