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Virtual Gigs and PAYPAL tip jars ?

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So I know a few have tried this approach , in these times. I guess that SPOTIFY, Google Play music and Apple music are other ways to generate revenue.


Compilations and ZOOM like jams are also happening, but these are a little trickier to pull off.


If you are still hungry and down in the bayou , you might try this. [video:youtube]


Just a few thoughts there.



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It's almost like living in parallel worlds here lately. On the one hand we've been attending performances, going to bars and out to dinner in some places where even staff is not wearing masks while on the other hand my work place is still requiring face coverings, most people at the polling place yesterday had masks on and it was the same at the Walgreens where we stopped to get some birthday cards and allergy pills. Weird times!
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It's almost like living in parallel worlds here lately.


It's not like living in parallel worlds, it is living in parallel worlds. :) Sometimes they intersect, but in many cases, you can choose the world in which you want to live.


It's basically about playing the odds. If you go to a bar that's packed with 25-year-olds and don't have underlying conditions, the odds are you won't have any problems at all. On the other hand, I think Sweetwater was smart to cancel GearFest, because the virus likes large groups of people, with a widely varying demographic, packed in close quarters. Chuck decided the odds weren't as good as he would have liked. He decided to live in "caution world," which I think was justified. You've decided to live in "the-odds-are-way-in-my-favor world," which I think is equally justified. We play the odds all the time. You're more likely to get hit by a truck on the way to the restaurant than dying because you went to the restaurant.


As this thing goes on, I think more and more decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis. There have been many (fallacious) comparisons to the flu - "The flu can kill 40-60K people a year!" But all this death has happened in basically 90 days. It's (seemingly) starting to fade, and when the coronavirus becomes like any other flu, it will be treated like any other flu.

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It's almost like living in parallel worlds here lately.


It's not like living in parallel worlds, it is living in parallel worlds. :) Sometimes they intersect, but in many cases, you can choose the world in which you want to live.


It's basically about playing the odds. If you go to a bar that's packed with 25-year-olds and don't have underlying conditions, the odds are you won't have any problems at all. On the other hand, I think Sweetwater was smart to cancel GearFest, because the virus likes large groups of people, with a widely varying demographic, packed in close quarters. Chuck decided the odds weren't as good as he would have liked. He decided to live in "caution world," which I think was justified. You've decided to live in "the-odds-are-way-in-my-favor world," which I think is equally justified. We play the odds all the time. You're more likely to get hit by a truck on the way to the restaurant than dying because you went to the restaurant.


As this thing goes on, I think more and more decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis. There have been many (fallacious) comparisons to the flu - "The flu can kill 40-60K people a year!" But all this death has happened in basically 90 days. It's (seemingly) starting to fade, and when the coronavirus becomes like any other flu, it will be treated like any other flu.


We all gather information and assess threats in our own way, my approach was/is obviously a lot different than many and a lot of people have been in disagreement with it but I won't go into that anymore. There are also many other aspects to consider, for example, at home it's just my wife and I 90% of the time, her parents live out of town and mine are dead so minimal risk there. It would be a different story I'm sure if I was responsible for 100s or 1000's of people. Hopefully though everyone can agree the threat continues to diminish daily and there are a myriad of other issues and threats facing us all going forward. At my house we've had nothing resembling a cold or flu since the first week of January. Now it's allergy season in these parts.


Weather permitting, we'll do our first "real" gig since Valentines Day tomorrow evening at a popular and rather historic place a few miles outside of town. We expect a good turnout but it's also "Rib Night" which I'm told is a good draw. I was able to do a lot of work on backing tracks (I've finished about half of what we'll need) and I'm looking forward to trying that setup out.

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