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Vote For Lee!

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I just voted a few times, brought the vote count over 800. :)

But Fee Foe Five's votes went up the same amount. :(

I'm leaving the window open all day. I think I might just be able to vote 50 or 60 times today.

It's a slow day at work so far...

Good luck Lee! Hope to see ya in NYC soon!






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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Originally posted by Anderton:

My only disappointment is I thought this was about your run for president.

Yeah but this is better than a Presidential election - cuz your vote actually COUNTS!! :mad:


We are now at over 1000 votes thanks to you guys! And gaining on the current front runner. You GuyZ RuLe!!!


(and anyhow, I'd rather play at the Little Steven festival than be President, sounds like a lot more fun!)

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Originally posted by Bunny.:

Well, I managed to push it over 1,000.


And still clicking... ;)

I was Lee's 1,000th :)




I have the mind of a criminal genius.....I keep it in the freezer next to mother.
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I just put in several votes and pushed you guys up a bit in the standings Lee - you're now over 1,000 votes. I also put a link up on my forum...


Hint: You need to refresh the original voting page before reselecting "What The...?" and voting again. And since everyone else seems to be encouraging their fans to "vote early and often", I'm encouraging everyone I know to do likeise - except we all know to cast our hanging chads for "What The...?" :D


Best of luck! :thu:

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Or open two seperate windows, and go back and forth between them. Give it about 30-45 secs between votes. It's workin' for me...


45 votes now...






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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I've been voting on and off all day. The easiest way to vote is to go to the What The? site link on Lee Flier's signature here and click the link she created on their web page. It opens another IE page to display the results. Simply close that page after it loads, wait about 30 seconds and click the link on the What The? page again. ;)

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Originally posted by fantasticsound:

I've been voting on and off all day. The easiest way to vote is to go to the What The? site link on Lee Flier's signature here and click the link she created on their web page. It opens another IE page to display the results. Simply close that page after it loads, wait about 30 seconds and click the link on the What The? page again. ;)

I agree w/ Neil.


Here's the link: What the...? website



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Originally posted by zzzzzzzzz:

Does anyone see the irony of this, or....is it just me?

I guess I'm missing it... I'm not sure what you're referring to. A friend of mine asked for help, and I'm trying to provide it. I'm voting, and I'm encouraging other to do likewise. don't see any irony involved. Maybe I'm missing something? :confused:


I like the band, own their CD and don't feel the least bit guilty about voting for them. And in order for the voting to be "fair", Lee has every right to ask her friends and indeed, all the people she "knows" to vote for her band - especially since another group publically did the exact same thing.

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Well, for What The...? to eat up the substantial lead, it will take many sore, repetitive fingers.


Or some automation.


Since Lee's page now contains all the code necessary to submit a vote from outside the Rockin' Garage server, it can hardly be difficult to create a page that auto votes every n seconds. A copy of the page could be hosted and run by everyone with a website.


If ethics are to be damned, I could post such code.


Let me know. ;)



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No irony in you or others voting and helping out, Phil.


I think the irony lies elswhere. But maybe I'll just keep my mouth shut.


On the other hand, maybe one last bruhaha would be fun before I possibly get booted tomorrow.


This place is awfully quiet. :bor:


Hmmm... :)

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Originally posted by Ani:

Yo, com'on folks. I've noticed that every time I vote for Lee's band; not only does her percentage go up, but so does the count for the band Fee Fo Five... every time. They must have folks voting continuously also, or else the have a trojan or something like that attached to other votes that will automatically boost their count when people vote for someone else.

Ani is right. For some reason every time I vote for you, it ALSO appears on Fee Fo Five's tally. Reliably.


Complain about this, Lee. Something is clearly wrong.



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popstar, yeah I know it looks that way, but I really think it's simply that they are currently the only band getting votes at about the same rate that we are. I HAVE cast some votes and not seen theirs increment. I don't think there's anything fishy going on other than they may have done something really evil like get a whole bunch of people on a forum to start voting. ;)
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Originally posted by popstar:

Originally posted by Ani:

Yo, com'on folks. I've noticed that every time I vote for Lee's band; not only does her percentage go up, but so does the count for the band Fee Fo Five... every time. They must have folks voting continuously also, or else the have a trojan or something like that attached to other votes that will automatically boost their count when people vote for someone else.

Ani is right. For some reason every time I vote for you, it ALSO appears on Fee Fo Five's tally. Reliably.


Complain about this, Lee. Something is clearly wrong.



That is bullshit. How are you supposed to cheat fair and squarely!?!
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Originally posted by miroslav:

Originally posted by Ani:

I've noticed that every time I vote for Lee's band; not only does her percentage go up, but so does the count for the band Fee Fo Five... every time. They must have folks voting continuously also, or else the have a trojan or something like that attached to other votes that will automatically boost their count when people vote for someone else.

Well...that is pretty odd!


Same thing is happening when I vote...every time I give Lee's band one vote...Fee Fo Five's count also goes up by one vote...???


Something is stinky in the state of Denmark...me thinks!!! :eek:

I do believe you're correct sir. I noticed that too 'cause my inputs didn't change the ratio. Then, when I really started looking and thought I was nuts I see your leaf.


Something IS rotten in Denmark. :eek:


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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Maybe they have that auto-vote code that one of the posters here mentioned. Their votes are going up increasingly... they would have to be pretty popular to keep up with you Lee... you've got a lot of people pulling for you; in the numbers.


You're not just an average forumite; you have your feet well planted and are known by every poster on these forums being a moderator and a well respected participant.


These guys don't even have a web site listed for their fans to go to connect... that means they would have to be getting the information out by word of mouth. Their vote counts have grown increasingly since your drive started. It'd be interesting to see how they are getting the word out to get so many votes, repeatedly....


Send me the code and I'll put up a link on my site. See if I can get some of those college kids to tap in.

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I just spent some time just refreshing the results page. It looked originally like Fee Foe Five's count went up each time Lee's did, except about 5 seconds later. Not actually the case however. and with enough refreshes under my belt it does look like it's ok.


Actually, it looks as if What-The? is slowly picking up some ground.


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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Hey guys,


I REALLY appreciate all the efforts, but ya know... the whole thing stinks, and I've been talking to the judges about it. Everybody concerned just thinks the whole process was hastily conceived and there is no way for it to be anything approaching a fair contest. Nobody's blaming any band for wanting to get a leg up whatever way they can, mind you, but the whole process is obviously very flawed and I figured it would be as soon as they announced the thing. And, being a programmer, I told them so awhile back, right when the voting page appeared. I guess they didn't believe me until now. :D


So, the judges and the Little Steven folks are discussing amongst themselves, and hopefully will come up with some better option. It's certainly possible to write more secure voting scripts if that's what they want to do, where you have to register with an email address and all.


So by all means, keep voting, but just thought I'd let you know I've been discussing this with them and maybe there will be a better way!

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So by all means, keep voting, but just thought I'd let you know I've been discussing this with them and maybe there will be a better way!>>


Then if our escapades are causing them to get off their butts and figure out a fair way to do this, that's cool too!


Now, back to the Lee Flier for president thing...ooops, sorry. Okay, I'll go add some more votes now.

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