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Korg opsix

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The 2.0 update page says, among other things



Aftertouch is now selectable as a control source for LFOs, EGs, and the Virtual Patch


So I plugged in my Keystep 37 into the MIDI input to see how many sounds out of the 2.0 preset pack were programmed to use it. Seems like at least half of them are!  None of them seem to have aftertouch and mod wheel routed to the same thing, which is also nice!


A fair number have aftertouch routed to vibrato (LFO rate or related param), or to filter cutoff.

However, some of them have aftertouch routed more creatively.   




Bounce - shifts notes up an octave and increase retrig rate dramatically.

Angklung Lore - introduces volume swell, getting louder with pressure

Organic Glow - reduces the crazy modulations. Like focusing a camera lens

Memories Pad - increases modulation rate without introducing vibrato

Spinners - introduces ring modulation

VelociStabber - volume swell, but you may need to edit to tame as it gets crazy loud with pressure

Cinematic FB Down - Raises at least one of the elements/oscillators up an octave, and one of the lower ones about a fourth, while introducing a low-end crackle - like a tremolo trying to become ring mod but not quite getting there.

Rhythmic Fold Bass - I don’t like bass presets that are not velocity sensitive but aftertouch introduces a stutter that I like.

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