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Vote For Lee!

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Originally posted by Lee Flier:

Well, as Erik would say, Bite Me.


The deal is, to make a really long story short, the Little Steven folks were trying to arrange a Wildcard Playoff in NYC, for all the bands who were either semi-finalists or (as in our case) "honorable mention" by the judges because of the screw-up in Miami.


However, apparently they're not going to be able to pull that off due to the expense. :( And needless to say, we're really, really bummed about that. So if we're going to get to the NYC show, it's gonna have to be via this wildcard "vote," which the judges have emailed us to say they aren't happy about. They said the current "front runner" put a link on their web site telling everyone to vote "early and often," and so of course it's going to boil down to whoever has the most "friends" wins. Which is not really a fair way to do it, and they acknowledge that, but that's the way it is.


But basically, this means we have carte blanche to use whatever devious means we like to get more votes! :D So, if you can find it in your heart, VOTE! Vote a whole buncha times! Tell all your bored friends at work to do the same! And if we get to the NYC show you can say that YOU had a part in it!


So here's what you do - go here:




Click the little button next to our name and then click the button at the bottom of the page that says "Vote." It will submit your vote and then you'll see graphs next to every band's name that tells you how they're doing.


You can vote again by either clicking this link again, or simply removing the "?mode=results" portion of the URL in your browser and re-loading the page. That's it. No registration or anything.


So, much as I hate to bug people about stuff like this, I'M BUGGIN YA!! :D As you can tell from my "diary," this is a really big deal to us! So, let's make it happen! Let the hanging chads begin!

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I clicked on the button for Lee's band, but couldn't find the button at the bottom of the page to submit this. There was supposed to be a 'VOTE' button, but there wasn't. I refreshed the page, but it still wasn't there.


What do I do now?



Is There Gas In The Car? :cool:


PS Good luck Lee! :thu:

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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On the actual page where this link above takes you, there is a small round select button in the bottom right hand corner in the table that contains Lee's band name, What the ???


Do not click on the links that take you to her web site or the mp3 if you are trying to vote; just select that button and then scroll down the page to where you see a yellow button that says vote!


Once you hit the vote button, the page will refresh showing you the percentages of votes for each contestant. To vote a second/+ time, you need to close the window or refresh it in your browser to bring the voting process back up again.

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Thanks all -


Yeah, we really need your help, everybody! You can read the whole saga from the Band forum here, if you're so inclined...




Basically, we really, really, REALLY wanna play that festival. We really feel that would be a huge step forward for us.


So please, anytime between now and July 15th, if you're bored in front of the computer, click a few times and vote instead of downloading porn! It'll feel just as great, and you can do it as many times as you want for free. :D

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Mr. Wewus,


I hit the maximize button (expand). There is still no yellow button at the bottom of the screen.


I imagine that either my firewall or my security settings have something to do with this. I'll try from home tonight.


Tom :cool:

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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Actually Gas,


I messed up, the button is RED and is housed inside a YELLOW line.


Have you got it to work yet?


This button is right beneath all of the boxes listing the band names. Do you see the little circle in the bottom of each band box? Just place you mouse pointer inside of the circle and click. The button will have a dot appear, as being selected, then scroll down to the yellow line beneath all the boxes and hit the red vote button.

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Originally posted by Lee Flier:

Tom, I just looked through the page and it's possible that your computers at work have javascript disabled, in which case it might not work. :mad:

Yes. I agree. The page is not loading completely; thus, I can't see the yellow button.


I'll vote from home. In fact, I'll vote two or three times for ya! :) Good luck Lee.


Tom :cool:

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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It didn't show up for me for awhile. Then I maximized the page and refreshed it and there it was...it's a red button in the yellow strip.


I listened to a lot of the mp3s there. A lot of good bands...but I've gotta admit, I voted for What-The. Lee, it was yer geetar that really stood out in the song, sounded like some old-fashioned George Harrison licks with George on massive caffeine.


A lot of "Latter-Day Standells" clones there. I love it!

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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OK, I'm getting really evil now. The vote button doesn't work on all browsers, so I'm creating a button on our web site which will allow you to register a vote for us directly from our home page. Hang tight...
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More votes for Lee.


I like the mp3 too.


Vote early and vote often ;)



Famous Musical Quotes: "I would rather play Chiquita Banana and have my swimming pool than play Bach and starve" - Xavier Cugat

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Okay Lee, another 15 votes...one for each of the hairs left on my head. More votes to come!




My only disappointment is I thought this was about your run for president. Oh well, there's always 2008.

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All right, I've just made voting a whole lot easier! And hopefully solved the problem for people who can't see the Vote button.


Just go to our web page: http://www.what-the.com and click on the "Click To Vote" button. You don't even have to choose the band. Just keep on clickin.' I think it requires that you wait about 30 seconds between votes.


Oh, I'm evil. :D

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Yo, com'on folks. I've noticed that every time I vote for Lee's band; not only does her percentage go up, but so does the count for the band Fee Fo Five... every time. They must have folks voting continuously also, or else the have a trojan or something like that attached to other votes that will automatically boost their count when people vote for someone else.
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Originally posted by Ani:

I've noticed that every time I vote for Lee's band; not only does her percentage go up, but so does the count for the band Fee Fo Five... every time. They must have folks voting continuously also, or else the have a trojan or something like that attached to other votes that will automatically boost their count when people vote for someone else.

Well...that is pretty odd!


Same thing is happening when I vote...every time I give Lee's band one vote...Fee Fo Five's count also goes up by one vote...???


Something is stinky in the state of Denmark...me thinks!!! :eek:

miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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I think you're right, Ani. I've noticed the same thing. It's suspicious I tell ya! The voting's rigged! (I think it's CHAD'S fault and we oughta hang him!) :rolleyes:


I'll keep voting now that it's easy to do. We need to vote a LOT to get ahead of Fee Fo Five and Thee Lordy Serpents.



"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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WOW what an opportunity.


Good luck.


A local Rochester band "The Chesterfield Kings" will be playing the festival.

Andy Babiuk, the bassist who looks amazingly like an early Brian Jones is also the guy who wrote the Beatles gear book - and my gear salesman.


Also, FWIW, Randall's Island is the last venue I saw Hendrix play on- during a festival that included Tull, Steppenwolf, Grand Funk and a bunch of others. So, if you play there you'll be on hallowed ground IMHO.

Check out some tunes here:


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