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Has this been discussed? Behringer Pro One

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Youtube says just premiered 22 hours ago. I don't remember seeing anything about this hit here yet...


Behringer's recreation of the iconic Sequential Pro One. Ran a search and came up empty, so I'm posting it. Of course, if my search was incorrect, let me know and I can delete this.



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I've got u-he's Repro 1, but normally use Repro-5 :D Guess I'm more into polys than mono for the music I play. I have heard tidbits about that one from time to time. Looking forward to see how their "ub-xa" (clone of Ob-xa) will turn out.
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I find myself less interested than I would expect to be. Prophet is possibly my favorite vintage analog synth, and my goal is to buy one as soon as I move into a larger apartment with a full studio. However, the Prophet is a complex enough animal that I feel it would be a PITA without the ability to save presets. As we know, wiring an analog synth for presets is a complex and expensive endeavor, and its one of the ways Behringer is able to keep the price down. It's not so bad for the BOOG or BORG, which are simpler and were never designed around presets to begin with... but not on a Prophet.


Plus, at this point I'm only interested in synths with built-in keyboards, will pay the extra $$$ for the convenience.

Puck Funk! :)


Equipment: Laptop running lots of nerdy software, some keyboards, noise makersâ¦yada yada yadaâ¦maybe a cat?

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I am rather surprised, Behringer chose the Pro-1 over remaking the Prophet 5. Other, than the fact, it was probably easier to manufacture this, then it would have been to manufacture a Prophet 5. They are still working on the UB-XA. Which I learned, it"s harder to manufacture an analog poly synth. Although, KORG was able to create one successfully, with the Minilouge.
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I believe Behringer has already demonstrated that they can successfully create an analog poly synth. Love my DM12.


Exactly why they went with a Pro-1 rather than a Prophet-5 is unknown, although it would certainly be easier to do a Pro-1 first. I would like to think it's out of respect for Dave Smith's Prophet-6, but that's probably a stretch.


I passed on the original Pro-One back in the day, and for me this One's going to be the same - even though it's much cheaper. Interesting release though.

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They could at least call it the Pro Onezy or something a little bit more different. At least change the name of your counterfeits.

"It doesn't have to be difficult to be cool" - Mitch Towne


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So can a auto Mechanic." - Stokes Hunt


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Also love the fact they"re modules and desktops too.

I sent back the DM12 as it was more of a soft synth for pads.

I wanted some snappy old Juno 6 Envelopes, and they were just mushy compared to the original.


But I knew they were going to keep building synths and just get better and better.

Old filter chips are nice but to me the Oscillators and Envelopes are the action.

Anyone who every played an old SEM, OBX or Prophet knows that punchy guitar killing sound.


I know Im overly critical but who here wants a Hammond clone without the key click?

Certain little traits are crucial in the over all sound.


Pro One from the demos I heard is pretty strong for a 2 VCO Poly.

Im using Solaris and ZebraHZ.

A poly desktop would be awesome but Im holding out for a Ulli 3 VCO.

Dont really care about the emulation, Id buy a Behringer Poly.

Wanting that Moog One thickness without paying paying 8 large.


Nice job on the Pro One.

Behringer keeps getting better and better.


Magnus C350 + FMR RNP + Realistic Unisphere Mic
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Id buy a Behringer Poly.

Wanting that Moog One thickness without paying paying 8 large.


Yes,- with 16 voices and all the "One´s" features in a rackmount/ desktop and for 2.999,- incl. VAT ...


Well, I can dream ...










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On one hand, I like to see the production of synths that many of us can't justify or afford.


I would like to see a bit more original designs though, Deepmind is fine in that regard. It's juno 106 inspired, but it isn't named "uno 106" and differs in many important ways (good or bad). The new "ub-xa" they are working on, not so good...and I've read he doesn't want to put effects on it to stay true to the original, bleah. Anyone hearing an ob-xa on a record is also hearing great effects, move forward (people can turn them off if they want).


The soft-synth Diva is a good example too. It isn't a copy of any one thing, it takes features (filters, etc) from known cherished synths and allows them to form something relatively new.




However, for any one person who thinks like this there's probably 10 who just want a straight-up copy LOL!

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Remember that the Pro One is a mono Prophet 5 (Rev 3 Curtis Chips). With the Poly Chain feature you could create a 5 voice Pro One. OK no memories but it would be multitimbral. Great for complex unison voices - the OB 4 voice was good at that.


The DSI Prophet 6 architecture is very close to the original P5 but you can"t have all the waveforms at the same time. You can have all the Oscillator and LFO waveforms on the Pro One as you can on the original P5. Pro One poly mod looks the same as P5 as well. Nice!


I"m surprised that Dave Smith hasn"t objected to the Pro One.


I wish Behringer would do the SEM but looks like they will release an OBX next year.






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