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Anyone Here Use ReWire?

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Lately, I've been falling in love with ReWire all over again (the Studio One/Reason combination). I guess if you have a zillion plug-ins, it might not be relevant. But having a "backline" in a program where I can either record audio from the client, or drive it with MIDI data and render it, is pretty cool.


Anyway here using ReWire? If so, which combination of host and client? And if you aren't using it...why not?


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I'm surprised this isn't getting more traction. I see comments like this on forums all the time:


"Hey, how come Pro Tools can't do that great Ableton looping stuff? Pro Tools is soooo behind the times." So ReWire Ableton Live into Pro Tools.

"Ever since Cakewalk became free, they stopped including cool instruments. That sucks." Well since it's free anyway, buy Reason, and ReWire it into Cakewalk.

"FL Studio is only good for MIDI, why doesn't it do cool DAW things?!?" So...ReWire it into a DAW.


Am I missing something?


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Am I missing something?


I think what you are missing is plain old human nature. As soon as something is not ultra convenient, it's no longer the creative tool that they desire. Rewire, as near-seamless as it is, does not literally combine the two DAWs, and that, I think it what people want: the loop workflow of Live INSIDE Pro Tools, not PARALLEL. It's cognitively difficult for people to switch user interfaces and not get lost in that instead of writing/creating music. Obviously, some people enjoy figuring this stuff out, but most people can barely use one DAW, let alone two with a stitching bridge in between. Me? I'm the opposite. I prefer being able to write without Live enabled, so having it be a separate application from my DAW of choice is ideal for me.


"For instance" is not proof.


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Am I missing something?


It's cognitively difficult for people to switch user interfaces and not get lost in that instead of writing/creating music. Obviously, some people enjoy figuring this stuff out, but most people can barely use one DAW, let alone two with a stitching bridge in between. Me? I'm the opposite. I prefer being able to write without Live enabled, so having it be a separate application from my DAW of choice is ideal for me.


Good point. But although ReWire may be daunting, I think after you scale the learning curve, you realize it wasn't as bad as you thought it would be.


Perhaps the biggest problem is that all DAWs implement ReWire just a little bit differently, there's not always a "one size fits all" solution. It's not like VST plug-ins.


I'm currently writing a section of a book on mixing that talks about rewiring with Studio One. It's not particularly difficult, but it's different from other programs I've used. And Help files don't really tell you everything..if I was running Propellerheads and wanted to pitch Reason, I'd put out a free PDF called "How to ReWire Reason Into Anything." When reduced to basics, it's not too difficult - but you need to know how to do it with your specific program of choice.


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  • 2 months later...

from a keyboard corner thread


"Studying FAQ regarding Rewire support. They have dropped it in v11 as they shift to the Reason Rack Plugin. Right now it is VST only, AU will be out before end of 2019 and they are looking at AAX but have not committed to it.


"Can you ReWire Reason 11 with other DAW hosts?

No, ReWire has been discontinued in Reason 11. If you have projects that use ReWire, you can keep your previous version of Reason installed alongside Reason 11. Otherwise, we suggest that you use Reason Rack Plugin instead," "


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The first I'd heard of that was a couple weeks after starting this thread. I do think ReWire is still relevant because of programs like Notion, Live, and others. Whenever I mention at seminars that you can rewire Ableton Live into Logic and Pro Tools, people get pretty excited :)


But I wonder if PH dropping it means "the keeper of the flame" will extinguish the flame, and other companies will have to drop it over time, whether they want to or not. I also wonder how the Reason VST will handle things like ReGroove, but I guess I'll find out eventually. Apparently it won't do MIDI out, although you can kludge that in the rewired version.


Peter Kirn also said that "As far as I know, ReWire won"t even be possible in the imminent next version of macOS." Apparently this has to do with security reasons.


I totally understand why the artist formerly known as Propellerheads figures that with Reason as a VST, they don't need ReWire any more. They started it with Steinberg, I guess they're entitled to end it...but I hope it doesn't end for the industry as a whole. The people who depend on ReWire are surely a minority, but when you're dependent on a tool, losing it is a problem.

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I thought about ReWire a year or so back when I wanted to study a plug-in, an equalizer, I think, and wanted to see what its curves looked like. I was scratching my head trying to figure out how to put it between the signal output and input of Room EQ Wizard and said to myself: "Self, maybe I could do that with a DAW and ReWire" and I looked at ReWire and thought it was too complicated. Then I discovered Virtual Audio Cable, which is exactly that, and just what I'd use if this were all analog.
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I've used rewire on live gigs with great success but actually just as a sampler where I "wired" NN-XT into my Digital Performer sequence. I have to say it was a really slick way to go! The NN-XT is intuitive and easy to get going as opposed to an external unit where I've had to work through menus and imports. Plus the software is already installed so there's no additional hardware or cabling.


I'm pretty certain I've used rewire for recorded as well but it's been so long since I've recorded anything I don't remember any details.

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