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I think Reagan died

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So I'm a miserable excuse for a human-


you won't find a better one. Thousands were raped and tortured as a direct result of Reagan's policies in Central America. A little piss on the grave is nothing, especially from this distance. Under the stooges Reagan claimed to be one of ("I'm a Contra, too"), you dug your own grave, then they put you in it. That Reagan never had to dig his own grave is a severe injustice.


If the Geneva Convention were enforced, he would have been hanged.



"There is nothing I regret so much as my good behavior. What demon possessed me that I behaved so well?" -Henry David Thoreau

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"Man and his deed are two distinct things. Whereas a good deed should call forth approbation, and a wicked deed disapprobation, the doer of the deed, whether good or wicked always deserves respect or pity as the case may be.


Hate the sin and not the sinner is a precept which though easy enough to understand is rarely practiced, and that is why the poison of hatred spreads in the world."

- Mohandas Gandhi


I question whether it's best to condemn Reagan the human being because of his actions as President. I also question whether it's best to condemn posters as human beings because they chose to condemn Reagan.


I see the value in holding people responsible for their actions, but I fail to see the value in extending their responsibility beyond those actions as if their entire existence were responsible.


Just something to consider...


My best to all,



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Looks like Nancy is a "free agent".........bad joke. However, its always sad when somebody you cared about suffers, so in that respect his death was a welcome end to a long full and rich life. Whether or not you agree or disagree with them, or believe in them.
Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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I was never as impressed with Nancy, but I have to say that they appeared to love each other very much, and the way that she cared for and stood by President Reagan throughout his long illness showed real courage and devotion. While losing someone you love is never an easy thing, when you go through a situation like that and you see them suffering every day, sometimes it is a relief to see them go on to a better place - assuming you believe in that sort of thing, which I certainly do.
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My Grandfather was diagnosed with Alzheimers' a couple of years after "the Gipper" was. I got to experience first hand what that disease does and it's HELL to say the least.


My Grandfather deteriorated to the point where his last 3 years of life were spent bed-ridden and not knowing his own family. Most of the time, he didn't even recognise his own wife of 60+ years. He died last October, and even though his passing was terrible and painful, at least his years of suffering ended. He was 88.


As much pain as my family went through, and for so long, Ronald Reagan's family went through similar pain. I have a strong sympathy for any family that has to go through that nightmare.


Consider, for a moment, that you are in a position of wishing the death of a loved one, just so that their suffering will end. Not a good place to be for anyone.


Michael Oster

F7 Sound and Vision

ReGurgiTron - I approved this message.

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would you settle for him not ever being president?,

I would, america put him in office, if you think he should of died then so should the rest of the country. I could never have voted for Reagan, or for either of the Bushes, but I'd settle for all of them not being president, their deaths are not the answer, but who the country puts in office is.

all i'm saying is that this was a memorial thread

not a political one.

Nawledge, I fully understand and agree with your statements, except the last one - memorials are always political, and if the memorialee was a politician (or was voted into office like he actually was one) then the political quotient goes way higher.


It's sad, I suppose, when a public figure dies, but it's not like he had an option. As a second-rate actor, I would have said, "Oh, too bad-the Gipper is gone." But as an ex-president, I'm glad to see him go - we're paying for his health bennies, SS support (that's Secret Service) and lifetime pension. Now that all stops. It angers me to think that multi-millionaire Dubya right now is receiving medical care at my expense, and Georgie Jr. will also, when the millions that can't afford basic health care do without, because he denied it to them...



It's all about the music. Really. I just keep telling myself that...

The Soundsmith

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I see your point too Dasher, but I think it's the office that we support rather than the person

I still believe in the office of the presidency I just don't believe in the president we have now

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