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So what the hay-all do y'all look like? PICS!

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Originally posted by Herman Tedster:

Boy, I hear ya. I swear like a sailor sometimes, but, I've really had to watch it (again)...Preston is like a little tape recorder. Sheesh...

Grandpa! :eek: (Tsk, tsk.)




You can say that again..

You can say that again..

You can say..

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Originally posted by Myshell:

I'm from Canada. Hockey, eh?




Interesting http://rds.yahoo.com/S=96062883/K=Barbra+streisand/v=2/SID=e/l=IVS/SIG=12arlcke2/*-http%3A//www.secondhand-records.de/pix_easylps/streisand_barbra_wet.jpg




There's a remarkable resemblence to Barbra Streisand going on here. Is this Myshell for real, or are we dealing with another Ashley Judd type impersonator? The personality seems to be that of the same that was present in the split personality of Ms. Judd wannabee...


I don't think it's a girl YaCa; I think this is one of our multiple personality posters that like to go in drag and tease all the men on the forum. Of course, I may very well be wrong.

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I don't think it's a girl YaCa; I think this is one of our multiple personality posters that like to go in drag and tease all the men on the forum. Of course, I may very well be wrong.[/QB]

I'll just repeat what I wrote elsewhere


I'm getting pretty tired of this sh*t... The Bottom Line is someone, that would be me, is gonna be dishin' out some punches to the face.


No longer am I a peace-lovin', crystal bowl playin', techno spinnin', SWEAT leafin' Attention Whore. I'm a ass kickin', ball bustin', head breakin' , twat-waffle lickin' beee-yotch. Meet SGT. MyHELL:



Keep it up and you'll be gummin' your soup.


SGT. MyHell

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Originally posted by MyHell:

I don't think it's a girl YaCa; I think this is one of our multiple personality posters that like to go in drag and tease all the men on the forum. Of course, I may very well be wrong.

I'll just repeat what I wrote elsewhere


I'm getting pretty tired of this sh*t... The Bottom Line is someone, that would be me, is gonna be dishin' out some punches to the face.


No longer am I a peace-lovin', crystal bowl playin', techno spinnin', SWEAT leafin' Attention Whore. I'm a ass kickin', ball bustin', head breakin' , twat-waffle lickin' beee-yotch. Meet SGT. MyHELL:



Keep it up and you'll be gummin' your soup.


SGT. MyHell[/QB]

Gosh, thats a little sad there Myshell.

Theres no need to take that tone girl.

Kinda makes you look like that all that matters is the way you look and if some dont like it, you'll deck them and I am sure theres multiple layers to you so an idea maybe that you stop putting up your 'sexy' pics and take a step back if you dont want comments like the above let alone the drueling men probbably do over you and see you in one light rather than the personality you have. If I was a man, I wouldn't want anything but one thing from you and that my friend is saying it all! My husband said something that I wont repeat here when he saw your last pic and hes a worldly,open minded man but beleive me the word 'Bargepole'and 'yuk' came into play!

I'm sorry to say this but I think all I have noticed are pictures of you half clad on the forums and thats something thats not to cool IMHO especially if you want people to take you seriously.

I defend Ani actually as she has a point and as I said to back up Ani's point and that is half clad and druel which isn't really showing you for the person you are but the sex object that others will see you as.

On the other hand, you may like that sort of thing, but hey homely girls like myself and Ani have not that much in us really, well maybe personalitys that are more so attractive rather than our assets. A little reflection maybe needed here Myshell? Just a little advice that you want to take here Myshell but maybe not.


Tedster, your sweet, I appreciate it but I think if you look at what Myshell has to offer, the rest of us ladies are pretty lame in comparison but I dont have a problem with me as a personor the way I look cause what I'm about is a little more attractive rather than what I look like, remember, beauty is only skin deep.

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Originally posted by The Phantom YaCa:

Gosh, thats a little sad there Myshell.

Theres no need to take that tone girl.

Uhhh...I guess my sense of humour is a little subtle. In my shy way I was trying to introduce my new Halloween avatar.

But it ties into a gag from here:


I suppose the army fatigue picture, SGT. MyHell name change, & avatar switch were not quite over the top enough for people to realize I was joking? :rolleyes:


Without going into much detail about my life (ah, what the hell...I'm an Attention Whore) I come from a very economically poor background...among other hardships. I had to grow up at a very young age. I never had a chance to get into serious athletics or sports. But a few years ago I got into lifting weights, yoga, and running. I now own a 24 Hour Health & Fitness Centre and have recently purchased a building for it (and I'm switching the name to Heavy Metal 24 Hour Gym...ha ha...you like it?). I'm amazed at how much fitness and nutrition has brought to my life. It's an integral part of us that a lot of people ignore- and perhaps to their peril.


I played a lot of shows locally and had positive feedback about my music and had a small website. Someone suggested that I should put some pictures on my site and dress up for my performances. So I thought that would be fun to wear sexy clothes (since I never do- being a "hippy" in baggy attire is my staple). Well within a couple of months of posting some pictures I had offers to play in India, Greece, Cypress, Paris, LA...and even in Monaco for a Royal Gala event sponsored by the Prince.


Am I worried about being taken seriously? Serious about what...I'm on the internet about the music and the entertainment industry. I've created this larger-than-life character and I'm having a blast. Hell...I posted a serious question about recording my crystal bowls here and I noticed my name and picture popping up in another section under New Forum Hottie (or something like that). I thought that was funny...so I thought I would play it up.


Do I like men drooling over me? Sure, why not? It's exciting thinking people find me attractive or sexy. Do I care if people call me names??? Well, sticks & stones... Hell, I've been called far worse than a "Bargepole" and only a "yuk"? I've been called some pretty creative terms. Some are really funny. My favourite is BOBFOC. That stands for "Body off Baywatch Face of Crimewatch". That one really made laugh. But I really like that one because I worked for my body...didn't do much about the face (never did get the number of the shovel that hit it).


Thanks for the concern. But please take me with a grain of sea salt. My intention is not to offend anyone. I'm here for a "good time not a long time". I have enough friends & relatives in the physical realm that know the inner me and that keep me real that I can have carefree fun with my new friends in the cyberworld.




Myshell (aka known during Halloween as Sgt. MyHell)



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AGGGHHH!!! Rule number two!!!


Myshell, not really Streisand, but perhaps just a little in that one pic.


But, let it be known that Barbra could tie me down any day of any week and have her way repeatedly with me and I would not complain one iota. :D

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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You've got a great attitude. Congratulations on your hard work and success. :thu:


Ani, YaCa... it's cool. She's not an imposter. Lighten up a bit. She's not a threat.


Tom :cool:

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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I'm not saying that Myshell is a threat, oh no no no...all I am saying is that the last post with all that fist in face stuff was a little far fetched and uncalled for. Put it this way, no woman, man or beast could be a threat to me, i'm to far far long in the tooth for all that crap and a sign of immaturity!

All Ani did was make an observation and Myshells response was by using the post above.


Myshell, what you have done is great, good for you and carry on.

Kinda shows what you really are made of doesnt it without using your body every minute

Any woman that can do what you have vocationally and tell it like it is, well thats a credit and I applaude you and welcome to the club but please do stop the flawnting cause that makes you look a little immature and takes away from what you are really about! :)

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Originally posted by Is There Gas in the Car?:



You've got a great attitude. Congratulations on your hard work and success. :thu:


Ani, YaCa... it's cool. She's not an imposter. Lighten up a bit. She's not a threat.


Tom :cool:

Well actually, Ani and YaCa have hit the nail on the head. It occurs to me that we are all here creating friendships. It would be nice to know more about Myshell and less about her body.



Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.

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Originally posted by cwfno:

It occurs to me that we are all here creating friendships.

Of course. Like what Botch said in another post... "All the guys at work talk about is elk hunting (etc.), so it's nice to be able to come here and talk music"...and issues peripherally related to music.


Everyone here RuLeZ!

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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...all I am saying is that the last post with all that fist in face stuff was a little far fetched and uncalled for. Put it this way, no woman, man or beast could be a threat to me, i'm to far far long in the tooth for all that crap and a sign of immaturity!

I must re-iterate...I was only JOKING about the physical violence. I guess it was misconstrued because it is a re-post. So taken out of context...but I thought it was over-the-top enough that people would get the gag. My mistake.


So I apologize if people thought I was actually going to lash out at them. Which would seem impossible since I'm literally thousands of miles from 90% of you.


It would be nice to know more about Myshell and less about her body.


Uhh...this was called "So what they hay-all do y'all look like?". Want to know me? Read some of my posts. I'm a crude smart-ass.


Let's see...I post my picture here and we've had several posts and several hours of heated non-stop traction action about it. I got way more of a debate here than any of my posts in the SSS Political Forum. I guess a picture is worth a thousand words.


Now let's just all get along.



Peace Lovin' Myshell

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Originally posted by Programghoul:

In Myshell's defense, I too had to jump through hoops to convince folks I wasn't an alter ego when I first arrived on the scene. And you know what? It is really frigging irritating having to prove your existence to the paranoids.

Thanks Programghoul. :thu:


SGT. Myshell

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Why is it that whenever a woman comes to these forums - especially if she is at all attractive - and starts posting, we automatically assume it is a mult-personna post from one of our male forumites? I know we had some of that going on in the past, but I think we need to be fair to our female forum members... automatically assuming that they are not "real" is not very polite to them and may even drive them away - and there are not enough of them here as it is. We should be encouraging the participation of women, not discouraging it IMO.


Myshell is a good egg... she was making a joke, but it was a bit of an inside joke, and most people here wouldn't be "hip" to it... but I'm sure she meant no offense and the violent comments are just a combo of holloween and inside joke oriented elements.


Regardless of what she looks like, she's okay in my book. :cool:

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Well, I'm kinda in the mode of wishing there were more women posters on these forums. Each one has quite alot to contribute, and have, in one way or another. If a person pays any attention at all it's not that hard to know if a woman coming on here is really a woman or an imposter.

Remember MILF??? Well, here, with these wonderful women hangin around, it's WILF & that's that. There ain't one of them I'd kick out of bed unless it was to get more room to roll around.


(Disclaimer) I don't cheat on my sweet wifey but that doesn't mean I can't think about it. :D


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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Whoa, wait a minute.... maybe I should have used smiley faces on my post, as it was not intended to set things ablaze. Actually, my comparison of MyShell's photograph to that of Barbra Streisand should be taken as a compliment with Steisand being one of my ALL TIME favorite female vocalists; that woman can SING. Truthfully, the hands on the boobs of the pic I posted of Barbra is much more provacative than any that I've seen posted by MyShell as of yet... the hands on is very suggestive.


I haven't even read very many of MyShell's posts yet, certainly not enough to form an opinion about her personality, but at a first glance with the way she was presenting herself in this thread; their was a very strong resemblence in the way Ashley Judd entered the scene a few years back. Ashley was definitely another "MALE" forum member posing under the disguise of being a HOTTIE and a tease. This I am certain of because some time after the initial discussion where I became acquainted with her presence, I reviewed the thread again after it had died months after the fact... the avatar/username where "Ashley's" comments had been made had rolled over on ALL threads when the user decided to change the name to something else. The avatar/name replacing that of Ashley was the infamous "BASTARD" username that trolled the forums and certain users for some time. I never really figured out for absolute certain who it was, but Jeebus used the same picture of the one used by the Bastard on and off. I always suspected Jeebus for the multiplayer, musicplayer personalities... but never was any harm done; nor was there ever any reason for getting hell bent over it. It was all done in good fun and there was no degrading or anything of the such involved..... just a bit of one upmanship trying to pull the spotlight off topic.


For those of us that have been around these forums for ages, we've dealt with a lot of trolls and several alter egos that enjoy disguising themselves under different usernames and ID numbers; now that's not as easy to do since you can no longer register with Hotmail or Yahoo email addresses after the episode with the trolling of George Massenburg. DON'T LET MY REIGISTRATION DATE FOOL YOU because I've been a part of these forums since they were hosted on AOL and I followed them over to MusicPlayer in 2000 using the name of Willow. When I decided to interact on the newer forums hosted at MusicPlayer.com ("MusicPlayer Network" for the real old timers), I switched the name to Ani`Fa... Then, during the transition of MPN upgrading systems, my old ID and posting record escaped me through a glitch and I had to re-register using another name, while having to start my post count and start date all over again. There have been a lot of Bralalalala's, a lot of multiple identity posters, and then there's........ WEWUS :D:eek::P


I did read MyShell's response to my comments early this morning and didn't take it as a threat at all; especially in knowing the logistics involved. I was not offended in any way by her threats of attack, nor did I view MyShell as a threat in her physical state of fitness.


Although I certainly appreciate YaCa's protective nature and her stepping forward to defend me where she thought MyShell was out of line, anyone that has known me on these threads would call me a complete hypocryte if I were to get all bent out of shape about some of the poses that MyShell has put up. I've been known to show some cleavage myself...although it was done in good taste and was not made to look slutty. :o;)


The photos that I've seen so far of MyShell have been done in good taste... although there is a lot of body being shown; the poses are done in artistic form and are not raunchy smut where she's all laid out or spread eagle. She doesn't look like something that you would see on a porn site, nor does she appear to use sexual toys as props to make herself more enticing to her audience. SEX sells, but you don't have to sell sex to sell yourself as a performer. It's when you get into the poses that look like you're ready to take on a football team, or you're using attire that is notorious for S & M, and other things of that nature that suggest HARD CORE that make women trashy; that wasn't my opinion of MyShell at all. I've only seen the photos on this thread of MyShell and none other, but neither was lewd or trashy; just sinfully sexy. I'm envious of her physique, but not jealous.... in seeing someone like her flaunt, it reminds me of what I need to be doing to get back to that myself. I know the commitment that goes into having a youthful body after having children and especially "AFTER 40" If I could make the commitment that I need to, 4 to 6 months of weight training and a healthy diet would put me right back where I need to be.... I am not 21 anymore but I'm comfortable with who I am... I don't let the opinion of others control my destiny.


MyShell, my apologies in assuming you were anyone but yourself and welcome to the boards. I seriously thought one of the guys was pulling another Ashley; hence, my comment. No offense intended.


YaCa, all is good... Thanks for stepping in where you felt I was under attack. You are a very sweet lady and you have my utmost respect because you are a very good person. .... and lose that "homely" statement because you are a very attractive woman... and classy too. I'd sure have felt pretty horrible if someone had beat me up verbally for posting a picture of myself from the waist up wearing a white bikini top in an avatar I used ...


I got a lot of comments on the forum and some Private Messages that I did not respond to. The reaction was definitely a picker-upper for the girl that was feeling blue when I posted the pic. I don't think that I have ever came across on the forums as being promiscuous, but there have definitely been a few times where things that I've done have been attention grabbers... Some of the men (and women) may remember the thread of 50 half naked ladies (none of myself) that stole the spotlight for a few days while the guys flocked the thread to see the latest addition. I wonder if that thread is still hanging out somewhere in the archives :eek:


The best thing about getting to know somebody, whether gorgeous or gross, fit or fat, genuine or generic... is BEING YOURSELF.

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