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Physical Gearfest 2020 cancelled, Virtual GearFest 6/26-6/27

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I got several things out of the Craig Anderton talk. ... ... ... I will confess, I had never heard of Nashville tuning.


I'm converting one of my acoustic guitars to Nashville tuning, but the virtual Nashville tuning has its own sound. I've also really gotten into using ukulele unconventionally to provide some of that same high-frequency/ear candy vibe...almost like a "compact" nylon-string guitar.

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I have not seen any discounts online that interested me. One thing I enjoyed at the in person Gearfest was the DealZone. I've bought plenty of drum sticks, small cymbals, monitors, and even a couple of lower end guitars there at really good prices. It was also a good time to buy SM 58's and 59's.

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I just finished a 21-minute video presentation for Virtual GearFest.


Who's BT?


Brian Transeau is an EDM pioneer with a really impressive resume. Coincidentally, I've been collaborating with him on a project for the past several weeks, but if I told you what it was, I would have to shoot you.


My friends and I saw BT with Hooverphonic playing.


After Hooverphonic was done, we were shoved aside by a swarm of teenage girls jockeying for spots closer to the stage. That's when I realized BT was a big deal.

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I have not seen any discounts online that interested me. .


same here


It was also a good time to buy SM 58's and 59's.


I bought 2 SM 57's during 2018 Gearfest, already had enough SM 58's. Need to check into SM 59's, not familiar with them.

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I bought 2 SM 57's during 2018 Gearfest, already had enough SM 58's. Need to check into SM 59's, not familiar with them.


Don't you have the SM 1 through 56? I thought everyone did.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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I have not seen any discounts online that interested me. .


same here


It was also a good time to buy SM 58's and 59's.


I bought 2 SM 57's during 2018 Gearfest, already had enough SM 58's. Need to check into SM 59's, not familiar with them.


Oh duh! That should have read SM 57 and 58. The older I get, the more I do things like this. :P



Today's broadcast was a bit more hit and miss. I enjoyed some of the drummer interviews. The producer panel was a joke. One guy giving good information, the rest just sitting there trying to look cool. Not sure who he was because I missed the beginning. The one in the top left corner. The lady was embarrassing. All I got from her is she likes Carley Simon more than any modern artist.

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Well, I poked around the Virtual Gearfest a bit yesterday and today, and I have to say that I was underwhelmed. If Virtual NAMM turns out to be like this, I'll be bummed.


I looked at several of the product videos from manufacturers that I had some interest in seeing what they were up to, and what I found was very much like the hundreds of visitor-posted trade show booth videos of other shows, although with cleaner production (thank you). But basically talking heads showing off a product and not telling me any more than I could have found on their web site. Yawn! Even Ricky Scaggs, who really cares about his stage and studion sound, just named the vocal and instrument mics that he's currently using on stage - a couple of a few year old but current production Neumanns - good choices, sure, but basically it's just an endorsement of a well respected manufacturer. Of course the couple of tunes he played sounded great on the Minimus 7 speakers connected to my computer. He was more fun when he was using an RCA 77dx.


If you haven't given up reading this yet, understand that I'm probably not interested in the same things you and you and you are. I don't get anything out of listening to a famous mixer give some tips on how he got that snare sound on this recording. Tell me something that I can apply to my clients and their projects. I understand that newcomers may indeed get something out of this sort of video - hopefully it's learning what to listen for and what changes when the presenter twiddles the knobs. Of course the NAMM show has their share of these sort of presentations, but they also have some pretty technical stuff if you're looking for how things work.


When I saw a few nice comments about Craig's talk, I looked for it hopefully it would be on line and I couldn't find it. In fact, the only place I saw Craig's name was under the page of presenters - but it didn't say what he was going to talk about or when. Nor did I see his name on any of the schedules. I almost always learn something when I hear Craig talk - even if it's just something to think about and play around with - so I'm sorry I missed him.


Of course I looked at the spectacular deals, and while there were some substantial dollar discounts, most were for fairly expensive products. I'm over that - After 50+ years of recording, I want to learn what's coming in the way of great performing and moderately priced products.


I realize it's hard to please everybody. I had hoped I'd find more there.

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I thought Mitch Gallagher's interview with Chuck Surack was fantastic.


Mitch can do no wrong.


I'll take your word on that. :)


I also really enjoyed the interview with Todd Rundgren. I have been a huge fan of Todd's for over 40 years.


I checked out of the show after that, too much else going on.

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Did anyone pick up any great deals at the "event"? I spent some time looking at the listings and saw some things that interested me but nothing I felt I really needed to have (which I can assure you would have been different if I'd physically been there!). There was never a sale price on the interface I might have bought and there were a couple other reasons for me holding off on ordering things I don't absolutely need; going on vacation soon and moving out of state next year.
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I never called to check any prices. Last time I was there for Gearfest, anything I wanted that was not on sale was discounted another 20 percent. My salesperson even paused an order that I made the day before Gearfest because he knew it would be discounted the next day.

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