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Does cheezy Electronica music SUCK??

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Does music that is made by a lazy piece of shit sitting in his chair, pounding away at his midi keyboard, quantizing every 16th note, suck?




do songs played out on cheezy keyboards with cheezy soft synths suck no matter who you are?




do sounds that dont sound like anything organic but rather cheezy fake sounds sound like shit??




as you can see...i am just trying to piss more people off..but what i have posted above is truly how i feel..and sense i am being perfectly honest with everyone, i mean after all i have admitted to you people that i am a theif, i would like to openly start a discussion on how i feel about cheezy music.

Hip Hop is Future. Every generation breeds a new musical style and like it or not, Hip Hop is now.
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"And the award for stating the bleeding obvious goes to ..."


Future threads:


"Does shitty derivative rock sound shitty and derivative?"


"Does really bad country music sound really bad?"


Tiny: Wayne. How you doin'?

Wayne Campbell: Hey, Tiny, who's playing today?

Tiny: Jolly Green Giants and the Shitty Beetles.

Wayne Campbell: Shitty Beetles? Are they any good?

Tiny: They suck.

Wayne Campbell: Then it's not just a clever name.

"That's what the internet is for. Slandering others anonymously." - Banky Edwards.
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Cheezy electronica music KICKS ASS! Especially when it's made by a lazy piece of shit who is sitting in a chair. There's none better.


Anyone who thinks otherwise is just a wannabe loser who can't get laid. EVER!


Now, excuse me while I download a softsynth and figure out what a 16th note is. Wait, I need to get a chair to sit in.


Michael Oster

F7 Sound and Vision

ReGurgiTron - yes, cheezy electronica does kick ass and you can\'t stop it!

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Define "cheezy" electronica.


Is that all inclusive? Does anyone who sits in a chair programming the stuff instead of playing it qualify in your definition?


I guess that means I suck, too. I don't have anything remotely resembling chops to jam a board in the studio - so I program.

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[Whistle Blows!]OK Break it up! I'm The MusicPlayer referee!


Ever notice how almost everytime there's a thread started about The value of Rap/Hip Hop, this happens. A lot of people get agitated, and hurl insults back and forth, then it overflows into other threads, and..... it's just a losing game. Give it a rest on both sides, before you say anyhing else you'll regret.


This subject-the value/non-value of Rap/Hip Hop has been beat to death here, and doesn't need to come back anymore, ya think?


Unless of course you want to move it to the political forum. :D


[Edited because it makes me happy]

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Wewus, I don't have a great deal of use for hip-hop production - especially when I got involved in it and had "emcees" insist that I dumb down and simplify the backbeats I was producing for them because they were too complex.


That said, I have even less use for goofballs who have such a terrible self-image that they feel the need to start talking about how other people suck in order to reinforce their sense of self-worth.

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Originally posted by fluxONE:

do sounds that dont sound like anything organic but rather cheezy fake sounds sound like shit??

And hiphop sounds are very organic, right? :rolleyes: Oops... sorry... feeding the troll... :freak:

Who Put The ' M ' In MySpace?

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Originally posted by fluxONE:

Does music that is made by a lazy piece of shit sitting in his chair, pounding away at his midi keyboard, quantizing every 16th note, suck?


do songs played out on cheezy keyboards with cheezy soft synths suck no matter who you are?

I think Cheezy is the word your looking for.
"A Robot Playing Trumpet Blows"
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Originally posted by fluxONE:

Does music that is made by a lazy piece of shit sitting in his chair, pounding away at his midi keyboard, quantizing every 16th note, suck?

I suppose hip hop artists don't suck because they are hard working, make their music standing up, pound away at their USB keyboard, and swing quantize their 16ths.
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Originally posted by Jokerelli:

You think that someone who made such a bold statement would have a link to their music proving they knew what they were talking about and that they were not just a wannabe. This is the same type of person who posts on car forums that they have a GTO when in reality they drive a gremlin.



Better analogy would be the guy that derides mopar products on the car forums when, in all reality, he's never owned a classic car, and rolls around in a hooptyed out honda accord because he's a wannabe with no sense of taste.
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Maybe fluxONE got shitcanned. He/she sure did shut up in a hurry. Come in here and stur things up and then disappear. How lame.


Well, time for me to get back to making some 16th note electronica. Here's to you fluxONE!


Michael Oster

F7 Sound and Vision

ReGurgiTron - why just play music when you can MAKE NOISE!

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