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Logic Pro X 10.5

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Apple Announces Logix Pro X 10.5




Live looping, updates to EXS24 and much much more. Looks very impressive.


Since my primary music (Windows) PC with Cubase and its copy protection key are in another state I've been using the Logic Pro X trial since mid March. As a Logic user from back in the days when it was on Windows, going back to Logic has been amazing. I went ahead and bought it last week even though my trial wasn't up. I've really enjoyed using it, it has been rock solid and very intuitive. Of course, this means that if I stick with this that more Apple hardware is in my future....

-Mike Martin



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Some really exciting features here. After I finish my must-do editing today, I think I'll install the update on my MacBook! I haven't had the chance to try many DAWs -- I came up using GarageBand and as soon as I started at my current job, the department bought Logic, so I've been using more-or-less the same interface for recording since I was 16 -- but I do love the workflow, and helping a friend set up ProTools for his grad program the last couple of weeks hasn't made me appreciate it any less.

Samuel B. Lupowitz

Musician. Songwriter. Food Enthusiast. Bad Pun Aficionado.

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I assume it needs Catalina and a machine that can safely run Catalina?

Dr. Mike Metlay (PhD in nuclear physics, golly gosh) :D

Musician, Author, Editor, Educator, Impresario, Online Radio Guy, Cut-Rate Polymath, and Kindly Pedant

Editor-in-Chief, Bjooks ~ Author of SYNTH GEMS 1


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I assume it needs Catalina and a machine that can safely run Catalina?

According to the App Store, it requires 10.14.6 or later, 64-bit processor. So that's Mojave.


I looked it up. Apple first shipped Logic Pro X in 2013, and every update since then has been free. I think that's really cool. I don't see that ending.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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I looked it up. Apple first shipped Logic Pro X in 2013, and every update since then has been free. I think that's really cool. I don't see that ending.
Yeah, and as I'm learning from a friend who is starting a grad program in music technology right now, it's a hell of a lot cheaper than Pro Tools.

Samuel B. Lupowitz

Musician. Songwriter. Food Enthusiast. Bad Pun Aficionado.

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I assume it needs Catalina and a machine that can safely run Catalina?

According to the App Store, it requires 10.14.6 or later, 64-bit processor. So that's Mojave.


I looked it up. Apple first shipped Logic Pro X in 2013, and every update since then has been free. I think that's really cool. I don't see that ending.

Damn. Mojave, really? I don't think many folks realize what a huge-ass concession that is on Apple's part. For the launch of Logic Pro X and every point-x update since then, Apple has added SOMETHING that required the latest OS. To release a major product that doesn't require Catalina is a big damn deal, and shows that Apple isn't entirely ignoring the protests of music users who are having categorically cataclysmic Catalina catastrophes.

Dr. Mike Metlay (PhD in nuclear physics, golly gosh) :D

Musician, Author, Editor, Educator, Impresario, Online Radio Guy, Cut-Rate Polymath, and Kindly Pedant

Editor-in-Chief, Bjooks ~ Author of SYNTH GEMS 1


clicky!:  more about me ~ my radio station (and my fam) ~ my local tribe ~ my day job ~ my bookmy music

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Damn. Mojave, really? I don't think many folks realize what a huge-ass concession that is on Apple's part. For the launch of Logic Pro X and every point-x update since then, Apple has added SOMETHING that required the latest OS. To release a major product that doesn't require Catalina is a big damn deal, and shows that Apple isn't entirely ignoring the protests of music users who are having categorically cataclysmic Catalina catastrophes.

It will be interesting to see what Apple does with macOS 10.16. Between the virus, which may or may not have slowed down development, and the reported issues with Catalina, 10.16 may be one of those macOS updates that sets out to clean things up more than advance the technology. WWDC is next month, all online, so we will see.


[That is presuming that Apple follows course and releases another major update this fall after announcing it at WWDC in the spring. It's possible they will use this as an excuse to just keep shipping updates to Catalina for the next year that fix any real issues (not 32-bit apps don't work. That ship has sailed). OTOH, they might release 10.16 Avalon (my guess, it's the only incorporated city on Catalina Island) that exists largely to fix issues with Catalina, because it's an easier pitch to say to people, "go straight to Avalon, skip Catalina." Not that Apple would say that, but other people do. Apple has done that before with 10.6 Snow Leopard, 10.11 El Capitan, and to some degree, 10.13 High Sierra, where the changes were more "under the hood."]

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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For the launch of Logic Pro X and every point-x update since then, Apple has added SOMETHING that required the latest OS. To release a major product that doesn't require Catalina is a big damn deal, and shows that Apple isn't entirely ignoring the protests of music users who are having categorically cataclysmic Catalina catastrophes.


As far as I can see, Logic Pro X support has consistently extended to the OS version previous to the current one.


Even 10.4, which added Smart Tempo, Vintage EQs, ChromaVerb, Phat FX, Step FX, and the Mellotron and was released in March 2018, when High Sierra had been out for six months, only required 10.12 Sierra.


Apple knows that their audio people tend to be one system behind.

"The Angels of Libra are in the European vanguard of the [retro soul] movement" (Bill Buckley, Soul and Jazz and Funk)

The Drawbars | off jazz organ trio

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Damn. Mojave, really? I don't think many folks realize what a huge-ass concession that is on Apple's part. For the launch of Logic Pro X and every point-x update since then, Apple has added SOMETHING that required the latest OS. To release a major product that doesn't require Catalina is a big damn deal, and shows that Apple isn't entirely ignoring the protests of music users who are having categorically cataclysmic Catalina catastrophes.

It will be interesting to see what Apple does with macOS 10.16. Between the virus, which may or may not have slowed down development, and the reported issues with Catalina, 10.16 may be one of those macOS updates that sets out to clean things up more than advance the technology. WWDC is next month, all online, so we will see.


[That is presuming that Apple follows course and releases another major update this fall after announcing it at WWDC in the spring. It's possible they will use this as an excuse to just keep shipping updates to Catalina for the next year that fix any real issues (not 32-bit apps don't work. That ship has sailed). OTOH, they might release 10.16 Avalon (my guess, it's the only incorporated city on Catalina Island) that exists largely to fix issues with Catalina, because it's an easier pitch to say to people, "go straight to Avalon, skip Catalina." Not that Apple would say that, but other people do. Apple has done that before with 10.6 Snow Leopard, 10.11 El Capitan, and to some degree, 10.13 High Sierra, where the changes were more "under the hood."]


Even Apple Support themselves advised me to NOT update to Catalina until further notice, and that was just a few months ago. 90% of the calls they get per day are about issues that are actually being caused by Catalina and nothing else!


I am also hoping that 10.16 will be a major fix. Maybe they'll have more time to work out bugs now! High Sierra was the last one that was half stable, and that was only after a year's worth of patches. 10.12 Sierra was actually the best one in recent memory. Mojave is okay but is kind of resource heavy on older computers IMO.

Yamaha: Motif XF8, MODX7, YS200, CVP-305, CLP-130, YPG-235, PSR-295, PSS-470 | Roland: Fantom 7, JV-1000

Kurzweil: PC3-76| Hammond: SK Pro 73 | Korg: Triton LE 76, N1R, X5DR | Emu: Proteus/1 | Casio: CT-370 | Novation: Launchkey 37 MK3 | Technics: WSA1R

Former: Emu Proformance Plus & Mo'Phatt, Korg Krome 61, Roland Fantom XR & JV-1010, Yamaha MX61, Behringer CAT, Kurzweil PC4 (88)

Assorted electric & acoustic guitars and electric basses | Roland TD-17 KVX | Alesis SamplePad Pro | Assorted organs, accordions, other instruments

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  • 2 weeks later...

Even Apple Support themselves advised me to NOT update to Catalina until further notice, and that was just a few months ago. 90% of the calls they get per day are about issues that are actually being caused by Catalina and nothing else!


I am also hoping that 10.16 will be a major fix. Maybe they'll have more time to work out bugs now! High Sierra was the last one that was half stable, and that was only after a year's worth of patches. 10.12 Sierra was actually the best one in recent memory. Mojave is okay but is kind of resource heavy on older computers IMO.

Ironically, High Sierra was much more of a "getting ready to start pushing people toward Catalina" release, and despite what Apple branded it as, it was actually LESS stable for music use than Sierra (which is running happily on the old iMac I am typing this on). I was very worried about Mojave, but by the last pass (10.14.6) it was actually very stable and nice to work with. I will be staying at 10.14.6 for a long time, simply because it's what I have on every Mac I own, and without exception, none can or should be upgraded to Catalina because they're all too old.


I see Catalina as being the first hesitant step in a path toward partial convergence with iOS, as well as laying the groundwork for a definitely-happening-and-fast-approaching move away from Intel silicon. Apple's A Series chips are kickass, and only using them in iOS devices is quite limiting, the newest iPad Pro with cursor support (GASP SHOCK HORROR!) notwithstanding. It will be a long damn time before this tech works reliably for the new hardware that's on its way, and it may never work right for the old hardware that's here right now. I would argue that despite Apple offering all sorts of backward compatibility, there is absolutely no point putting Catalina on anything that isn't based around USB-C/Thunderbolt 3. I neither have nor anticipate having such hardware for a while, so there's no point to Catalina for me. When I get to that point, I will see what's out there.





Because I am an obsessive maker of lists, here's a history of this bumpy road (with emphasis on music functionality). Note that in pretty much every case, the "canonical" OS is the last update pushed before the next one came along.


Puma - barely did music

Jaguar - CoreMIDI and CoreAudio descended in a choir of angels - I actually have a plastic iBook that runs 10.2.8 happily

Panther - shaky at the start, got good toward the end, last "prep for the next OS" update hosed it permanently

Tiger - very nice and useful for a good long while; I have a G4 Powerbook that was until recently my emergency streaming machine, that sits at 10.4.11 and works a treat

Leopard - serious issues, so serious that they started doing "fix" OSes like

Snow Leopard - which did in fact fix a lot of the crap that came in with Leopard

Lion - hork barf

Mountain Lion - an actual "fix" OS that fixed stuff! Weird, but okay. Not a bad watershed OS.

Mavericks - got good toward the end, well optimized for the stuff coming out in the Retina era

Yosemite - a train wreck

El Capitan - another actual "fix" OS that fixed stuff! What were they thinking?

Sierra - nice and stable, a good place to stop on pre-2012 hardware (which is still very useful for music)

High Sierra - skeptical hippo is skeptical

Mojave - very rocky start, quite solid by 10.14.6 - another watershed for the preconvergence era.


Dr. Mike Metlay (PhD in nuclear physics, golly gosh) :D

Musician, Author, Editor, Educator, Impresario, Online Radio Guy, Cut-Rate Polymath, and Kindly Pedant

Editor-in-Chief, Bjooks ~ Author of SYNTH GEMS 1


clicky!:  more about me ~ my radio station (and my fam) ~ my local tribe ~ my day job ~ my bookmy music

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Lion was a âdirection giver' OS that worked well enough for me (no worse than Snow Leopard) but the new direction didn"t come into its own until Mountain Lion.


Mavericks was a stunning revelation, as the MacBook Pro I had already decided to replace suddenly got another THREE YEARS of useful life due to the memory compression.


Since I"ve usually waited until .2 or .3 updates to upgrade and had limited dependence upon third-party software, my experiences have by and large been positive.


Catalina is the first OS Version I might skip altogether.

"The Angels of Libra are in the European vanguard of the [retro soul] movement" (Bill Buckley, Soul and Jazz and Funk)

The Drawbars | off jazz organ trio

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  • 2 weeks later...
Speaking of Mojave, I am about to start a thread (or continue an existing one, can't remember) about my latest Mac build. Might be of interest to some folks.

Dr. Mike Metlay (PhD in nuclear physics, golly gosh) :D

Musician, Author, Editor, Educator, Impresario, Online Radio Guy, Cut-Rate Polymath, and Kindly Pedant

Editor-in-Chief, Bjooks ~ Author of SYNTH GEMS 1


clicky!:  more about me ~ my radio station (and my fam) ~ my local tribe ~ my day job ~ my bookmy music

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